In Regards to Maps

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In Regards to Maps

Unread postby Derek » 05 Jul 2009, 19:24

I bought Heroes V: Tribes of the East last weekend over Steam($5, which was a very nice deal). In any case, I was sad to see the game had so few maps in it. And as nice as the maps hosted here are, I would sort of like to see the maps that originally were in the game. Is there any possible(read: legal) way for these to be sent in my general direction? I assume this is not a big deal...

Also, sorry mods if this is in the wrong forum(mapmaking didn't seem apt).
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Unread postby Elias_Maluco » 06 Jul 2009, 13:55

And once you get done with the official stuff, go to:

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Unread postby Derek » 06 Jul 2009, 14:46

Thanks! :D
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Speaking of Maps

Unread postby PrairiePlayer » 11 Jul 2009, 19:13

I have a problem with my stored maps and am looking for some help. I can no longer open any maps stored in my Maps folder and get an error message that the map is corrupted or the file is not supported or I am attempting to open the map outside of the game maps folder (which is not the case). The problem suddenly applied to my maps folders in both TOTE and original-HOF game folders. I can play all of the maps without any problems, just cannot open them, which is disappointing as I like to tinker with custom maps. Any suggestions or assistance would be appreciated.

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Unread postby bkknight2602 » 26 Jun 2011, 02:05

I did downloaded all the campaigns from the second site and added them to the UserMODs folder, however they are not available to play. Do they all need to be placed somewhere else or fo I need another pointer?

The first link did indeed download all the campaign maps. Where do they go to play them?

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Unread postby Mlai » 26 Jun 2011, 13:03

I have a question regarding a fan-made map The School.

I dl'ed and is playing it because ppl say it's a good map, and the map's text file boasts how it uses new script, new effects, bla bla. "Play as the blue Academy player for the original experience," bla bla. I'm playing through this map right now, and it's just a boring featureless 4-way map, completely symmetrical above and underground. It looks nothing like the sample picture.

WTF is going on? I double-checked to make sure I downloaded the correct map, and is playing the correct map. WTF. Is this a rick-roll??? Am I going to be magically transported a secret map after I beat the current boring map??? That had better be what's happening, cuz right now this is bull****.

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Unread postby bkknight2602 » 26 Jun 2011, 13:48

Mlai wrote:I have a question regarding a fan-made map The School.

I dl'ed and is playing it because ppl say it's a good map, and the map's text file boasts how it uses new script, new effects, bla bla. "Play as the blue Academy player for the original experience," bla bla. I'm playing through this map right now, and it's just a boring featureless 4-way map, completely symmetrical above and underground. It looks nothing like the sample picture.

WTF is going on? I double-checked to make sure I downloaded the correct map, and is playing the correct map. WTF. Is this a rick-roll??? Am I going to be magically transported a secret map after I beat the current boring map??? That had better be what's happening, cuz right now this is bull****.
If you downloaded here: ... mit=Search then you have the correct map. I found Brian's coding to be very good, way above my level. Perhaps you haven't gone to all the "sites" where his coding changes the way the normal game progresses.

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Unread postby Mlai » 26 Jun 2011, 18:23

Yes I have the correct map. I just beat the map. Nothing special happened thru the game or at the end. WTF? This was just an ordinary, featureless, plain, boring map. :tired: :| :disagree:

What special script? What special effects? I explored the entire map, above and underground. I defeated all the other heroes. Nothing.

Enough riddles. Please tell me straight what is special about this map, and why the actual map looks nothing like the preview picture. I'm using TotE 3.1... is it incompatible or something?

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Unread postby bkknight2602 » 26 Jun 2011, 19:01

I haven't played the map in some time, so some of this is from memory.
There is a "special mine" north of one of the Haven towns--the more peasant you add to it the more money is generated (not just the 1000)
There is a archer trining area east oof the same castle that trains archers to marksman for 10/each.
There is a Priest training area east of the central Haven town--trains footman to priests.
There is a Palidan training area south of the above site--trains palidans.
I never played the game as Academy--But when you play with another faction-code battles occur when you reach the Academy area.
There are more training sites in the under ground, one for Minotaurs, one for another Dungeaon creature(don't remember).
The difficulty of the map is generated at the beginning--your choice.
There was a place by one of the Necro towns that changed zombies into ghosts for sale underground to get shadow dragons(I think).
There probably was more coding but I can't remember them all.
I took a lot of the ideas and encorporated into some of my maps.

