Disappointment with Heroes 5

The new Heroes games produced by Ubisoft. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Unread postby Campaigner » 18 Mar 2006, 13:58

I'm not sure how HoMM V will turn out, but what I've seen this far is good enough.

I'll get it as soon as it's available.

Country Lords, THAT was a good map! :) Powerful enemies, throngs of Archers & Rangers against your starting army of Necropolis troops :) I still wonder how I ever completed that map considering that the first three Necropolis lvls of creatures don't fly....

Well, I'll never forget the battle against the Wizard with 10 Titans who Dimension Doored to my territory.

Titans turn -> Wizard casts Clone, the 20 TItans shoots my 3000(!) Skeletons killing a hundred Skeletons. Cloned Titans shoots killing another hundred. The other units are insignificant.
Skeletons turn -> Haste! krik-krik-krik-krik.
Titans turn -> Wizard casts Clone and kills another 300 Skeletons....Ok....that's enough!
Skeletons turn: I breathed calmly and could smell the sweet taste of victory! I had my finger on the left mousebutton for 10sec just gleefully watching the screen. Then I pushed the button and my Skeletons swinged their sword (KLANG!). The Titans uttered a cry of pain and fell into a pile of dust! (MAN! It felt like winning a stonehard battle of Quake III against a good opponent!)

I don't think that Heroes V will offer that kind of moments, but I hope.

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Re: Disappointment with Heroes 5

Unread postby ThunderTitan » 18 Mar 2006, 16:18

jeff wrote: "You know an armored griffin would make sense IF it had a rider, much like the armor a Knight’s horse would have."
It's a creature that goes into battle. Horses needed riders because they wouldn't attack on their own, and the armour was to protect them, not because they had a rider.
Griffons are more like eagles, you can teach them to attack without a rider, and armor is good protection. They still look like a Digimon though...
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Unread postby chaosgorgon » 18 Mar 2006, 18:32

guess the game will sale in average rate, coz is new and the nice graphs, but also that the ppl will get boring fast with this game, so dont know if the forums members will increase or will be the same harcore fans in it, we must wait and see...

guess that the game will be ever less funny than others, now with that holy 10x12 size battlefield, u must choice if u have 7 2x2 monsters in ur army, making the game more boring and even unfair coz if u lose u lose all the monsters :| , the problem NEVER was the battlefield, was the size of the monsters, just cant figure how this could be a improvement -just hope that they make a "call reinforcement feature", other thing is the spellcaster power and that logarithmic stuff, in such no sense system only to please the H4 haters....well and other features which im not sure if are good ideas, and well all that retrograde gameplay design -u know was nice to a 1999 game, but the devs just have frezeed in time- :|

what can save the game id the simultaneous turns, but really i preffer AoW....

i really dont care about that starforce or "evil Ubi guys", just have found that the game is pretty boring

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Unread postby Abaddon » 19 Mar 2006, 05:28

I loved Heroes 1-3, nr 4 was a bit "crazy". I hope that Heroes 5 will be more like Heroes 3, 2 and 1. Heroes 4 was a great disapointment of my life.
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Unread postby gravyluvr » 19 Mar 2006, 13:40

Feedback to davidyalorsmith, hodgepodge, jeff
davidtaylorsmith wrote:Question - why is it that... there is always always ALWAYS forums somewhere on which some people seem to always have something critical to say?

What is the purpose of this forum? Is it meant to in some way help the average consumer? Are most of your negative comments meant to help all of us enjoy the gaming experience? Is it to help the video game creators make better games?
First... Answers to your questions...

why is it that... there is always always ALWAYS forums somewhere on which some people seem to always have something critical to say? Because this is an open forum and not just a "website." Clestial Heavens, The Genie's Lamp, Age of Heroes, etc. are websites where all those "Average Joes" can't post, but this game has a history that dates back into the 80s so even those sights have many authors that are going to be critical of the game. The very definition of a forum is "a public meeting place for open discussion" so expect a HUGE variation on opinions.

What is the purpose of this forum? An open discussion of the games and the Might and Magic Universe.

Is it meant to in some way help the average consumer? Nope

Are most of your negative comments meant to help all of us enjoy the gaming experience? Umm... No. See the answer where we addressed that this was about discussing the game and the might and magic universe. I believe you are looking for the Friends of Ubisoft Controlled Traffic (FUCT) forum. In the forum's defense though, there are specific sections (the FAQ) that are there to provide actual help (Actually the old forum had Technical Corner and this one does not so there is a little disconnect there. Maybe we should have it return?)

Is it to help the video game creators make better games? Heck no! That's what Mountain Dew, speed and Amsterdam hookers are for! We can only be expected to comment about the games and the might and magic universe.
HodgePodge wrote:How can a game be successful if it doesn't capture the imagination & affection of the fans?
I would answer your question with another question. How many sequals can a game survive when each version has captured the imagination and affections of players AND each version has been different from the previous version (not really including HOMM1 to HOMM2)?
jeff wrote:The lack of a good solid tie in to Heroes’ past is very disappointing.
Agreed. The fact that they have taken the Might and Magic Universe and tossed it aside leads me to believe that Ubisoft is doing one of three things. They are either splitting the development of M&M from HOMM and trying to make HOMM a completely different game from M&M. Or... they going to create a "whole new universe for M&M and completely alienate those fans. Or... Heroes of Might and Magic V will be like the 1985-1986 (season 7) "dream" season of Dallas*.

