Campaign bug in v1.6?

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Campaign bug in v1.6?

Unread postby zuraffo » 14 Oct 2009, 20:18

Hi all,

I am replaying the campaign with the latest patch. In Sylvan's mission 3 "the defence", I noticed the purple doesn't attack as scripted, rather it moves depending on the defensive strength of my main town. So if I leave a large enough force at my capitol purple will never attack.

Is it intended or it's a script bug?

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Unread postby Phate » 14 Oct 2009, 22:14

The purple hero is intended to run in (hopefully) like a lamb to the slaughter as soon as it possibly can after spawning. If you're experiencing something different then yes it is some kind of script bug, but not a serious one by the sounds of it.

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Unread postby jigsaw2008 » 15 Oct 2009, 10:04

Hello. I discovered another bug in the first mission of the Sylvan Campaign where the inferno hero doesn't attack you and so the mission never ends. It is a bug that you can solve if you restart the mission. Naturally in the 2nd month the Inferno Hero will attack you. If you defeat him you win and continue in the next mission. :)

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