I just made a Uber Party:
This party contains:
* HIGH stats (1 billion +)
* All spells which serious damage
* an extremly fast bow, with explosive impact!
* All Artifact and Relic (not shown on picture)
* Strong Rings/Amulet/Belt
* High amount of Health/Mana
* HIGH AMOUNT OF GOLD, you cant even count it
* You always have enough food now!
* Level 2000, with still enough exp to go to 2071
* Age of 1
* 99% undefeatable (watch out for death,eradicate efects: cast Prot. magic)
Save starts at Harmondale when you just finished Emerald island.
Dont worry: You can easily go back to Emerald Island which just recovering the beacon i've placed.
How to use it?
Program files > 3do > Might and Magic VII > Saves > Paste save008.mm7
Make sure you backup your save008.mm7 IF you have one!
I had alot of fun with it and i hope you enjoy it too!
Please visit
A Better Hacked save!!!