*For the young and unexperienced... Dallas was the "water cooler" night time drama show in the 80s. Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) was killed off but producers brought him back in 1986. See Ultimate Dallas[/htp] for more information.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 19 Mar 2006, 14:01

gravyluvr wrote:(Actually the old forum had Technical Corner and this one does not so there is a little disconnect there. Maybe we should have it return?)
Actually, this was discussed before the move, and it wasn't created since we thought it would be better if those questions were asked in the appropriate game-specific forums instead. The Technical Corner wasn't a big part of the old RT.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 19 Mar 2006, 15:04

gravyluvr wrote: *For the young and unexperienced... Dallas was the "water cooler" night time drama show in the 80s. Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) was killed off but producers brought him back in 1986. See Ultimate Dallas for more information.
Did you hear they want to remake it as a big screen movie, with an all star cast? 8|
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Unread postby Bandobras Took » 19 Mar 2006, 15:25

gravyluvr wrote: I would answer your question with another question. How many sequals can a game survive when each version has captured the imagination and affections of players AND each version has been different from the previous version (not really including HOMM1 to HOMM2)?
I'd say the differences between H1 and H2 were a little more profound than the differences between H2 and H3, but that's just me.
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Unread postby Derek » 20 Mar 2006, 22:46

ThunderTitan wrote:
gravyluvr wrote: *For the young and unexperienced... Dallas was the "water cooler" night time drama show in the 80s. Bobby Ewing (Patrick Duffy) was killed off but producers brought him back in 1986. See Ultimate Dallas for more information.
Did you hear they want to remake it as a big screen movie, with an all star cast? 8|
Hmmm...hadn't heard about that. However, I am not surprised.

What is surprising is how many people(fans) already are discontented with H5. UBI has quite an uphill battle it seems, and they only seem to be shooting themselves in the foot with their bizzare changes.
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 20 Mar 2006, 23:44

Derek wrote: What is surprising is how many people(fans) already are discontented with H5. UBI has quite an uphill battle it seems, and they only seem to be shooting themselves in the foot with their bizzare changes.
My most vehement discontent with Heroes V is StarForce. I could live with all the other disappointments, including UbiSoft's horrendous customer service/relations. But I can't accept StarForce being installed on my computer.
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Unread postby Derek » 21 Mar 2006, 16:22

HodgePodge wrote:My most vehement discontent with Heroes V is StarForce. I could live with all the other disappointments, including UbiSoft's horrendous customer service/relations. But I can't accept StarForce being installed on my computer.
Ah, that means you have not played the beta. That is my most vehement discontent with Heroes V. All that aside, you would get the game if you could get it without SF, or am I mistaken?
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 21 Mar 2006, 18:17

Derek wrote: Ah, that means you have not played the beta. That is my most vehement discontent with Heroes V. All that aside, you would get the game if you could get it without SF, or am I mistaken?
You are not mistaken. :-D I am an avid Heroes fan from the beginning and would indeed buy Heroes V if it was released without StarForce.
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 Mar 2006, 18:58

Hmmm... maybe you should start a petition for a Linux port.
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 21 Mar 2006, 21:22

ThunderTitan wrote:Hmmm... maybe you should start a petition for a Linux port.
Well yeah, but I don't have Linux … and I don't have a Macintosh either! ;|
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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 21 Mar 2006, 23:05

HodgePodge wrote: Well yeah, but I don't have Linux … ;|
Ahh... Linux, my dear, is available for free on the Internet. Anyone can download it. That's the beauty of open-source.
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 22 Mar 2006, 01:46

ThunderTitan wrote:
HodgePodge wrote: Well yeah, but I don't have Linux … ;|
Ahh... Linux, my dear, is available for free on the Internet. Anyone can download it. That's the beauty of open-source.
Really??? :-D Okay, so after I download it, can I install it on my computer and also have Windows XP too? or do I need a separate computer? Image No seriously, I really am a lowly end-user who doesn't know much (if anything) about technical computer stuff …

… so if I downloaded Linux, could I have both operating systems on one computer? Image
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Unread postby theGryphon » 22 Mar 2006, 02:16

Yes, you can have both Linux and WinXP operating in the same PC. It's been a while I didn't install Linux. So, someone with a fresher experience should help. It's not hard...

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Unread postby ThunderTitan » 22 Mar 2006, 02:25

You can actualy have more that 1 Windows on one computer. As far as I know the only thing that limits the number of OS's U can have on 1 PC is ur HDD space.
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Unread postby HodgePodge » 22 Mar 2006, 17:22

ThunderTitan wrote:You can actualy have more that 1 Windows on one computer. As far as I know the only thing that limits the number of OS's U can have on 1 PC is ur HDD space.
I have a 200 GHz Hard Drive. Will I need to know how to "partition" my hard drive to install two operating systems? I'm kinda aprehensive 'cause I don't want to accidently erase my HD. :-D Anyhow, thanks everyone who has already replied & to everyone, in advance, who is willing to help me.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 22 Mar 2006, 17:29

HodgePodge wrote: I have a 200 GHz Hard Drive.

I don't want to know how fast your processor is... If it's on par with that, I'll be so envious that I'll never talk to you again ;)
Will I need to know how to "partition" my hard drive to install two operating systems? I'm kinda aprehensive 'cause I don't want to accidently erase my HD. :-D
I'm afraid that's required...
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