Heroes 6 wishlist (draft)

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby lumpoor » 01 Jul 2009, 11:50

- The percentages of what skills & abilities are offered would depend on what sorts of things your hero does. For example if you have a garrison hero that never moves the odds they are offered logistics would approach near zero. If you have a hero that is a "fetcher" type who moves a lot but never enters combat the odds that you'd see "Offense" would drop a lot but you might get good odds of an ability like "treasure finder" or whatever may increase gold or chest quality or whatever. If you have a hero that's in combat a lot but "only casts haste" then the odds of you getting Light Magic would go up. If you never buy a war machine the odds of getting the skill would reduce quickly ....
I don't think this would work. Pro players would make a science out of it. They'd need to do alot of unnecessary things to get the skill they want. And if you don't want for example logistics for your hero, you will try to move as little as possible. People would try to change their heroes behavior to get the desired skills, and I think that would defeat the purpose of this idea.
1.Stat point should let choose uself (attack/defence/spellpower/knowledge)
this lets u custom your hero better every lvl u can add 1 point one of them.

2.change to make your own hero and 5 starting stat points to use for it and one skill for choosing, depends of faction.
Nah, I disagree. For one, this would kinda ruin factions. Really mighty academy heroes? Also, people would like either put everything into spellpower, or everything into might, ruining the balance between stats. Sure, some heroes are magicy, and some heroes are mighty, but imagine a hero with 0 attack, 0 defense, 40 spellpower and 6 knowledge. it would ruin the balance basically.

And even better, imagine a hero with 40 attack, 0 defense, 0 spellpower, 6 knowledge casting only phantom forces. It would have such a devastating effect
It'd be full-up Diablo 2 style stat and skill choices at every level up.
I've played diablo 2 alot, and it's a very good game, but imo the stat system was horrendous.

Hardcore players made a science out of it, which is completely natural. The energy stat was very unpopular, people almost only took vitality, new players had no idea what the stats did.

You might focus on strength only and then you find this super cool polearm, which takes alot of dexterity. And if you could, you would've converted some old strength to dex, but no, you have to wait 8 levels and put everything into dex to get 40 dexterity.

But before you levelled that much, you found a better weapon. Also, new players using a sorceress put almost everything in energy, then they come to late nightmare and get one-shotted. I really hated that skill system.

So I really don't think it would be a good idea with choosable primary skills.
I'd like the possibility to chose music so it dosen't change everytime U enter a town or a new landscape. Love the music so it's annoying to never hear the end of the songs.
Well that would in my opinion be quite annoying. Imagine needing to switch music all the time. I mean maybe not the physical annoyance, but the mental annoyance. Should I change now? Have I listened to this one? etc. Very often you might forget to switch and you hear the same music all the time. I tihnk it's better if the game switches for you to ensure variation

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Unread postby Kristo » 02 Jul 2009, 13:16

The way I read your concerns, it seems like you're worried that some players will play the game differently than you think they ought to. Well, they're going to anyway, so don't worry about it. :D Also, since when is a level 41 hero (i.e., somebody with 40 spell power and 6 knowledge) not a force to be reckoned with? The ability to pour all your level ups into a single primary skill is not unbalanced by itself. If, as a result of that, we discover that the primary skills don't scale well to numbers that high, then yes, we have a problem.

I post this in a "well, so what?" tone because you've done nothing but claim that everyone's ideas are bad but haven't offered any counter-suggestions.
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Unread postby lumpoor » 02 Jul 2009, 21:34

Play the game differently then what I think they ought to?

I, like you, think these ideas sound great in theory, but you have to think of how they are in practice.

Some things may seem great when they are your own idea, since you know everything about it, but it may be very confusing for people not familiar with it, among other possible faults.

My counter ideas? Keep it as it is. I'm not saying change is bad, I do have alot of suggestions for H6, but let's discuss our suggestions instead of thinking that all these ideas are plausible and let's suggest them all to ubi (or nival or whatever).

