Bug reports

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Bug reports

Unread postby Dalai » 05 Jan 2006, 18:03

This topic is for bug reports.

If you experience some bug, please save a game and try to reproduce it after loading the save. If it is reproducable, send the save and the map you are playing to lost404{at}yandex.ru ({at}=@)

When you post a bug report, try to find out if the bug is Equilibris bug, or it is Original version bug. To find this out, load your save in Original Heroes version you have and try to reproduce it. We are interested in both Equilibris and Original bugs, but we have to know which one is that. Fixing Equilibris bugs is much more simple.
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Divine Intervention

Unread postby Blueman » 09 Jan 2006, 08:39


I have experienced some problems with Divine Intervention.
In Equilibris, it also removes negative spells from all creatures - e.g. Bind Flyer, Sorrow, Hypnotize, Slow etc. -, besides healing and resurrecting dead heroes. This is not happening in the original version (I have loaded the saved file) - and I don't think it should.
The problem is old, I noticed it months ago but did not have a chance to record it along with other bugs. I recall that sometimes it failed to remove a negative spell from one of the creatures - bind flyer - and removed Hypnotize from another, and a second time cast also removed bind flyer. It seems it affects only creatures that also need healing.

Unfortunately, some of the times you cannot save during an MP game or you cannot load in the original version (Bad File).

P.S. I will send the save file to Lost.

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Unread postby pacobac » 01 Feb 2006, 18:27

minor negation ring, work bad, negate magic resistance, some spell as, death hand, confusion.......work each time, even magic resistance of heroes is 80%...

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Unread postby V3N0M » 15 Mar 2006, 10:33

This isn't actually a bug, when you go to see the detailed description of the new spells there is no picture in the backround. And there are also some spelling mistakes both from Eq and from the original.
silly I know but we strive 4 perfection don't we? :)
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Unread postby V3N0M » 15 Mar 2006, 14:55

Oh and another bug: in some of my mages guilds spells are missing when I buy conservatoryes. I guess this is bcause of all of those level changes in spells.
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Unread postby V3N0M » 15 Mar 2006, 17:19

Here's another bug: while playing the second map in the Lysander campaign Phoetro sumoned creatures like he had basic summoning, but nly had basic nature magic and herbalism.
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Unread postby Blueman » 15 Mar 2006, 19:21

Are you sure the hero did not have the Druid’s Chain? It acts just like basic summoning.

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Unread postby V3N0M » 15 Mar 2006, 19:52

I am sure, I checked. But thanks to your reply I found out that he was a Summoner which makes him summon 10 exp p per day, I thought he was a Monk kuz he also had order magic and life magic. I wouldn't have noticed without your reply, thanks!
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Unread postby Blueman » 27 Mar 2006, 13:41

You're most welcome, V3NOM!

I don't know if this is a bug, but I think that Necromancy should not behave as it follows:
1. I have a hero with basic necromancy
2. Necromancy Amplifier built in one town.
3. No option selected in the Necromancy menu. The Necromancy menu allows only the (None) and Skeleton options.
4. After almost every battle (2nd level creatures), ghosts are joining the ranks.

Thus, I should either get the Ghosts option in the menu (I would like that) or ... fix it. ;)
At this point, ghosts are very valuable due to their aging ability and as I do not want to invest level-ups into Necromancy, this "bug" helps me alot. Also, does this mean that if I get to expert Necromancy, have one Amplifier and kill lvl 3 (or 4) I will get vampires?


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Unread postby eekstah » 09 Jun 2006, 15:34

I'm currently working on a map, and somewhere in the start there is a small combat.

The battle is started by a placed event. One Hero (you) fights one Venom Spawn. Because it's supposed to look like it's the venom spawn that attacks you and not the other way around, the speed of the hero is temporarily decreased by one.

In original H4 with GS and WoW, everything works just fine. In Equilibris however, things are a little more random.

The first problem was that the Hero always "started" the combat. Sometimes by good moral (both you and v.spawn have +1), other times apparently by speed, even though the venom spawn has 2 more speed than you.

Is it supposed to be like that?

I tried to temporarily decrease the moral by one (to neutral), and that's when this occured:

Reloading the autosave I get this every time, restarting the map it occurs about one out of 2 times.

edit The "+10 neutral" moral appears in original HIV too, but it all started because I needed to adjust the errors of Equilibris in first place, so I still think moral works better in original than in Equilibris.
Last edited by eekstah on 06 Aug 2006, 00:35, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby jeff » 09 Jun 2006, 15:54

eekstah wrote:I'm currently working on a map, and somewhere in the start there is a small combat.

