Unholy Alliance → Barbarian Brothers

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Grail Quest
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Unholy Alliance → Barbarian Brothers

Unread postby Grail Quest » 19 Jul 2007, 23:13

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Grail Quest
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Unholy Alliance → Barbarian Brothers

Unread postby Grail Quest » 19 Jul 2007, 23:13

There seemed to be a lot of time to dally in the starting area, and I still broke through one of the garrisons roughly the same time the AI broke through the other. The AI had a decent but not impossibly huge force, so it's possible to keep accumulating troops and wait for them to clear the garrison for you, then turn the tables on them and quickly charge into their area.

If anyone has Expert Town Portal, this map becomes hideously easy as the AI castles are well-built, so once you seize them, you can amass troops from multiple castles. Further, you also then need only concentrate on building one castle in your area, as you can Town Portal to defend the other one and your other hero (who you cannot lose).

If you do not, be careful about early troop losses, as Crag and Yog cannot support each other, so you are more or less forced to field two armies, as the AI could charge into either side of your territory.

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Unholy Alliance → Barbarian Brothers

Unread postby Ansive » 31 Jan 2009, 18:38

I had water walk...

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