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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby Kristo » 23 Jun 2009, 02:38

Has anyone won the Heroes II map Mountain King on a difficulty higher than normal? I'm currently 0-for-3 on hard difficulty. I seem to be getting off to a good start - economy doing well, buildings going up as soon as can be expected, etc. But I'm consistently defeated around the 4th week or so. My latest attempt was with a Warlock castle and a Knight hero. My first week build order was:


I feel like I've improved with each attempt at this map but I've still lost three times in a row. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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HOMMIII: Long Live the King - A Gryphon's Heart

Unread postby Rymbeld » 29 Jul 2009, 20:02

In A Gryphon's Heart, the first scenario of the Necromantic campaign in Restoration of Erathia, one's quest is to seek the Spirit of Oppression, and to seize the body of the recently dead King Gryphonheart located in Stonecastle. The task must be completed in three months' time, else the body will decay into disrepair.

Moandor set out from Blackquarter after hiring his friend Galthram. Together they quickly scout out the surroundings and the nearby catacombs. On day four, Moandor skirmishes with a few Marksmen. This was the initiation of hostilities. The next day, Galthram broke through the North garrison and studied offensive techniques at the Mercenary camp.

During the first week, Moandor ordered the construction of a Blacksmith, Mage Guild, Market, Town Hall, Graveyard, Tomb of Souls, and an Estate. An army of dead would rise!

After a week of hard riding, it was decided to recruit a new general. The men thought that Vidomana would bring a nice feminine touch to Blackquarter, and do well with managing the back lines. However, she quickly asserted herself. She played each man off the other and maneuvered herself into a superior command. She indeed did remain near Blackquarter during her first week of command -- but such was the source of her strength. She found herself in possession of a large army.

The second week was not very eventful. However, on the sixth day of this week, the thirteenth day of the campaign, Moandor broke through the Northwest garrison. However, he took heavy losses in a battle with 18 swordsmen later that day: his losses were 18 skeletons, 5 walking dead, 4 wraiths, and 3 liches. This battle effectively halted his advance. He would have to await reinforcements.

However, at the beginning of Week three Vidomina refused to send them forward. Instead, she herself asserted command and, taking a large force with her, she broke through the last garrison, on the seventeenth day of the campaign. The next day, her army clashed with Erathian forces led by Loynis. The Battle of Stonecastle was an overwhelming success for the Kingdom of Deyja. The losses of the Erathians were 22 archers, 98 pikesmen, 4 swordsmen and 2 griffins, dead. Vidomina's army lost 118 skeletons, 13 wights, 8 walking dead and 2 vampires. The next day Stonecastle was captured.

The remaining months were spent searching for the Spirit of Oppression, a necessary amulet for the resurrection of the Erathian king. There were no major events during the search. It was completed after two months, three weeks and five days.

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Unread postby Pol » 09 Aug 2009, 09:17


:) You could be a storywriter.
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Unread postby EvilNed » 09 Aug 2009, 19:16

PhoenixReborn wrote:I'd like to see pyramid map made in heroes 5.
I'd like to see Dominion made into a Heroes 5 map! I'd give it a go myself, but the Heroes 5 editor is way to complicated for me... Sadly. Dominion is my all-time favourite map. Especially for Hot Seat.

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