I for example have a suggestion. You can have a memory mentor in your castle, but it's expensive and the cost skyrockets every time you buy his services, to prevent abuse. That way you can prevent choosing a skill that would block you from getting the ultimate, yet it can't be abused.

Don't get me wrong, customization is in my opinion one of the important things in a gam.e that's one of the reasons I stopped playing WoW (the customization there is HORRIBLE). I also like suggesting things. We have to ask ourselves, what's the point of this thread? To suggest things to ubi/nival, or to have fun brainstorming and discussing creative ideas? I guess it's a mix of both, so maybe I shouldn't critisize ideas due to the second half.

I'm sorry

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Unread postby Landaree » 10 Jul 2009, 21:23

Hi All,

my daughter who is 8 and a great fan of HOMM V has made some drawings about an Aquahero. This hero would live underwater, rides a Manta Ray, has troops like giant sharks, waterplants, octopuses and hydras as shooters etc. Other -overland- heros should gain an ability to go underwater and survive there for a certain nr of turns, and complete a quest there.

I think it is pretty good for her age. :) :) :)


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Unread postby Kalah » 10 Jul 2009, 23:08

An underwater town?

Why not, I like it. Certainly something new... but how would you siege it? ;)

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Unread postby theLuckyDragon » 11 Jul 2009, 06:27

Swim in from above? Call Moses?
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Unread postby Sir Dabbler » 11 Jul 2009, 12:51

An old idea but sparked by the underwater town. Have an aerial town. Located on Mt. tops that would have 'pathes' to it. Would open up a different race of beings and add some different 'spice' to games.

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Unread postby gibby84 » 12 Jul 2009, 01:43

the underwater town idea reminds me of the second xcom game... but that's beside the point. Perhaps there could be new discovered technology left by The Ancients that provides underwater mobility?
I also like the idea of air towns as well (weren't conflux towns in HoMM III considered 'air towns'?)

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Unread postby Thelonious » 21 Jul 2009, 13:30

an underwater/air town = nice but brings problems. Main problems are that 'normal' towns cannot reach them without aid. That means that they have an adventage. Furthermore (this is specifically for the underwater town though) any units for the underwater town would look plain silly on dry land. Which means that they would need (in most cases) aid.

Ancient technology is very, very unlikely since UbiSoft created a new story line.

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Unread postby Tarek » 23 Jul 2009, 23:16

B-) hi

first post here just joined :P

well I've been playing heroes for 10 years :P and I think I have a pretty nice wish list:

ok ...hmmmm

1- MORE spells I mean hundreds (faction based spells and all that too)

2- more creature upgrades 5 or 6 even 10 the more the better, makes game very interesting.

3- better AI because in heroes 5 I can beat a heroic level AI and if u know the AI that's not really mean I can play like god :P

4- omg more DEMONIC demon creatures because in H5 they looked kind of cute to me and the devil was not scary as he should..!!

5- NO LUCK double damage WTH was that, take luck = win!! crap

6- NO OVERPOWERED dwarf runes O M G its cheating if dwarf player has 2 towns and lots of resources with level 40 hero GOOD LUCK beating him its almost insane to do it.

7- Maybe units will show as REAL Legions on the field that would be amazing and will solve the 100 archers kill 1 million peasant in one shot crap look at Rome total war maybe something like that.

8- I liked the haven and elf and academy town music and some of the siege music if they can do something like that I would be happy, I mean music wise :P

9- towns looked nice in H5 just revamp them they look cool loved the academy town wish I lived in one :(

10- create our own heroes :/ maybe we can put our face too :P hehe

11- SKILL TREES like world of warcraft for the heroes I would love to have a HERO not a spell shooting canon, not sure if heroes should fight though can't decide on it although it would be cool and all but the KILL HERO first might make battles suck don't know if they can balance it it would be cool. Like maybe the units in hero army have the protect hero ability and they shield him from harm with there lives ... just an amazing idea plz stop worshiping me :proud:

just kidding :P cool idea though

That's it for now

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 24 Jul 2009, 06:50

Kalah wrote:An underwater town?

