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Unread postby Konfuzius » 17 Jan 2009, 16:43

Storm-giant wrote:Better than a new magic school I'd go to another master level: Basic(lvl 1)->Advanced(lvl 4)->expert(lvl 7)->master(lvl10)->grandmaster(lvl 14-15)
If possible of course.
Yeah, would be great I had always the same thought ^^

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 17 Jan 2009, 17:55

Storm-giant wrote:Better than a new magic school I'd go to another master level: Basic(lvl 1)->Advanced(lvl 4)->expert(lvl 7)->master(lvl10)->grandmaster(lvl 14-15)
If possible of course.
Grandmaster should be level 13 in that case.. It's always 3 more than the level before it. This would change the whole game, though. For instance, Body Building at GM now gives 40 hit points. This is balanced with how much the Knight gets from Endurance. If there is another level of mastery, than the stats have to work differently as well so as not to make some skills overpowered in comparison with others.

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Unread postby Storm-giant » 17 Jan 2009, 18:11

Yes, it should be 13, typo error....
And about body building, it could be balanced,thats no so difficult. Taking body building example, alright, knights'd get 65 hp at GM(though I don't remenber if there was a basic hp boost from start), but sorceress now could get basic body building, so they would benefict too(as the classes now could get more abilities at basic level, and others at more.).
And if characters are overpowered, just give more power to monsters(similar to Maestro MOD) and should be fine.
Remenber that is a sugestion, not a fact ;)

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Unread postby Phobos » 17 Jan 2009, 20:50

I thought GM Body Building quintupled the effect of a skill point, which means 50 HP with no further investment. Or is it 40?

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Unread postby Storm-giant » 17 Jan 2009, 23:21

Phobos wrote:I thought GM Body Building quintupled the effect of a skill point, which means 50 HP with no further investment. Or is it 40?
true true, expert double, master triple&>GM quintuple

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 17 Jan 2009, 23:49

Storm-giant wrote:Yes, it should be 13, typo error....
And about body building, it could be balanced,thats no so difficult. Taking body building example, alright, knights'd get 65 hp at GM(though I don't remenber if there was a basic hp boost from start), but sorceress now could get basic body building, so they would benefict too(as the classes now could get more abilities at basic level, and others at more.).
And if characters are overpowered, just give more power to monsters(similar to Maestro MOD) and should be fine.
Remenber that is a sugestion, not a fact ;)
1. Bodybuilding gives 1 hp per skill point, multiplied by 4 at GM. So GM level 10 = 40 hp. Endurance at level 40 should give about 160 for the Knight (obviously he gets more hp than other classes, but he is also the only one to GM bodybuilding so it's a fair example). So 160+40 = 200 (don't quote me on this, just an example.. don't know exactly what Endurance does). So Body Building is 1/5th of the total. The problem is not balancing characters versus monsters. It's a little bit of a problem for character v. character balance. But the real problem is skill v. skill balance. If one skill is clearly better than other skills, there is no real choice in taking the other skill.
So if body building = 1/5th total hp, than any weapon skill at GM level should also be 1/5th total damage, so both choices are just as good. Add in Recovery Rate, Armsmaster, Stone Skin, Haste, Bless, Heroism and it all becomes quite confusing probably.. And in the end, the Monk and Sorcerer should still be doing about the same amount of damage in the same amount of time.
So all I'm saying is, if you add another skill level, you are in for alot of math to make them all equal again.

Anyways. I think the Knight, or whatever you'll call him, class should get a new skill to Grandmaster in: Guarding. Guarding is basically his tanking ability. The higher you have it, the more attacks that were meant for other characters hurt him instead. Only the Guarding skill of the (concious) character who has it highest is taken into consideration.
I think it should balance the game a bit more, because as it is in MM6-8 the Sorcerer beats the Knights ass any day of the week.. At least this way he gets to serve his purpose as a meat shield, instead of only being good at carrying out the dead bodies of his team mates to live to fight another day..
Last edited by Macros the Black on 18 Jan 2009, 16:51, edited 2 times in total.

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Unread postby GrayFace » 18 Jan 2009, 06:52

'Advanced' level is something that noone would try to incorporate into MM6-8 engine. It deals with all skills, all spells, predefined skills teachers, so it would be extremely hard technically.
This can be made in a completely new game, like MMTNO, but the purpose isn't clear. IMO it would be just additional trouble of visiting all the teachers.
Macros the Black wrote:1. Bodybuilding gives 1 hp per skill point, multiplied by 4 at GM.
No, AFAIR, it gives 4hp to knight at base level, 16hp at GM. I guess it's multiplied by the base HP growth value of the character, not sure though.

