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Unread postby gemzicle » 11 Dec 2008, 20:36

So I managed to kill that pack of 500 centaurs, 800 goblins (2x 400) and 168 wyverns.. If you run into the same scenario, try to position your guys behind the wall so that the wyvern cannot land. Use Fear my Roar to scare away the goblins if the next cyclops turn allows them to throw at you. You can take some damage from the centaurs. Prioritize between killing the goblins, centaurs, catapult, and then slowly chip away at the wyverns.

I ended up reloading to purchase Chieftains. Had two packs of 40 instead of loading up on wyverns so that I can whip my cylcops to throw more goblins. With triple flaming ballista, 200 centaurs, 15 cyclops, 2x 40 chieftains, 300 goblins, I was able to hold them off.

Awaiting the next blue/teal hero to come with 1000 centaurs...
Edited on Thu, Dec 11 2008, 15:38 by gemzicle

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Unread postby wzbbb » 09 Jan 2009, 05:13

Great walkthrough. Just wanted to point out to people who are having problem fighing the invading armies that its very easy to defeat them if you defend inside the city. For some reason the ai always bring bloodeye cyclops, and so winning is just a simple matter of shooting down the catapult (300 centaurs can do it in one shot, otherwise its 1 shot plus a chain lightning from sky daughters), killing all the goblins and then shooting down their centaur. The ranged penalty + blood rage makes their centaurs near useless, 500 centaurs can only kill 20-30 of mine per turn, whilst my 300 acts a lot faster due to chieftains and their blood rage is drained by my towers. Once their shooters are dead, the enemy just retreats. Now if they brought untamed cyclops along, then it'd be a different story.

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Unread postby dups » 26 Jan 2009, 00:34

where do you find the summon boat magic from?

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Unread postby csarmi » 03 Feb 2009, 14:27

The Ore Pit CAN be taken with acceptable losses quite early. You need about 20 warmongers, 6 goblins and a triple ballista and it's quite easy. I've lost a few warmongers. I apllied the very same tactic at several places. Goblins give rage + neutrals target them 1st + the occasional slow and warmongers are HARD to kill and fierce retaliation takes out stacks alone.

BTW I took the first town on day one (didnt feel like cheating the AI to build it) and for a while I used Toulin as my main. I couldn't take the rune priests, wolves and the druid stacks fast, but the rest of the stacks was handled by warmongers. The first invading army came quite soon and brought 1 cyclops and a bigger army than mine, but it was easy to kill, al I lost was my centaurs (I lost all of those).

My main army (except for the ballista+warmolnger fights) was usually LOTS of earth daughters, clever handling of slow/haste and killing everything with them - they are very effective (they handled the garrison with some backup). After then I killed the huge incoming army destroying the catapult and NOT killing the ballista so that the enem ynever retreated and I killd them all (with 120 earth girls).

The rest was a cakewalk.

The most scary purple hero was the one with 150*2 elfven archers for me.

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Unread postby bocfan » 25 Feb 2009, 21:25

Does ANYONE beaten the recurring teal scenario? He comes every two weeks and I don't have enough time to go fight the Green player. It seems I am doing something to trigger the scenario. I can easily beat Teal the first time.

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Unread postby jubei » 10 Mar 2009, 10:24

i tried it on normal, flagged almost all mines in first month, on 6th week i had a visitor - azure player, army five times bigger than mine, and thank you maltz for the tripple ballista trick, i reached it at level 12, without it i would not stand a chance against them, the trick is to destroy catapult first, it took me 4 rounds, then, the centaurs, after that i only waited for half an hour waiting only for my hero , ballista and one remaining tower to strike, when ballista ran out of shots there was only fiew sky daughters left, i lost only 30 % of my army

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Unread postby jubei » 11 Mar 2009, 10:51

bocfan, the same thing happened to me, i had to wait for almost a month to build an army for 2 heroes - kujin to go ahead with the mission and Toulain - i've managed to win one battle with Toulain and finally give him flaming ballista, after that he was coming back to town only to pick up more troops , i left him next to the exit of teal's AI portal

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Unread postby jubei » 11 Mar 2009, 10:56

and why is my avatar not visible

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Unread postby sylvanllewelyn » 17 Apr 2009, 03:20

The teal heroes and their large stacks every week are clearly a level design feature, not a bug in the script. The purple pirates will be trivial if you have 20 untamed cyclops.

