The Way of the Hammer

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The Way of the Hammer

Unread postby Angelspit » 13 Feb 2007, 02:54

<img src="/images/news/freyda1.jpg" align=right vspace=10 hspace=10>As you might expect, maltz went through the Haven campaign of the Hammers of Fate expansion like a Paladin through a battlefield. He provides tips to complete the five scenarios at Heroic with the best character development, and includes screenshots with funny captions. Let him tell you about the adventures of Godric's daughter, a character we didn't really expect to see again...:

<b>Freyda's Dilemma</b>: <a href="/667">Rebels</a> | <a href="/668">Suspicion</a> | <a href="/669">Duncan</a> | <a href="/670">Negociations</a> | <a href="/671">Choices</a>

Special thanks to Caradoc for the proofreading. The next campaign, Wulfstan's Defiance, featuring the Fortress Dwarves, is already under way.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby Loco Blutaxt » 13 Feb 2007, 08:30

"The most intelligent woman in the original HoMM5 has returned!"

I've already played the campaign but reading the walkthrough was really a lot of fun not least because of it's humour. maltz is my hero of the day!

If you're a German speaking fanboy of the Heroes series also visit Drachenwald

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Re: Hammers of Fate &#8594; Freyda's Dilemma &#8594;

Unread postby ThunderTitan » 13 Feb 2007, 13:07

Loco Blutaxt wrote:"The most intelligent woman in the original HoMM5 has returned!"
If you mean Biara then she's the smartest period. But only because everyone else was dropped on their head when they were little.
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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby Cleanpea » 13 Feb 2007, 15:06

why can you see the sky in-game in the screenshots! I can't see it in my game. Has it something to do with 3dcard support???

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby maltz » 13 Feb 2007, 15:48


The sky can be seen through two steps:

1. Adjust camera angle settings in the Game's directory, ./Profile/autoexec.cfg. In expansion this file is autoexec_a1.cfg (or something that has a "1" in its name). By making the camera angle more liberal you can see the sky. On slower PC and a large map, though, you might slow down the game very slow by having so many scenary to show on the screen temporarily.

2. Go to your My Document/My Game/HoMM5/Hammers of Fate directory, and modify the user.cfg file. Find the line that contains the keyword "shader". Change the number from 0 to 1. You'll lose the water color, but will get the sky back. This will screw up a lot of graphics in other places, so I onl do it for screenshot purpose.

The forums should contain details of how to do it. I got my instructions from searching as well.

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby Cleanpea » 14 Feb 2007, 09:21

Thanks, Maltz!

It is that much cooler now. Have a nice day to you:)

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby Pol » 16 Feb 2007, 11:15

The guide is perfect, my admiration for it, but on the ch main page you are still having Negociations© special word. ;)
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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby Ben Khor » 16 Feb 2007, 17:18

Admins note: Warez discusion is not allowed on this site.
Edited on Sat, Feb 17 2007, 01:20 by Sauron

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby shep61 » 17 Feb 2007, 22:51

Nice job, Maltz. I've been through the campaign on heroic, but always like to play again with a walkthrough to give a different perspective. So, I played yours and all is great until the final battle. Caldwell has 17 paladins, 37 imp griffins, 150 marksmen, etc. No way I can beat him with my 2 paladins, 70 crossbows, etc., especially with weak level 8 Freyda. His 17 paladins alone take out an entire stack of mine every turn. Did I miss something? I followed you to the letter.

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby maltz » 18 Feb 2007, 08:19

17 Paladins? In my game save I only had 11. Maybe you waited a little too long? EVen with only 11 paladins it will be a close call. Here are a few tips: (1) Don't position anything within the Paladin's striking radius first. (2) Move away your largest shooter stack, so their Imperial Griffin can't dive them down. (3) Battle dive the Marksmen with your own imperial Griffin.

I hope you gave your Freyda a few useful skills at this point. If you are lucky, you can get high morale / lucky.

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby shep61 » 18 Feb 2007, 18:21

Actually, I tried again and waited even longer, picking up troops this time. Now Caldwell had 6 paladins and a very weak army. Very strange. Anyway, I got through it. Thanks.

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby Shad0wRi0ts » 02 Mar 2007, 10:38

How do you "Eliminate the rebel units" because i was flaging all the peasant huts and it said i failed that mission.

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby maltz » 02 Mar 2007, 15:35

I just checked the mission script, and found the lines where it says your mission can fail. But I can't post the entire code here as it is screwed up by the html format.

It roughly says that if "j" is less than 2 (I don't know what it means before checking further), and if your removed_rebels is not < 16, then you fail the mission. This doesn't make sense as you should be rewarded for removing more than 16 rebels...? (There are 32 in total).
Edited on Fri, Mar 02 2007, 07:37 by maltz

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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 02 Mar 2007, 21:00

Try enclosing the code in code tags:

Code: Select all

[code]Code goes here!
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Hammers of Fate &#8594; Freyda's Dilemma &#8594; Reb

Unread postby Corribus » 30 Jul 2007, 15:53

Nice walkthrough for map 1, but I found a few things that appear to be incorrect.

I didn't have to do the druid sidequest - once I got all the peasant huts, green heroes appeared which, once beaten, allowed me to approach the two final areas - and I didn't have to beat the shadow-dragons. It's easy to go around.
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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby NickMP » 03 Sep 2007, 22:03

Yes, excellent as usual, Maltz, but agree with Corribus on the minor points -it's taking all the peasant huts that makes the druids "come out of the forest" and fight like, er, men. And the eastern road gives a route to Caldwell that isn't blocked by archangels or dragons. A clue is right a tthe start if you inspect the roadsigns - straight ahead is "main road" but to the right is the "cut".

Played on normal (I like to avoid having to worry about gamey tricks and just 'play the story' - just a personal preference) and it's certainly very easy at that level so long as you resist the temptation to assault the few super-stacks on the map - the dragons, archangels and phoenixes.

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby VAMPSVSZOUNDS » 16 Jun 2009, 13:46

I fought Caldwell on day 2 week 2 month 3 and he had:4 paladins,12 Inquisitors,25 squires,30 marksmen,50 conscripts and I easily defeated them with my 150+ enforcers,3(!!!)Crossbowmen,no griffins,130+ Archers,500+ Peasants,2 Cavaliers@150+ footmen.I think that completing the rebel units sidequest makes Caldwell receive no units.This Caldwell was weaker than the one I fought on Normal!(PS:2.0 Hard.)

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby cjlee » 21 Jun 2010, 19:16

some questions Maltz:

how does Battle Dive timing work?

How do you ensure that griffins' dives work the way you want? It's great to use battle dive against far more powerful enemies, but if they catch you landing at the wrong time it's game over.

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Hammers of Fate → Freyda's Dilemma → Rebels

Unread postby gsandro1 » 31 Aug 2010, 17:56

Thanks a lot maltz for the excellent walkthroughs, the thing especially I found very useful is the hero skills development, since it saved me a lot of time and made me enjoy more the game.

Thanks again

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