There is nearly no skill balance in MM, but skill levels system smooth it a lot. Merchant, Axe, Perception, Staff, Earth Magic are mostly outsiders. Certain skills are always preferable and much better than others at a time, but it's more about getting Expert/Master/GM in a skill. Then you move on to other skills. I think moderate changes won't break it. It's harder to think of new features of spells in such a system.
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Unread postby tolich » 18 Jan 2009, 15:46

GrayFace wrote:No, AFAIR, it gives 4hp to knight at base level
Both Bodybuilding skill and Endurace attribute give a bonus to character's Experience Level while calculating his Health. The formula for Health is simple: 10 + (Level+6)*ClassHealthBonus. This ClassHealthBonus is a bonus to health for gaining every level for corresponding class. Being expert, master and GM in BB doubles, triples and quintuples skill bonus to level, and therefore to Health.
In MM6, knight's health bonus is 4, but in MM7 it is 5, though skill description mentions 4. Also, a sorcerer in MM7 cannot learn Body building skill, but the skill description still talk about him.

Note that in MMTNO Knight's bonus is also 5.

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 18 Jan 2009, 16:47

Ah well, it was just an example, but as I can see adding another skill level doesn't give a problem for body building when it works like you say.

Thinking of new features for spells is easy.. getting them to work in an engine not designed for them is probably alot harder though.. But, again, I don't know what I'm talking about here :P

Lol, I just noticed there was a 1. in front of my previous post.. I must have went "oh I'll answer in numbers as he adressed a few different things" but then forgot about that and left the 1 there. Now it's like I was freaking out going "1!!!! IT'S ONLY 1 DARN IT!!!" :P

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Unread postby phamlongtuan » 18 Jan 2009, 17:43

Ten year ago i tried MM6 as my first computer game.

I lost three years of my life for playing that game (i did not know any English at that time).

I confused when 3DO went bankrupt.

I feel sad sad sad sad sad for an stopped excellent series.

Now i love you developers of MMX. I love you, best wish for you. You are really get the bless of god.

Regard from a Vietnamese people.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 22 Jan 2009, 16:31

Hey people,

Sorry for beeing so silent on the current status of the game. Fear not, we ARE working on it, behind closed doors, well kind of...
A very big update will come in some time, revealing some great news.
This project is a very big one, and people who want to join, please join and continue working on it. It's hard to rely on people and they are not woring along. This is really annoying cause we have to pick that aspect up, so if you are in the team, please commit to it.
Like said, in a while, there will be a nice little update from Vector, and we all know he makes BIG ones :).

That's it! It's not much, but it'ssometing...
You can either agree with me, or be wrong...

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Unread postby phamlongtuan » 22 Jan 2009, 18:26

darknessfood wrote:Hey people,

Sorry for beeing so silent on the current status of the game. Fear not, we ARE working on it, behind closed doors, well kind of...
A very big update will come in some time, revealing some great news.
This project is a very big one, and people who want to join, please join and continue working on it. It's hard to rely on people and they are not woring along. This is really annoying cause we have to pick that aspect up, so if you are in the team, please commit to it.
Like said, in a while, there will be a nice little update from Vector, and we all know he makes BIG ones :).

That's it! It's not much, but it'ssometing...
We are on your side, we always be here to hear the news :proud: . M&M forever.

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Unread postby pirvix » 22 Jan 2009, 22:22

darknessfood wrote:Hey people,

Sorry for beeing so silent on the current status of the game. Fear not, we ARE working on it, behind closed doors, well kind of...
A very big update will come in some time, revealing some great news.
This project is a very big one, and people who want to join, please join and continue working on it. It's hard to rely on people and they are not woring along. This is really annoying cause we have to pick that aspect up, so if you are in the team, please commit to it.
Like said, in a while, there will be a nice little update from Vector, and we all know he makes BIG ones :).

That's it! It's not much, but it'ssometing...
Well, I wouldn't consider it ''something'' if it's a big update, so I'm waiting ever so patiently :beg:

Keep it up and bring a long a colorfull post when you're ready Vector
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Unread postby Toxis » 26 Jan 2009, 22:12

god damn you! I'm so anxious that I've installed m&mVI again on my laptop... AT WORK... so guess how productive I am now... :)

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Unread postby Storm-giant » 26 Jan 2009, 23:59

As long as you are happier ;)

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Unread postby darknessfood » 09 Feb 2009, 13:24

Hey, just wanted to give you a little idea of an Easter Egg. Currently, the promotion quests are wrapped up and done. Currently, I'm writing the side quests. I thought, what the heck and throw you little bone. The quest that I'm currently writing (and mostly thinking of, has the title "Lucas's Art", this is an easter eg, as well as a quest (will not let out the quest details though. What do you think of it?
You can either agree with me, or be wrong...

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Unread postby Phobos » 10 Feb 2009, 21:59

I think that's a great title, both fun and informative at the same time. It's a nice reference and you get the idea what the quest is about :)

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Unread postby Storm-giant » 11 Feb 2009, 22:20

Like it :-D

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Unread postby MM7today » 13 Feb 2009, 10:18

Although, isn't it spelled "Lucas' Art"? Without the extra S.

I'm not trying to insult anyone though :P

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Unread postby Phobos » 13 Feb 2009, 15:07

MM7today wrote:Although, isn't it spelled "Lucas' Art"? Without the extra S.

I'm not trying to insult anyone though :P
Both ways are correct. :p

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