MMX; New Screenshots

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MMX; New Screenshots

Unread postby Vector » 20 May 2009, 22:23

Since we are currently in the process of switching webspace, I decided to post our latest update on CH; this update is also available on our new forums ... oard=211.0

A new website is currently underway

These screens are to show new graphical material and nothing more

After a lot of work, the main interface for MMX is complete. It was my goal to preserve the styles presented in MM6, MM7, & MM8, and combine them as a whole for MM10. Might and Magic 10 also has the addition of a new feature: the Chaos/Order Meter; this feature has been fully tested and works wonderfully (it will be explained in another thread). I have also completed our loading screens and will present a few:

Outdoor Interface:


Loading Screen: Paradise Island

Loading Screen: The Spiral

'Quick Look'

Loading Screen: I don't know why this was unused, but I felt it should be....

Minotaur! He's using traditional MM7 items (sorry, those won't be in the game)

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 21 May 2009, 05:54

But can you give us a little bit more information?
I'm wondering if you have something like percent of finishing the game (%?).

How much % you've already do and how much % left? And what date we can expect a relise? =)
For example:
For TCC game we alredy 99% done main storyline codes.
Monsters done 30\58 - almost 55% of them.
5%-10% of game videos done too.

So we are done in about 50% of whole game.
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Unread postby koval321 » 21 May 2009, 09:02

This picture with elf and sword is perfect!
How will look character creation, like mm 6-7 or 8 ?
And tools from site, M&M Map Viewer can be used to modify maps?

Am also wonder about progress, there is two group of players, one say dont hurry and make it better, and these which say dont be ambitious because i will be happy play anything new (am from second group)

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Unread postby GrayFace » 21 May 2009, 09:36

I don't like the interface at all. MM6 and MM7 have better looking interface than MM8, so I think you should use one of them as the base.
I like the sword on the second picture a lot and the minotaur looks nice. I don't like hands of female on the second picture. Underwater and 'orcs with flag' loading screens and scrollbars are very good.
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Unread postby Konfuzius » 21 May 2009, 11:47

Yeah, I really like it :-D keep up the good work!

But will MMX only have 4 chars?
And will there be a hire system like in MM8?

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Unread postby pirvix » 21 May 2009, 11:56

Great that you posted this here Vector!(But hey wait, isn't that partily my job :D )

I'm not quite sure how to express the percentage of completion on mmx but I can say that we're still under 50%(possibly under 40%), and that we tend not to set a (potential) release date, because then we would almost have to finish to that date, but this way we can do it normaly under no pressure.

Character creation shall be the same as mm 6 and 7
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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 21 May 2009, 14:27

Grayface - yeah!
If to close her with my big finger and stay only hands...they looks like a male's hands :D

To much work with biceps and hand muscles.
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Unread postby Vector » 21 May 2009, 15:04

vladimir-maestro wrote:Wonderful!!!
But can you give us a little bit more information?
I'm wondering if you have something like percent of finishing the game (%?).

How much % you've already do and how much % left? And what date we can expect a relise? =)
For example:
For TCC game we alredy 99% done main storyline codes.
Monsters done 30\58 - almost 55% of them.
5%-10% of game videos done too.

So we are done in about 50% of whole game.
Maybe about 20-25%. A lot of original material was scrapped in order to incorporate our main-quest line by Corlagon.
koval321 wrote:This picture with elf and sword is perfect!
How will look character creation, like mm 6-7 or 8 ?
And tools from site, M&M Map Viewer can be used to modify maps?

Am also wonder about progress, there is two group of players, one say dont hurry and make it better, and these which say dont be ambitious because i will be happy play anything new (am from second group)
To answer your questions:

1. Character Creation will be like MM6 and MM7.
2. Also, M&M Map Viewer can not be used to modify maps.
3. Progress is always on going, but I would say we want the best possible product before release.
GrayFace wrote:I don't like the interface at all. MM6 and MM7 have better looking interface than MM8, so I think you should use one of them as the base.
I like the sword on the second picture a lot and the minotaur looks nice. I don't like hands of female on the second picture. Underwater and 'orcs with flag' loading screens and scrollbars are very good.
Glad you like the Load Screens. I guess interface is more of a personal preference. I have always favored the interface design of MM8, hence the design.