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Unread postby VAMPSVSZOUNDS » 03 Jun 2009, 17:01

I play now the mission at hard.I would never take Brown garrison in week 4(I don't even remember having flame Ballista) without a Week of Conjunction(3xresource,3xcreature),bec I had 19 wyverns,some horde of Shamans,some lot of Slayers,80 Nomads,some Maulers and 150 goblins(upgr).Around the end of Month 2 I had a 'lovely' Urghat.Some 20 Bloodeyes,35 Paokai,150(?)Sky Daughter,100 Executioners en 250 Marauders.I had:6 Bloodeyes,15 Wyverns,unknown probably lots Slayers,115 Shamans,35 Maulers,200 or somewhat that Nomads and 400 Goblins(Trappers).Luckily I had Flame Ballista,cuz it almost always killed 1 Cyclop(useful late) or 21 Centaurs.Had a lev 15 Kujin(helps vs Ciclops,luckily they weren't the 400 in ToTE C2M4).Barely survived with 150 Goblins and 1 Bloodeye.Thanks to 40 joining shamans at (S)and Rage=strong Bloodeye.Happily Paokay=easy kill due to no Rage.Developed Triple Flame afterthat.

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Unread postby Dharlee » 10 Jun 2009, 04:33

Hi I am new to your site and I must say it is amazing! Please bear with me, I am an old lady lol and have to play my game on easy. I so admire you guys for doing this the difficult way! My question here (and possibly I have just missed something?) is how on earth do I GET to Teal to make it stop? He is driving me nuts on easy and now purple is in on it :/

Thanks in advance for a response (and for not flaming a gaming granny!)

Edit: My heavens my avatar is a man!
Edited on Wed, Jun 10 2009, 00:34 by Dharlee

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Unread postby ant » 13 Jun 2009, 19:54

hey new to this site and i love the walkthroughs!! gives me new ideas and stuff i missed so i can play through them again and stuff.. a trick i used on this map when i first played it was to block the portal below the second town to prevent teal from coming! (just simply park a hero in front of the portal exit and it's blocked!) i discovered this when i was playing the necro campaign and at the end of this scenario when i was close to teal, i tested it myself and sure enough, i couldn't go through the portal when i had someone blocking it. after that, the map was a piece of cake (except lethos) and i could take my time and explore the rest of the map. i'm not sure if it was mentioned already as i didn't read all the comments but i didn't see it so thought i'd mention it!

oh by the way, anyone know if the artifact merchant only sells artifacts that AREN'T a part of a set? it seemed like that to me... i figured if this was like the necro campaign, i would carry over artifacts from a set so after i cleared everything and was waiting on teal's doorstep, i had another hero camped out at the artifact merchant to try to get some more artifacts, and it seemed like they only sold artifacts that weren't from a set. (i gave up after about a year! :)
Edited on Sat, Jun 13 2009, 15:59 by ant

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Unread postby ant » 13 Jun 2009, 19:59

Edited on Sat, Jun 13 2009, 16:00 by ant

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Unread postby ant » 13 Jun 2009, 20:00

hey new to this site and i love the walkthroughs!! gives me new ideas and stuff i missed so i can play through them again and stuff.. a trick i used on this map when i first played it was to block the portal below the second town to prevent teal from coming! after that, the map was a piece of cake (except lethos) and i could take my time and explore the rest of the map. i'm not sure if it was mentioned already as i didn't read all the comments but i didn't see it so thought i'd mention it!

oh by the way, anyone know if the artifact merchant only sells artifacts that AREN'T a part of a set? it seemed like that to me... i figured if this was like the necro campaign, i would carry over artifacts from a set so after i cleared everything and was waiting on teal's doorstep, i had another hero camped out at the artifact merchant to try to get some more artifacts, and it seemed like they only sold artifacts that weren't from a set. (i gave up after about a year! :)