The battle is started by a placed event. One Hero (you) fights one Venom Spawn. Because it's supposed to look like it's the venom spawn that attacks you and not the other way around, the speed of the hero is temporarily decreased by one.

In original H4 with GS and WoW, everything works just fine. In Equilibris however, things are a little more random.

The first problem was that the Hero always "started" the combat. Sometimes by good moral (both you and v.spawn have +1), other times apparently by speed, even though the venom spawn has 2 more speed than you.

Is it supposed to be like that?

I tried to temporarily decrease the moral by one (to neutral), and that's when this occured:

Reloading the autosave I get this every time, restarting the map it occurs about one out of 2 times.
Unfortunately I can't answer your question in regards to Equilibris, I know in H-IV all flavors, the morale increase/decrease scripts were very unpredictable. I was under the impression the Equilibris team had fixed it, but apparently not.
Mala Ipsa Nova :bugsquash:

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Unread postby Noobie of Doom » 09 Jun 2006, 18:27

Ummm yes i noticied a bug i dled equlibris, i can get to the necro/summon menu but it doesnt work. I click on something and it still acts as if its default. Ie summoning ghosts for necromancy and fricken lerperchauns for summoning.

And And And.
Why did you make me constantly get ghosts from neutral stacks with your necromancy nerf :disagree:

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Unread postby TheUnknown » 17 Jun 2006, 01:21

There's a bug with stelth, you can gain extra level by walking near more armies.
Example:If you need 100 XP for levelup and have 3 armies in a row separated by one square or two. Each army gives 100 or more XP if you walk near them. Then you place the arrow way so you could go near all of them in one turn. Then press enter to start moving, when you get near the first creature press enter while the hero gets in square and tries to move to the next. If you do it right, he will get EXP window but he will also continue to move. If you get the first EXP window and press enter before getting the second you will get the level up window and becose the hero continues to move he gets another EXP window and plus another Level up window which means free level up.
It gets a bit confusing, my english may be bad too, but this is prety buggy bug. I will send save to the mail named stelth-bug where you only need to do the enter part and see the bug.
By the way i couldn't load it in H4 WOW but still think it's a heroes IV bug and hope you can fix it.
Anyways BRAVO for equilibris (team) :D

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Unread postby MistWeaver » 16 Feb 2007, 17:35

I think there is a bug with minotaur "block" ability. It triggers much more often than in original.
It drivin' me nuts

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Unread postby Malanis Leallow » 22 Jul 2007, 15:40

Bug 1: While equilibris successfully displays gained XP at the end of battles, it doesn't do so if the enemy "is awed by the power of your forces and turns to flee" and you choose to auto-battle. Xp is still gained, it's simply not displayed.

Bug 2: I discovered this site about 2 hours ago, but when I went to register it told me my e-mail had been banned. I had to register with my school account. I'm confused as to why I would be banned...I guess it doesn't really matter, though.

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buggy ice elementals

Unread postby TheUnknown » 29 Feb 2008, 07:47

The problem is I have summoned ice elementals and give them the spell cat reflexes. They hit twice normaly BUT if the target is frozen they hit only once.
I made a test map and find out that only the ice elementals dont hit twice while the target is frozen unlike devils and vampires which hit twice with cat reflexes even if the target is frozen.
BTW this is also a Heroes 4 bug not only equilibris.

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Unread postby Muszka » 29 Feb 2008, 14:56

It's because of 'Freezing Hit', Heroes also hit once when are under effect of 'Cold potion' or have the Frost Hammer equipped. I believe it's because the freezing effect triggers, and so further hits won't occur. The reason is something hard-coded, I think.
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Unread postby bhooshanar » 14 Mar 2008, 18:04

Alt-tab is giving me some prob.s in equilibris. It sometimes invokes menu bar(necromency and summoning menu). And pressing alt-E does not removes menu bar. This causes prob. in combat screen. Creatures on the right side of screen are not visible.

2nd prob. is heroes exe crashes (almost always when `start' key is pressed). (I have 3.o patch installed and I have all the expansions.

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No reply?

Unread postby bhooshanar » 18 Mar 2008, 16:11

Somebody plz reply, I am playing H4 mltiplayer and this bug is really killing me.

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Unread postby Dalai » 19 Mar 2008, 19:50

It seems that the bug is unique. What happens if you press F4 in windowed and fullscreen mode? :|

Try reinstalling the game from scratch. ;|
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