Why not, I like it. Certainly something new... but how would you siege it? ;)
Piss in the water until it kills them all...
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Unread postby Blocks100 » 24 Jul 2009, 12:18

I'm getting bored of having to create just one uber-powerful hero to beat the game. I think there should be a cap to the number of units that each hero can have in their army. This way you'd have to develop a roster of heroes whose skills compliment each other, rather than having a single hero with a massive army that hogs all the limelight. It'd increase the strategy demands and make things less predictable.

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Unread postby Kristo » 24 Jul 2009, 13:51

You can do that now, to some extent. If you play really large maps (Heroes 2's Lost Continent comes to mind), I think you'll find that you need several strong armies by endgame to be successful.

As an experiment, you could play a hotseat game against yourself and enforce an arbitrary creature cap per army. See how the game plays differently and let us know what you find. I'd be interested to hear the results.
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Unread postby Tarek » 26 Jul 2009, 20:50

Kristo wrote:You can do that now, to some extent. If you play really large maps (Heroes 2's Lost Continent comes to mind), I think you'll find that you need several strong armies by endgame to be successful.

As an experiment, you could play a hotseat game against yourself and enforce an arbitrary creature cap per army. See how the game plays differently and let us know what you find. I'd be interested to hear the results.
very cool concept army limit ,..... well it makes sence since u can't put 10000000 dragons in a single battle field.... where will they fit just imagine

army limit sounds like a great idea to me

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Unread postby Thelonious » 27 Jul 2009, 11:50

ThunderTitan wrote:
Kalah wrote:An underwater town?

Why not, I like it. Certainly something new... but how would you siege it? ;)
Piss in the water until it kills them all...
This might be slightly off topic, but what the heck do you piss? Battery acid?

I don't think normal piss would enduce the fall of an underwater town, before the piss concentration would be great enough the town could have moved entirely.

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 27 Jul 2009, 12:21

I piss liquid thunder, duh!

And 1000+ peasant should be able to do the job... just make sure there's enough ale for them all.
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Unread postby Orfinn » 31 Jul 2009, 15:42

Did I mention this? Better balance of upgrades! If we ever see another HoMM game that is :devious:

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Unread postby Shyranis » 31 Jul 2009, 18:17

I'd like for them to combine the universes of the older M&M games with the newer ones, even if it's only by having some older heroes portal in. (They do mention Sandro and Crag hack in Heroes 5, but those are names already used by multiple characters in the old M&M universe)

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Unread postby EvilNed » 07 Aug 2009, 23:31

I have few requests. I really like Heroes 5, and wouldn't mind if they postponed Heroes 6 just to release another expansion with another town for Heroes 5. But that's just me. However, now that we brought it up...

I'm also a Heroes nostalgic. Which means that I really fall in love with all the towns. I can't play plain old vanilla Heroes 5 because it's missing one important town for me... Barbarians! These guys have been in the games since Heroes 1! I consider the six towns in Heroes 2 to be the important core that has to be in every game. Again, just me.

So, heh, if I were to be so bold, I'd really like for Heroes 6 to feature all towns that have appeared to date. :p That means,


Wow. That's alot of towns, I know, but I'll just missing one of them if they're not in the game. I can go without Dwarves, however, since I mostly consider them to be part of the Sorcerer town anyway. They were in 1-3 anyways.

Oh, and I have one more, very humble request...

In H1-4, there world is much more alive. You get the feeling you're on an adventure. Why is this? Well, because everytime you pick up an artifact, you get a little story of how you found it. In Heroes 5, it's just instantly added to your inventory. Not a big fan of that. Give us the oh-so-small stories. They're important!

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Unread postby Blocks100 » 10 Aug 2009, 22:13

EvilNed wrote:
In H1-4, there world is much more alive. You get the feeling you're on an adventure. Why is this? Well, because everytime you pick up an artifact, you get a little story of how you found it. In Heroes 5, it's just instantly added to your inventory. Not a big fan of that. Give us the oh-so-small stories. They're important!
Not really a big fan of the stories, but would really like detailed item descriptions to go with the artifacts themselves - their origins, purpose and previous owners....

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