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Unread postby ant » 13 Jun 2009, 20:01

sorry for multiple posts, i tried to edit and it did some weird stuff

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Unread postby ant » 13 Jun 2009, 23:54

hey new to this site and i love the walkthroughs!! gives me new ideas and stuff i missed so i can play through them again and stuff.. a trick i used on this map when i first played it was to block the portal below the second town to prevent teal from coming! after that, the map was a piece of cake (except lethos) and i could take my time and explore the rest of the map. i'm not sure if it was mentioned already as i didn't read all the comments but i didn't see it so thought i'd mention it!

oh by the way, anyone know if the artifact merchant only sells artifacts that AREN'T a part of a set? it seemed like that to me... i figured if this was like the necro campaign, i would carry over artifacts from a set so after i cleared everything and was waiting on teal's doorstep, i had another hero camped out at the artifact merchant to try to get some more artifacts, and it seemed like they only sold artifacts that weren't from a set. (i gave up after about a year! :)

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Unread postby Grail Quest » 23 Aug 2009, 18:05

This is a very irritating mission because it is so boring -- on Normal, anyway.

Gotai's missions 1 and 3 are rush rush rush. It seems that Kujin's mission is the long drawn-out one to let you properly play around with Stronghold units.

On normal, everything is mostly passive. If you wait too long, Teal will come for you via a one-way portal, but that many many weeks off.

On Normal, I think what's supposed to happen is:

(1) Take first town and twiddle your thumbs.

(2) Got enough troops? Smash through either the wolves or the sylvan archer/blades without losing everything, then take the garrison guarding the second city.

(3) Gather your units and set sail.

(4) Oops. Lethos too strong. Lost your army? Lost your first two cities? Nevermind, because you start from scratch again with city #3.

Here, you can reload to amass a whopping huge army before setting sail. Purple is static in size because they can't muster reinforcements.

Now you've set sail, many weeks later. Oops, Teal teleports in. Left any troops at home? Hope so. Otherwise, you've lost your cities. Again.

(5) Build, build, build, Amass another army. Cruise through the neutral stack barring the way to the next shore and set sail for Teal. Get army smashed by script hero and garrison. But no problem, Teal will join you without a fight.

Urgh. Boooring.

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Unread postby Fangorn » 21 Oct 2009, 21:24

Uff i just finish it on heroic. That kind of play i like! No easy walks or choices everything must be perfect even single move! I didn't loose even goblin (got some more past sawmill) and open almost all mines ect expect gold and red gems where casters are too powerfull at start. My first loose is under first siege where i lost 9 centaurs only. I don't play hero here but want to show - it's not so hard or impossible map. Tactics, snares and shouts can do wonders :) Pirates can be defeated by.. balista and about 40 low units to hold range fire. Just burn catapult to ground. Worse with warlock and his spell but some circles around forest and teleports to have time (troops) and viola!

Thanks for great walks maltz, i just wnat to inform you about that lost artifacts (part of set) Like we know Tan player take it. I fear it's possesed by chief or maybe in some fact deleted with other colour t/o heroes. But after some huntings last tan 'normal' hero was die. I kill them with neckle of war or in town, so i 100% sure they didn't got that sets. But leater i see again one of killed before heroes (maybe that first - woman orc) is hired again by AI I lure him to city and siege - artifact are mine.
Edited on Wed, Oct 21 2009, 17:34 by Fangorn

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Unread postby Maciek » 14 Nov 2009, 17:46

Telsek has one advantage over Kujin as a main ballista early on - he can do hit & runs! This way, for a couple thousand gold and with 7x1 goblins, I got rid of but all centaurs in the garrison and guided a brown hero back to his territory(the first brown never came at all; it was one mentioned as second in the walkthrough). I guess using hit&run on gold mine protectors(and then killing off the rest of them) might pay back, but did't try it myself. (don't know, how many wyverns u need vs those tier 5 dwarves - last stand might help here)

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Unread postby Naki » 06 Jan 2010, 20:02

I have a problem. The walkthrough never mentions that after some time, Teal heroes come each 1-2 weeks. This way, how do I set sail with the boat? Won't I lose both my towns this way? I have two towns and each 1-2 weeks Teal comes with a big army, and I must defend in the town or suffer heavy losses.
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