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Unread postby ywhtptgtfo » 12 Jul 2009, 22:45

Banedon wrote: @Above - you're restricted by what spells are offered at your mage guild. As I wrote on hindsight Destructive Magic wasn't very smart; probably should've gone with Light.
Slow and Weakness are still relatively common, as they are low levels.
I think Savage Treants are pretty bad; by the time they get to act once, use Rage of the Forest and act again the battle will be pretty near over.
Almost same can be said about Ancient Treants. Rage at least pumps his initiative to 12. If Mass Haste is employed, then he'd still get a chance to make some difference.

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Unread postby RommeL_666 » 13 Jul 2009, 13:52

I got rape with Sylvan vs Barbarians.Amazing how much Sylvan units are not durable in final battle,almost everybody die from first strike,even though I went for Imbue ballista,it suck when one shot destroy it.Too bad though ballista should at least have 5000 hp to do something.It would be nice if it acted,three shots+implosion(1200dmg).
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Unread postby Mirez » 14 Jul 2009, 21:06

yup, if you get lucky you can manage to get tripple implosion once, after that the ballista is your opponents main target

that's why you should focus on avenger and getting a kickass rain of arrows
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Unread postby Banedon » 16 Jul 2009, 11:35

ywhtptgtfo wrote:
Banedon wrote: @Above - you're restricted by what spells are offered at your mage guild. As I wrote on hindsight Destructive Magic wasn't very smart; probably should've gone with Light.
Slow and Weakness are still relatively common, as they are low levels.
I think Savage Treants are pretty bad; by the time they get to act once, use Rage of the Forest and act again the battle will be pretty near over.
Almost same can be said about Ancient Treants. Rage at least pumps his initiative to 12. If Mass Haste is employed, then he'd still get a chance to make some difference.
It seems rather a waste to me to pick up four levels (Expert Dark + Master of [insert x]) to use just one spell. If the Mage Guild offered both Slow and Confusion, then Expert Dark + Master of Mind would be great, otherwise it's hard to believe that's superior to Expert Light + [insert x].

As for Ancient Treants having low initiative, yes, but they 1) don't need to use Rage of the Forest and 2) if they do hit someone, they bind that someone. If you've got nobody else near the bounded creature that creature is essentially neutralized, forced to attack the Ancient Treants. It won't even matter that much if the Ancient Treants can't retaliate because of their low initiative; they are such great tanks anyway. If they bind someone with high initiative, then their own low initiative won't matter too much.

It could be just me, but Savage Treants always seem to arrive at the melee too late with all the most dangerous stacks already dead or near dead. Still, one of my brothers is a fan of Savage Treants, so we'll find firm conclusions on the battlefield.
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Unread postby parcaleste » 17 Jul 2009, 11:30

All you need to do with the Ancient Treants is give them a defense command next to your shooters. And keep doing this with each and every turn. I never use Savage ones, find them not my type.

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Unread postby Mirez » 17 Jul 2009, 13:22

I don't really like savage treants either, treants are supposed to be this big tank unit, why waste a turn to turn it in a sucky melee unit?

I guess I should give em a try, cuz I rarely revive any treants using sybiosis just the pixy thingy's (who tend to die a lot faster because of obvious reasons)
treants are dendrosexual 0_o

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Unread postby Tarek » 23 Jul 2009, 23:49

ok my friend and I play hotseat ALL THE TIME with millions of battles and combos abd maps and etc.

all I could say is your friend played VERY BADLY :P sorry but he could have done a lot of things that made him win

first of all the trees are supposed to tank and stand in the face of fast strong units like paladins and root them
and he used bad magic spells for the battle and did he chose ur units as favorite enemy by the way????
anyhow elves must depend on thier initaitive, luck, defense to live since their units have low hp (except trees "the tanks")

hmm the way I see it after 1000000000 hotseat matchs the only race that has problems is the demons they suck bad unless u have lev 30 hero and huge army then they show thier real power but at the begining they just get owned becuase they have no defence and by the time gated creatures come ur main army is history :P

but all other races are more or less "balanced" although in heros thier is no such thing as balance since a strong spell can change EVERY THING

once I used my 221dwarf beserkers to kill 50 cyclopss yes people my friend let them live for 1 turn since thier defence dropd to 0 when u use thier ability and it adds to thier attack and I used rune of etherlness on them so when they got a 3rd turn they had 81 attack 0 defence and destroyed his strongest unit with what he though was one of my usless ones that day we learned the power of sawrf beserkers :P

anyway just showing u that a single strategy mistake can cost u a battle

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