Anyone enjoy playing as fortress (HOMMIII)

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Anyone enjoy playing as fortress (HOMMIII)

Unread postby Raelag84 » 19 May 2009, 03:25

I know the fortress faction is not the strongest faction out there, and I doubt many HOMM fans would find reptiles and lizard men as ascetically pleasing as I do. Nevertheless I am curious if there is anyone else in the would that enjoys playing as the fortress faction and would like to see them in another HOMM game. For that matter I wonder if there is anyone out there that really hates the fortress faction and never wants to see them agian.

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Unread postby Deadguy118 » 19 May 2009, 03:55

Well, I would consider Fortress to be my third town choice (after Dungeon and Necro). It has the best native terrain type, most of the buildings are fairly cheap, and its a pain to siege because of its unique buildings as well as Beastmasters having extremely high defense.

Of course, it is somewhat... lacking when it comes to actual firepower with the only outstanding units being Basilisks and Gorgons. Don't forget to mention Hydras are expensive, weak, and slow. (Although everything else is fairly middle of the road)

But Fortress is hardly the "worst" town. That honor goes to Inferno (all around weak and expensive units, bad upgrades, and the worst grail building in the game.)
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 19 May 2009, 13:43

My favorite faction. Only the necromancers can consistently beat it by being immune to the Death Stare. Hydras aren't that strong, but they don't need to be, since their job is to face 6th level and lower troops -- usually two or three at once.
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Unread postby Pol » 19 May 2009, 20:43

Yesss, Fortress is one of my favourites. :-D Theirs green is going good on my eyes.

Fortress is good against -> Castle, Rampart
Fortress is week against -> Necropolis, Dungeon
Rest is the balanced part.
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Unread postby MadMax » 19 May 2009, 22:03

Pol wrote:Yesss, Fortress is one of my favourites. :-D Theirs green is going good on my eyes.
Im with you! Fortress where my favourite to a long time! :D

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Unread postby Raelag84 » 20 May 2009, 20:43

Holy cow! I am not the only one.

I just assumed since most people don't like reptiles that most people would not like the fortress faction. Silly me huh?

I enjoy how the lizard peoples have traded raw brute force with speical abilties. It adds a whole new level of stratagy. Whenever i play as them I really feel like I am using my full stragic skills.

I would love to see them in another HOMM game, although now that Hydras and Wyerms have been taken new creatures would have to replace them. I know not with what exactly, but I would recommend replacing the lost creatures with creatures of Mesoamerican myth since the fortress faction is based of Aztec, Mayan and Inca culture.

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Unread postby hobowu » 23 May 2009, 12:01

I love fortress!
(favourite town, after expansions that made lizards actually useable)

Fortress actually, for me anyway, inspires a rather reckless style of battle tactics... no heed to battle formation, just send forth those mighty gorgons at their lv 7 stack =)
(unlike playing something like stronghold... where the position of every creature matters, I spend a lot of my time counting hexes!)

My pet peeve is that dragonfly numbers never build up =.= ...although I have myself to blame for that because I use them to absorb retal quite often :S

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 23 May 2009, 19:42

Fortress is a good town to play with WoG. Very balanced more so than original. The beserker flies have been recently tweaked so that they are not as overpowering as before. They now have a 1 in 10 chance of casting beserker on an opponent where before is was 1 in 4.

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 27 May 2009, 20:22

While I do admit that I enjoy playing with this town type, the Fortress still falls far behind in the list of towns most used by me in Heroes III. My favourite combination would be Castle - Rampart - Tower. A human, forest friendly, academian alliance. :D Simply the best.

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Unread postby rdm18 » 29 May 2009, 21:29

My favorite towns are Fortress and Necropolis.

As for Fortress, there's just something really fun about having an incredibly defensive army with useful special abilities. I typically use Tazar as my main hero and try to build up as much defense as I can. Then I sit back and watch the enemy attacks practically bounce off of my troops. :D

It's also somewhat satisfying to win with a town that is generally considered "underpowered" by many players.


