Steam has a weekend sale on Heroes V and the 2 expansions. I have the retail versions of Heroes V plus Tote, but not HOF. I am still trying to finish the original Heroes V campaign. For the download price of all 3 seems like a no brainer to purchase.
Question is, can I use my current saves in the steam version, or do I have to start from scratch?
Running retail on Vista 64 with no problems at present.
Also, Tribes of east is for $5 at impulse driven
Also it's good too see both Might and Magic packs in top 6 best sellers in steam
To answer my own question, yep seem compatible. As stated before I had retail version but was cheaper to buy all 3 from steam then the single HOF by itself. I could not find where steam saves were to transfer over my retail save.
However when I load the steam version my retail saves showed up. Now to continue with my quest to finish the original campaign.
I bought the combo pack as well. I had borrowed the main game and HoF while at college, but now I own the entire set. Now I'm playing through TotE. Wish I had realized I wasn't going to be able to keep the Orc Hero at the beginning.
One of the advantages of our modern day Windows procedures with games: All saved games are saved in the \Documents\My Games folder. I know AoE 3 also saves your game there as well.