The hands/arms on the female are not my design, but the original M&M7 design. I try and use all resources available.
Konfuzius wrote:Yeah, I really like it :-D keep up the good work!

But will MMX only have 4 chars?
And will there be a hire system like in MM8?
1. Yes, MMX will only have 4 characters and two NPC hires.
2. There will not be a party hire system like in MM8.

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Re: MMX; New Screenshots

Unread postby Macros the Black » 21 May 2009, 20:41

Lots of impressions at once, I'll try to go by what I'm thinking one thing at a time..

1. I like what you've changed about the UI from the original concepts.

2. I don't really like the MM8 influence though. I think we could do without the food and money icons and the things in the bottom right..

3 I like the things above the bottom-right corner, the quest log and stuff, it looks nice. What is the fourth one? Something to do with Chaos?

4. Is that Wizard Eye in the top right corner? If so, then why are you using that same skull? I mean, the icon either goes in the skull or somewhere else, not both right? If you're already using another icon for Wizard Eye, then you might as well loose the skull because the eye that goes into the skull thing was the most .. interesting .. thing about the skull.

5. What's that thing to the left of where I thought Wizard Eye is? Torch Light? Something to do with the Chaos Meter?

6. The minotaur's head still seems detached. Can you fix it? Otherwise maybe you should just create new minotaur heads that do fit the new UI?

7. Cool sword.

8. Cool loading screens! I like what Paradise Island seems like it's gonna be (Dragon island?), and also that there's apparently an underwater area. The Paradise Island screenshot looks like it comes right from a fantasy book cover.

9. For the Quick Look, I was expecting there to be some kind of numerical value of your "chaos meter"?

10. Hmm... A minotaur Knight? Even more important, a Regnan Knight? Maybe give the class another name to have it make more sence..
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Unread postby koval321 » 22 May 2009, 11:03

Vector wrote: Also, M&M Map Viewer can not be used to modify maps.
How do that? For example place tree on street, or change texture.

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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 22 May 2009, 11:59

Maybe about 20-25%. A lot of original material was scrapped in order to incorporate our main-quest line by Corlagon.
but, didnt you work on this for several years already? (MMT warning?)
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Unread postby darknessfood » 22 May 2009, 12:03

Like Vector said, there was some scrapped material we could not use and we needed to make new stuff. But be aware that we are working on it as hard as we can, and the delay we would have, is very little as work is beeing done really fast ;).
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Unread postby Vector » 22 May 2009, 21:38

Macros the Black wrote:Lots of impressions at once, I'll try to go by what I'm thinking one thing at a time..

1. I like what you've changed about the UI from the original concepts.

2. I don't really like the MM8 influence though. I think we could do without the food and money icons and the things in the bottom right..

3 I like the things above the bottom-right corner, the quest log and stuff, it looks nice. What is the fourth one? Something to do with Chaos?

4. Is that Wizard Eye in the top right corner? If so, then why are you using that same skull? I mean, the icon either goes in the skull or somewhere else, not both right? If you're already using another icon for Wizard Eye, then you might as well loose the skull because the eye that goes into the skull thing was the most .. interesting .. thing about the skull.

5. What's that thing to the left of where I thought Wizard Eye is? Torch Light? Something to do with the Chaos Meter?

6. The minotaur's head still seems detached. Can you fix it? Otherwise maybe you should just create new minotaur heads that do fit the new UI?

7. Cool sword.

8. Cool loading screens! I like what Paradise Island seems like it's gonna be (Dragon island?), and also that there's apparently an underwater area. The Paradise Island screenshot looks like it comes right from a fantasy book cover.

9. For the Quick Look, I was expecting there to be some kind of numerical value of your "chaos meter"?

10. Hmm... A minotaur Knight? Even more important, a Regnan Knight? Maybe give the class another name to have it make more sence..
To address your thoughts & questions:

1. Thanks, glad you like it.

2. I've always thought each interface had its' pros and cons, so I went with what I liked best. This area will always be a matter of personal preference though. We would need food/money icons or else it would just be boxes with numbers in them; players would need to tell the difference between the too (I'm sure avid M&M fans could figure it out, but for those not very experienced....). The icons are also needed in the bottom right corner as they are buttons to the game menu, etc.

