Cant use lvl IV Destructive Magic

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Cant use lvl IV Destructive Magic

Unread postby kaveh11 » 08 Sep 2009, 08:35

Hello all

I have read the walk through but my question was not there, maybe I get my question here.

I am currently playing on mission 3,4th campaign,(Warlock → The Cultists ). I have empowered lvl 3 fireball but cant see chain lighting or meteor shower on my spell book, it seems there is no room for them, even though I have learned them.

My expertises are in master of ice and storm but don’t have master of fire yet, expert destructive magic.

When I went town at beginning of mission, after killing some creatures of course, it said I have learned meteor shower and implosion but they are not in spell book.

Can some one tell me how to activate them or what I have done wrong.

Thanks a lot.

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Grumpy Old Wizard
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Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 08 Sep 2009, 09:52

So when you click on the crossed swords in your spellbook they aren't there? Did you turn the page?

Are you sure you didn't load an earlier save and then not go learn the spells in the town?
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Unread postby kaveh11 » 08 Sep 2009, 17:08

Grumpy Old Wizard wrote:So when you click on the crossed swords in your spellbook they aren't there? Did you turn the page?

Are you sure you didn't load an earlier save and then not go learn the spells in the town?
nah, should shold be in destructive section of the book.will fireball upgrade to metro!?,cuz i have no room in destructive section.At one point lvl tree said i have learend too many skills.

i did not load any game , its an easy campain atleast so far.

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Unread postby Banedon » 09 Sep 2009, 00:55

Spells are affected the same way skills are; you can learn them all so long as you have the prerequisite magic.

You might not have the required level of Destructive Magic to learn those spells - e.g. Implosion, as a level 5 Destructive Magic spell, takes Expert Destructive Magic to learn. But more likely I think is that you've not turned the page. Open up your spellbook, and look for a way to turn the page the same way you turn the page of a normal book, you should see all your spells (you CAN cast more than 6 spells).
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