Kane is King

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Kane is King

Unread postby Kalah » 11 May 2009, 18:06

Scene from "Fanelia´s Plague", day 2. This level 40 archmage has all of his skill trees full and has the "soulstealer" sword among other artefacts. Stay tuned for the end-of-battle screenshot... Thanks Maciek.

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:
https://www.celestialheavens.com/show_b ... php?id=344
In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Goodwill.

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Kane is King

Unread postby Maciek » 14 May 2009, 15:26

You can see the result of this particular battle on the next screen. The next one was really short. You only need the archmage to cast something for his remaining 2 mana points. In the third and final battle I used three level 1 druids:

one with summon wolf - The archmage needs something to shot at other than my heroes.

one with sommon pixie - In the beginning the same purpose as wolfs, then used to deal damage using hit&run tactics.

one with haste - Surprisingly, a hasted hero is fast enough to (barely) run circles around a not-hasted one(and in homm4 haste gives only +3 movement compared to 8 base movement of a hero). If there are more of them, the others may even cast spells!

Of course, all of my heroes were stuffed with mana potions. I had a bunch of pixies for additional protection, especially in the beginning. I'm also sure that the number of summoned pixies exceeded 300 in the end and it probably reached 500.

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