I can't finish The Invasion quest

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I can't finish The Invasion quest

Unread postby Gaffers » 28 Feb 2009, 10:22

I have the staff and cloak and 34 bone dragons>I get past the final garrison and Cyrus runs thru the portal and I am unable to chase after him to finish the mission. Seems like he is just standing on the other side of the portal blocking me from entering. HELP! how do I complete the mission. I have restarted twice :(

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Unread postby parcaleste » 28 Feb 2009, 15:47

Do you have a legion of skelies? I think you should have at least one more Necro artefact and to have set curses on the wizards towns (not sure if this was a secondary object).

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Unread postby darkhost » 27 Aug 2009, 23:53

I am having the same problem. I defeat the army at the last gate, and when I pass through, Cyrus runs thru the portal. When I try to follow him thorough the portal, I cannot pass through it. Moreover, I see no orange flag on the map.

I have 44 Spec. Dragons and over 2K skel. archers. I have cursed all of the mage towns. I have the staff and cloak.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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