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Unread postby hobowu » 30 May 2009, 00:52

lol, it's even more satisfying if you're using a witch as your main!

I've swept maps early on with just a hydra or two, and with a first aid tent, using verdish :P

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Unread postby maygwan » 05 Jun 2009, 14:40

I really like the fortress also and as said above its my third choice with dungeon first and necro second.

i enjoy playing them all really they all have different advantages based on the maps you play..

But theres something i love about the dungeon its the evil in me i think??

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Unread postby Sabinux » 11 Aug 2009, 19:59

In my opinia it's very weak castle,no to good lv 7 creatures,same at level 6 creature,but is my idea.thx for play heroes saga ! :)

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Unread postby GreatEmerald » 11 Aug 2009, 20:34

I love Fortress! It's usually the first or the second town for me. All creatures above level 2 have awesome special powers - if I only have them and Serpent flies, I usually split them to stacks of 1 and use them to dispel all the friendly spells the enemy puts on their troops. If I have Dragonflies, I do the same, but instead I attack and weaken most of the enemies. If I have only Basilisks/Greater Basilisks, I split them up to stone all enemies (although due to their low speed and low chance to stone, Dragonflies are better). I can use the same trick with Mighty Gorgons, but they stack well, too. Wyverns are very easy to get as they are available early in the game, and I can do the same trick with Wyvern Monarchs as they poison. Hydras aren't that cool, but you have Gorgons to fight against lvl 7 creatures, so Hydras are left to fight lvl 6 and lower enemies, which they handle pretty good.
So your enemies usually end up being dispelled, weak, stoned, poisoned, death gazed and 5-headed attacked. Not too good for attacking castles, but Wyverns and Dragonflies can still take it.

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Unread postby Shyranis » 11 Aug 2009, 20:50

I find I play all towns pretty evenly =)

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 11 Aug 2009, 21:09

Fortress is and always was one of my favorite H3 towns. And also the other way around: it's one of the main reasons that made H3 such a great game (for my taste), one of the reasons why H3 remains to this day not only my favorite Heroes game, but my favorite game in general.

I loved this town so much, that it pretty much "hurt" to see how they screwed it up afterwards in H4. And even worse in H5. It didn't make sense to take the Hydra from the moist swamps (the only place that makes sense as a home for such creature) and move it in the dry, if not fiery, chaotic Asylum in H4. And not only didn't it make sense to move the Hydra (especially with that design) in a cave, but as a - maybe crazy :p - fan of this creature, it was kinda insulting to see it downgraded to a L5 creature, weaker that those stupid Matriarchs on stilettos, as they did in H5.

The H5 producer said once that they made the H5 alignments like this, so that they are more harmonious, so that the creatures in towns make more sense next to each other, as compared to previous game versions. I asked back then and I'm still wondering: what was so non-harmonious about an alignment full of reptilian-like monsters, living in a Swamp; and what kind of "harmony" did they bring by kicking out creatures like Lizard Warriors, Basilisks, Medusas & Wyverns, only to mix Hydras with Minotaurs and a lot of (dark) Elf hookers, all living happily on the ceiling of a dry cave? :wall:

To answer the other questions in the O.P.: yes, I do want to see again the old H3 Fortress, where Hydra is again queen. I do hope to see one day again a Swampy alignment, with reptilian-like monsters, slow but hard to kill, with creatures having various poisoning and regenerating abilities. But I doubt we'll see that in H6. I don't think Ubi learned much after H5 as long as they keep pretending it was all a success... Maybe in H7?... We'll see. ;|
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Unread postby Artas1984 » 09 Oct 2009, 20:43

Fortress is my favorite too - just the fact that every upgraded unit after level 2 gets something very nasty and special makes it so damn good! Also it has the best terrain for native troops. Too much to speak about it..

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Unread postby L0wn » 12 Oct 2009, 14:10

I very rarely play with Fortress, but after reading this topic, my eyes have really opened.. I only really liked the Mighty Gorgons (as you can tell by my avatar ;)) but the whole town has been very well put together.

I'm going to play them right away B-)

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