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Unread postby Mlai » 27 Jun 2011, 13:24

I see the problem now! There is a Nival multiplayer map called "The School"!!! I played that map, thinking that's The School fan map that I downloaded!

Now I'm playing the correct map, whose name is BK-School-348945976648951. :hoo:

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Unread postby bkknight2602 » 29 Jun 2011, 16:34

Yep that is the correct one, I didn't realize there was another "school" map. Good luck

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Unread postby Jymbob » 25 Dec 2011, 08:14

Sorry to drag this old thread at top but just wanted to thanks the scribter of BK-School.
Its at my top-3 list of HoMMV maps. I have played it with every possible faction and at most diffecult levels (not won them all though).
In short: Its a fantastic map and me and my wife have spent so many great hours playing it, so thanks again :)

EDIT: We are always looking for others top 3 or 5 or whatever list for good maps, just in case we missed some or gave some up before we could see the awesomeness..

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Unread postby frozd » 29 Dec 2011, 11:44

Hi guys I've played and enjoyed that map (bk-the school) a lot as well, but one annoying thing that kept happening was that the red player's turns were so long after a few months or so. It was not opening the border gate, which is not a big deal, but it seemed like he stood at those stables where you can get paladins with one hero and spaming all his movepoints into it.

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Unread postby Jymbob » 29 Dec 2011, 12:29

There are minor things that could be better surely, for example you risk meeting the warlock with his 1000 minotaurs, thats alot at a map this size.
I always play the game in window-mode so I can do other things at the pc while its the npc's turns..

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Unread postby Ironblade » 30 Apr 2013, 02:01

I've encountered a problem with Davious Maximum's "The Great Canyon" map. After playing a game for several days, when I enter a town and go to the upgrade screen to build/upgrade the game crashes and I can't figure out why. The game doesn't crash every time I try this, but it happens often enough that it gets annoying. And, many times when I re-enter the game and load a saved game (either a saved game with a name or an autosave) the game crashes on reloading. This is the only custom generated map that it occurs on. All of the other custom generated maps that I've downloaded that are sized greater than "huge" (which is The Great Canyon's size) don't give me any problems. In other words, custom maps in the impossible size range run fine. I have re-downloaded the game and re-unzipped it (is that a word?) and still have the problem.

Running Windows 7 home premium.

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about the crashes

Unread postby markkur » 30 Apr 2013, 15:01

Fyi, I run W7 and so-far have not had this happen but my wife and I were playing 2 nights ago and this exact thing occurred on her Vista-machine. We were playing a fan-map that I had modified for test-purposes. (nearly impossible to play in its released form)

I am a mapmaker of those dreaded larger maps :D and I never saw this problem before, until this happened; every time she tried to "build" in her Necro-town, the game-crashed and also affected the saves . Funny I was playing Academy and no problems there; the crashes were always with the "Necro-town-builds". Not-a-clue as to the why of that.

I doubt I will ever "Know" what happened. But here are my thoughts, running in a few directions.<L>

1. H5 is a wonderful game but horribly leaky. If any "conflict" gets "saved & kept" it will bleed into any game you play. Therefore when any crash happens; all saves should be deleted, Named & Auto. and ofc...only one custom-map should be in Maps-folder.

2. I always disconnect from the Internet when playing because I "guess" that ANY outside-the-game-activity, can cause this sort of corruption. I never have the crashes I once did, so there must be something to this. All the newer OS and programs are about tracking activity.

3. Newer video can cause problems i.e. A fan made a vid-mod because he found that H5 had conflicts with vid-memory and therefore could not utilize the better stats, or retarded the picture, as-in the blur-bit.

We are re-playing the map after cleaning-up and so far no problems. I've played as Necro and had no problems. Our problem map was HotSpringsV4. <iirc>The Great Canyon has some very high elevations and HotSprings has even higher. This is very problematic in game-play because of the "Camera"

Anyway, just thought I'd share what I think; I detest never knowing for sure what corrupts H5 files; I've fought the same fight in the Editor. Since the game & editor are linked I clean-up the HoMM mOds there too. Every time a map is opened a folder is made for it.

We lowered the Vid-quality, switched to the hard-cursor, cleaned-up and she now plays disconnected :D
Good luck!

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