Starforce Article at Tom's Hardware

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Unread postby protecyon » 03 Oct 2005, 22:16

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby Vision » 03 Oct 2005, 22:16

When Tom's Hardware has an article denouncing a certain FARCE, there is some extreme legitimacy to the claims that the article presents. Its Tom's Hardware, only THE MOST TRUSTED COMPUTER HARDWARE site. They claim to have to rebuild computer after computer after computer, and StarFarce claims their software causes problems to a "slim minority"? I think this is icing on the cake.

Lord Harmon
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Unread postby Lord Harmon » 03 Oct 2005, 22:33

Are you willing to spend $50 to find out if you belong to the minority which with all my DVD software I believe I am screwed, I will be sad because I can't play one my favorite games but I will not introduce Star force to my PC. Sorry Ubisoft no sale.

Gljivko a.k.a Vortex
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Unread postby Gljivko a.k.a Vortex » 03 Oct 2005, 22:49

I think this should be introduced in the next poll on this site, to see actually what people think.
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Unread postby Raven-sb » 03 Oct 2005, 23:12


I think it's a sad state of affairs when you have to make a decision about a game you love and protecting your system. Until I read the article on Tom's Hardware, I was prepared to give HOMMV's starforce protection the benifit of the doubt. Now I'm not so sure. Ubi if you are reading these comments, I would check out that article and address the concerns that are raised there.

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Unread postby madcat_lives » 04 Oct 2005, 00:09

What I hate is, they always have this really long thing for you to read. You must say your ok with it. This way when it F***s up your computer you can't do any thing about it. Its to the point you better down load the game to keep your sys safe.
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Unread postby Rife » 04 Oct 2005, 04:19

This is disturbing and alarming news. I think I would risk it to play, but if I encountered these sorts of problems you will bet your ass I'll raise hell about it.
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Unread postby NecroSpazz » 04 Oct 2005, 12:21

This is very serious.

Of course i want to play HOMMV but can I take the risk that my computer doesnt work propely after that?
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Unread postby Vision » 04 Oct 2005, 12:31

StarFarce uses copy protection something like the following:

You buy a car with a radio. You buy a new radio that has XM or Sirius. The installer installs the radio for you, but without your knowledge or consent, decides that it is in HIS best interests to also install a filter for your separate CD player. If you use the radio, your CD player will not run. On top of that, neither will your car start because they screwed with some other electronic parts to prevent it because you are not using THEIR radio properly.

Sounds idiotic now, doesn't it? This is the crap that is StarFarce.

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Unread postby LindaG » 04 Oct 2005, 12:56

If this is true, I'm very sorry to hear it. I understand Ubisoft is worried about theft, but since I don't game on a *state of the art* system, I expect mine would be one of the *slim minority* affected.

My husband would be quite put out with me.

Not to mention spending $50 plus shipping. I am both sad and glad I read this before preordering the game. :(

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Unread postby mrmud » 05 Oct 2005, 09:26

I am probably forced to first buying the game then downloading a warez copy and installing that one instead just to avoid getting this mess onto my computer.

Forcing legitimate customers to download illegal versions to ensure the product works is kind of sad i think.

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Unread postby Zombie_Inc » 05 Oct 2005, 10:10

My computer doesn't work properly anyway, so I see no problem ;-)

But seriously, those who manage to get in the beta will probably be able to test how starforce works on their comp. If I hopefuly get in the beta and it works fine then I'll buy the game, but if not then it's a huge dilema.
Edited on Wed, Oct 05 2005, 04:11 by Zombie_Inc
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Unread postby madcat_lives » 05 Oct 2005, 18:01

It just seems safer to download then to buy. Its just like running Norton firewall, you keep most out but it slows your computer down alot. Still top hacker can still get in.
Let them think they are winning, when they find out they are losing, its too late.

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Unread postby madcat_lives » 05 Oct 2005, 18:05

With guys doing the beta test, can they tell us all if starforce is hurting the computer or not? The trsut level on this is small right now.
Let them think they are winning, when they find out they are losing, its too late.

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