Couple questions...

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Couple questions...

Unread postby Men4ce » 14 Feb 2009, 23:27

I have been playing heroes 5 - Tribes of the East for a couple of months now and i have a couple questions:

I mainly play online with my one buddy,and we usually do a random map FFA. My question is, is there anyway to create the RMG map as a FFA then edit the teams in Map Editor? Like a 2v2v2 or 2v4 so me and him can team?

Also, is there anyway we can play online without going through It seems very laggy, and most of the time computer's turns take much longer than ours. Maybe this is unavoidable, i am not sure.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Couple questions...

Unread postby Asheera » 15 Feb 2009, 01:03

Men4ce wrote:I mainly play online with my one buddy,and we usually do a random map FFA. My question is, is there anyway to create the RMG map as a FFA then edit the teams in Map Editor? Like a 2v2v2 or 2v4 so me and him can team?
Yes you can. Open the generated map, go to View -> Map Properties -> Teams tab, and set the teams. Then save the map and make sure your friend has this modified version as well.
Men4ce wrote:Also, is there anyway we can play online without going through It seems very laggy, and most of the time computer's turns take much longer than ours. Maybe this is unavoidable, i am not sure.
You can play online via Hamachi or something similar. Google Hamachi to see what it is and download it (most stable version for H5 is

If you have any questions regarding playing through Hamachi, feel free to ask :)
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Unread postby Men4ce » 15 Feb 2009, 01:15

Thanks a lot for the help. My buddy changed the teams, and then when we went on and loaded it, it had "2v4v1v1" instead of 2v4. When we tried to click the other 2 guys in his comp crashed. ITs weird, it wants to have 8 players, even though he changed it to 6 in the editor.

And thanks for the advice about Hamachi. Is it faster and easier than Ubi??

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Unread postby Men4ce » 15 Feb 2009, 01:20

I am about to download Hamachi, but the latest version is, will this still work? And if you could give me a quick run down to directions on how to play Heroes over it, that would be awesome.


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Unread postby Asheera » 15 Feb 2009, 01:21

That's weird. The editor has a bug for teams as far as I know, after you set them you should not look back, it will display them wrongly and bugged, and if you save again I think they will be messed up.

Other than that I don't know what could be the problem. If you're experienced with a little manual editing you could try the following:

Modify the map and set teams with the editor. Then close the editor, open up the map file (.h5m) with WinRar or WinZip, enter the folders and find map-tag.xdb. Open that file with Notepad, and check out the <teams> parameter. Make sure there are only two of them (with <item> - I think you can figure out how it is here)

Of course after that save the modified .xdb file, and re-pack it over the original.
Men4ce wrote:And thanks for the advice about Hamachi. Is it faster and easier than Ubi??
Not sure about faster, it depends on how loaded the Ubi server is. But a lot of people prefer Hamachi over the service.

About Hamachi version, I'm not sure but many people experienced problems with other versions than

Here you can find older versions.

Also, maybe this thread will help you get started with Hamachi.
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.

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Unread postby Men4ce » 15 Feb 2009, 01:32

Alrighty, well thanks a ton! Hopefully we can figure out this stupid map editor thing. Even when we keep 8 player it says "2v3v3v1v1" as if there are 10 players.

Thanks again.

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