When you see xxx=yyy in the function description it only means that yyy is a value by default for parameter xxx, so if you ommit it the game will decide that xxx = yyy. So instead of
MoveCamera(24, 152, 0, zoom = 50, pitch = pi/2, yaw = 0, noZoom = 0, noRotate = 0);
you should either write
MoveCamera(24, 152, 0, 50, pi/2, 0, 0, 0);
or simply
MoveCamera(24, 152, 0);
However, I recommend that you use this values:
MoveCamera(24, 152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1);
So the camera won't rotate and pitch and just move to the point.
Heroes V map editor questions
on early answer, when i asked how make "got ya" monster attack script, that hidden ambush thing.. well when i touch region again it will start combat again so i how the hell i can stop trigger?
function ambushguardsdefeated(h,rst)
--This function is called after the battle
if (rst~=nil) then
--hero won, this check is _essencial_
MessageBox("Maps/SingleMissions/Demon Urgash/hiddenfight1.txt");
function myambush(h)
MessageBox("Maps/SingleMissions/Demon Urgash/hiddenfight2.txt");
StartCombat(h, nil, 4, CREATURE_ARCH_DEMON, 80, CREATURE_ARCHDEVIL, 100, CREATURE_SUCCUBUS_SEDUCER, 150, CREATURE_ARCHDEVIL, 100, nil, "ambushguardsdefeated", nil, not nil);
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