3. The fourth one is the calendar icon.

4. Wizard's Eye is in the top right corner; it's currently active. The skull will be used for other spells and is essential for some.

5. Yes, it is torch light.

6. His head may looked detached because your monitor has it's brightness set too low or contrast set too high? His head looks fine on every computer we use.

7. Thanks; I do like that one a lot

8. I'm glad you all appreciate the loading screens. Most represent actual game aspects.

9. No, the 'chaos meter' will not have a numerical value. This will be explained better in another thread.

10. I think your misunderstanding the class system. You can not be a Regnan Knight; To be a Regnan Pirate, you have to pick that class, to be a knight, you have to pick the 'knight' class. You can't be two classes at the same time. However, you could be knight as a Minotaur since 'knight' designates a class and 'minotaur' designates a race.
koval321 wrote:How do that? For example place tree on street, or change texture.
To change textures, you just use MM8lvl Editor and replace which ever ones you want with new textures. To place a tree in the street, there is no program to do such a thing. If you are extremely proficient with coding, you could do it (I'm not that great with it, but others have had luck). There are individuals out there trying to make a map editor so the regular person can mod M&M. User MMTool is one of those such people I believe.
Talin_Trollbane wrote:
Maybe about 20-25%. A lot of original material was scrapped in order to incorporate our main-quest line by Corlagon.
but, didnt you work on this for several years already? (MMT warning?)
Yes I did, and we have a lot of material we can use, and a lot of material we can't use. With our new story developed by Corlagon, we can't use every piece of information we create, we can only use what is relevant to the storyline.

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 22 May 2009, 22:17

Vector wrote:2. I've always thought each interface had its' pros and cons, so I went with what I liked best. This area will always be a matter of personal preference though. We would need food/money icons or else it would just be boxes with numbers in them; players would need to tell the difference between the too (I'm sure avid M&M fans could figure it out, but for those not very experienced....). The icons are also needed in the bottom right corner as they are buttons to the game menu, etc.
I meant it could do with different icons for the food and gold rather than the MM8 ones ;)
But yes, it's personal preference. What I dislike about MM8 is that the icons all looked too perfect, too plastic.. Too cold? I don't know.
3. The fourth one is the calendar icon.
Ahh of course. I feel kind of silly not realising that earlier :)
6. His head may looked detached because your monitor has it's brightness set too low or contrast set too high? His head looks fine on every computer we use.
Ah.. Looking more carefully, is he wearing plate armor in that picture? The thing is it looks like there's a line going there and the different color under his head is something in the background. Although I suppose it could also be the color of plate armor? I'll try changing my brightness a bit and see if that helps.
10. I think your misunderstanding the class system. You can not be a Regnan Knight; To be a Regnan Pirate, you have to pick that class, to be a knight, you have to pick the 'knight' class. You can't be two classes at the same time. However, you could be knight as a Minotaur since 'knight' designates a class and 'minotaur' designates a race.
My understanding is that MMX mostly plays out, or at least starts in, pirate terrority? If that is correct then wouldn't ithat mean that your characters, assuming they are all born there, fall under pirate jurisdiction? And thus they are pirates? But now that I think about it I guess I'm just jumping to conclusions here, and they arrived there by having a shipwreck or something.. In which case it does make sence.
As for minotaur knight... Isn't a knight a human-specific class? Or at least supposed to be? In HoMM Knights were human heroes for instance. It just seems odd to me that a minotaur would be a knight. And if he was a knight, does that mean he's serving a human kingdom? I thought minotaurs had "herd leaders" as government. Maybe it depends on where they live.. The MM6 Minotaurs are obviously different from the MM7 ones... They can't be the same guys, cuz the MM6 ones I remember were created by magical experiments (perhaps though, inspired by tales about minotaurs coming from other continents?).
Anyway.. some food for thought.
I'm not proposing that you set restrictions for certain races, but perhaps it might be worthwhile changing the class name to something that fits more than just humans, goblins, dwarves and half-elves (I always imagined that the Elves could be knights only if they were half-elves born of a human female).

