Academy Strategy

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Academy Strategy

Unread postby Apples » 19 Jan 2009, 20:18

I'm a huge noob to HoMM; I only started playing HoMM3 a few months ago, and I loved it, so I bought HoMM5 and all the expansions.

My favorite faction is the Academy; I'm not that good, and the AI kicked my ass. My basic strategy was to build up my army with all the troops possible for a week, and then just go fight. I have no strategy in battle. Needless to say, I lose a lot of troops (and money) this way.

I came to this site looking for a strategy for the Academy faction, and found two; one apparently was from long before the patches and is obsolete according to the comments. The other is relatively new, but is completely different from the first one. So now I'm left confused about the best way to use the Academy would be.

I don't need anything too complicated, just a quick, basic rundown: what skills to get, what troops to get and how to use them in battle, etc. I'm just looking for the best, overall strategy for this faction.

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Unread postby Metathron » 19 Jan 2009, 21:59

Welcome to the boards . . . and the game!
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Unread postby Apples » 19 Jan 2009, 22:05

Metathron wrote:Welcome to the boards . . . and the game!
Thanks, it's good to be here!

And I have seen that strategy, I saw that it was the NEW Academy strategy. I just wasn't sure how recent it was; the older strategy was made obsolete by recent patches, I wasn't sure if this strategy was the same.

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Unread postby Asheera » 19 Jan 2009, 22:07

Well that one is for TotE. It was made before 3.1 but things didn't change that much to make it obsolete, it's still pretty accurate and very useful. ;)
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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 19 Jan 2009, 23:16

Come to the dark side. Play dungeon.

Maybe this thread will help also:


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Unread postby Kalah » 19 Jan 2009, 23:22

Come to the dark side. We have cookies.

Academy is weak. Use the forge-thingy to make magic items.
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Unread postby Bonzer » 20 Jan 2009, 10:01

Welcome Apples,
Some tips for the early game, and a couple for later.

Firstly, when the selection screen comes up, select Havez as your starting hero (when you can - some maps don't allow a selection of heroes).
He starts with plenty of Gremlins (missile) and a catapult / ammo cart.

When the game begins, build / hire more gremlins, hire another academy hero, give all but one of his troops to Havez. Split the gremilins into two stacks. Approx 50 in each stack.

Flag the wood and ore mines asap, if they are guarded use Havez, if not use hero 2.

Have Havez visit all stat boosters, and free any mines not guarded by superior forces. (Any lvl 1 guards not a problem, lvl2 guards are ok except elven archers.

Build something every day, aiming for Tavern, Gremlins, gargoyles, mages, town hall, city hall, citadel, genies by end of week 1. (All of these may not be possible, depending on what you start with).

Restock at start of week 2 and flag remaining mines. On some maps the more valuable mines will be underground (logical I suppose).

In combat, at this early stage, keep missile troops in the far corners, guarded by others. DO NOT be drawn into a pitched battle in the centre of the map. Wait / defend rather than go and meet the enemy. Only melee attack the enemy when you can reach them in one move.

Check the "initiative row" at the bottom of the screen to see when specific stacks will attack / move. Weaken / kill enemy missile troops before they can act. By checking ahead, you can often target specific enemy stacks with yours, so that none of theirs will fire.

Remember Mage's missile fire hit EVERYTHING in the line of fire, including your troops. So when you place them at the start of battle, place them in a corner, one square up from the bottom. Gremlins behind them.
Mages spell damage is not directly proportionate to their number, so split the mages into stacks of 1 or 2 to get maximum Fist of Wrath damage.

The AI will almost always attack Genies if you have them, Mages if not. Know this and make the enemy go where you want.

If there are terrain blocks, boulders etc on the combat screen, use them to make enemy troops take longer to reach you - just reposition your forces, splitting if necessary, behind these obstacles.

When fighting Ghosts etc (ethereal), some attacks will pass straight through without causing damage - bad. However, it has been proved that if you miss them twice the third attack will always hit. Spells with magical damage always hit, spells with physical damage (Fist of Wrath, Stone Spikes, may miss).

In summary, let the enemy come to you, weaken them with missile fire, spells, then if they are still standing finish them off before they reach your missile / spell troops.

Whenever possible, get a Castle built before end of week 2. It doubles your troop recruiting and makes it more difficult for the enemy to break in.

At the later stages of a game, if you have enough defending troops, Take out their catapult FIRST. Two or three shots/ spells will do it (1,000 hp.) If they haven't broken the wall or gate by then, they can't get in without flyers or gating (demons).

I usually leave golems in the castle, as they only get in the way in most battles after week 2.

When you upgrade remember:
Arch mages can cast Fireball.
The Yellow Rakshasa's hit everything adjacent to them, so have them attack an enemy that won't retaliate, and they will also hit another stack for free.

Use the 2nd hero to visit water mills, windmills, etc. And build him up to be a good defender. He can also hold useful artefacts that he main guy doesn't need. Sell useless ones in the marketplace.

Don't go looking for trouble until you are confident of winning without incurring too many casualties. I rarely take my main hero too far away without getting to lvl 20 and Town Portal.

If you can get the Boots of Windstriding your upgraded genies will cross the map in one go, That's the time to go for elven archers.

I don't usually bother with making artefacts until mid game at least. I usually add defence, magic resistance and health to Genies (prime taget for AI), then a mixture of initiative, damage, luck, and speed to the rest.
Be aware that if you split a stack of enhanced troops, only one stack keeps the enhancement. If you lose a full stack the enhancements are gone. Resurrection helps here - but that is later in the game.

As the game goes on check the Tavern Every week. You can sometimes hire a high level hero with a sackful of artefacts if the AI has lost him.

There should be enough there to get you started, don't be afraid to play on the easiest difficulty until you perfect "standard" tactics for your style of play. I usually play on Normal anyway.

Hope this helps,
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Unread postby Apples » 20 Jan 2009, 15:47

Awesome, thank you everybody!

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Unread postby parcaleste » 20 Jan 2009, 18:46

I will advice you something on the skills - go for Empathy and Retribution. All(most) everything you'll need there will be Dark Magic and the Sorcery skill will become like useless. Then boost the creatures with high Moral (+ Initiative) via the artificier. You'll have a killer army with REALLY often acting Hero. If you are lucky to get Puppet Master or Frenzy in the Magic Tower + tossing mass spells, your hero will most likely act more often then your troops, this might hurt your opponent a bit. :D

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Unread postby Banedon » 22 Jan 2009, 04:12

Academy ... pump resources into the Mage Guild, learn Magics to best suit the spells from the guild and hire just enough creatures to clear neutrals safely. Concentrate on magic and let your hero do the talking while the other units scratch at your foe. Do not wait too long to fight, because the longer games go the less powerful Destructive / Summoning magic is. Light and Dark Magic are similarly affected since you're not learning the Might-tree attributes. Take it from there.
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