Nearly, but not exactly.Kristo wrote:Is the Selectividad like the set of placement exams we take here in the USA? Here you take a series of tests in various subjects and your scores determine which level classes you should start with. Really high scores can even get you automatic credits for certain classes.
Here at Spain, the mark of Bachiller(last two years before university) is divided in three parts: First of Bachiller(30% of the final mark), Second of bachiller(another 30% of the final mark) and Selectividad(aka PAU-Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad=University Accessing Tests; the remaining 40% of the final mark).
So for enter the university you need to do selectividad, and depends of the subject of university(and the university as well) you'll reach the minimun or not(and if there aren't enough places, the highers ones).
And yes, in selectividad you must 6 subjects(out of the 8 that you learn in Second).