I guess it doesn't really matter, but my thought is that minotaurs will probably be a tough physical race (in attributes) so you're likely to pick them as a knight, too. Which means I can't just ignore the minotaur knight possibility.. :)

Edit: eh, forget about it. It occured to me that I'm just nitpicking really. If you want a minotaur knight you should be able to make one for your party.
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Unread postby Corlagon » 22 May 2009, 23:04

My understanding is that MMX mostly plays out, or at least starts in, pirate terrority? If that is correct then wouldn't ithat mean that your characters, assuming they are all born there
Ahh, that's quite an assumption indeed! :D
As for minotaur knight... Isn't a knight a human-specific class? Or at least supposed to be? In HoMM Knights were human heroes for instance.
Technically, Heroes II gave Enroth an Ogre in its ranks, and Heroes IV's got Goblin Knights just like MM7 ;)

Like with all previous MM games, in this game anyone can be anything they like, though some races will be more suited to individual classes (Genies would make good Sorcerers etc)
The MM6 Minotaurs are obviously different from the MM7 ones... They can't be the same guys, cuz the MM6 ones I remember were created by magical experiments (perhaps though, inspired by tales about minotaurs coming from other continents?).
Matter of fact, the Minotaurs in Jadame were also created by the Warlocks just like the Nighon and Kriegspire ones (according to the old 3DO website). They're all the very same race, the Jadame ones just managed to develop a less murderous society :)

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 23 May 2009, 13:03

Corlagon wrote:Technically, Heroes II gave Enroth an Ogre in its ranks, and Heroes IV's got Goblin Knights just like MM7 ;)

Like with all previous MM games, in this game anyone can be anything they like, though some races will be more suited to individual classes (Genies would make good Sorcerers etc)
Well in the only previous MM I've played that featured the same race/class system, MM7, the races were all fairly.. general? Not very exotic. Not very different from humans. So all of them could easily fit as whatever class and this didn't matter much. And MM8, where you do have Minotaurs, they are a class of their own.
I was thinking that perhaps you could just have another name for the knight class and it would make sence. I mean, of course the player should be able to choose himself, but minotaur knights just make very little sence to me :D
And the fact is, you are right that different races fit better with different classes, but that's actually a problem here more than a solution, because minotaurs are likely to be the best race for a knight. Obviously they are tough and strong, so this makes it likely that if the player wants to play a knight, he'll want to pick minotaur as race. Whereupon he'll go "hmm, yeah, but... that doesn't seem to make sence".
However, I don't know, if you do have minotaur knights I think you should at least show us some NPC minotaur knights as well and explain that the minotaurs of the Glorennes have formed an alliance, co-existance, or even assimilation with whatever human kingdom you have in there that has a chivalric order. Then that would be an acceptable explanation :)
I don't figure myself a "roleplayer" or anything and I don't care about that stuff, but I'm a logical guy, it should make sence to me.
Matter of fact, the Minotaurs in Jadame were also created by the Warlocks just like the Nighon and Kriegspire ones (according to the old 3DO website). They're all the very same race, the Jadame ones just managed to develop a less murderous society :)
Really? Were they created, and then they went their seperate ways, or did multiple different warlocks coincidentally create minotaurs seperately?

In Might and Magic 6, I always had the idea that the Minotaurs were created only a few decades before that game plays out, like maybe just before HoMM 1.
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Unread postby dsawan » 23 May 2009, 14:32

Hi, just curious will MMX be modifiable? Will there be provisiosn for new creatures,maps and quests from time to time? Will there be a creature editor or some sort of mod enabler attached? thx.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 23 May 2009, 14:47

dsawan wrote:Hi, just curious will MMX be modifiable? Will there be provisiosn for new creatures,maps and quests from time to time? Will there be a creature editor or some sort of mod enabler attached? thx.

MMX will be modable, just like 6-8. Basicly, this IS a mod. There won't be an editor of any kind though.
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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 23 May 2009, 16:22

MMX is a new game because all things in it - new exept things that are hard to change like geometry of maps.

Quests and all other stuff is completly new.
Other side it is a MOD but with all new stuff in it!

The same with TCC. It is a MOD for MM6 game but will include all new stuff in it exclude hard things.
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Unread postby Storm-giant » 12 Jun 2009, 18:55

The new screenshots are good :-D

That sword looks....fearsome :D

Keep up the good work :tsup:
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