H5 transferring scripts

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H5 transferring scripts

Unread postby Sarvi » 03 Jan 2009, 02:54

Does anyone know how to export a script from a H5 map and then import it (or pieces of it) into the script of another map??
It would save a lot of work: re-typing, weeding out errors, etc.
I often use similar commands in different maps, (such as PlayVisualEffect or Play2DSound) with just small alterations required...
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Unread postby Asheera » 03 Jan 2009, 12:15

You could make a Mod to hold your file and then, at the beginning of your map script, write:

Code: Select all

(let's assume your common script is name maps-common.lua and you placed it in a scripts folder inside a mod)

You could as well put it in one of the Maps (outside the "Maps" folder in the .h5m file, create a "scripts" folder and place the maps-common.lua file there), though I'm not sure if this one works...
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script file export

Unread postby Sarvi » 05 Jan 2009, 06:35

Thanks for your ideas...
Since I posted this message it occurred to me that its actually very simple!
Just unzip the map file and extract the MapScript.lua file to your documents or somewhere. You can then read the script file with NotePad or other text editor, cut, paste, and copy pieces, etc.
No problem!
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Round Table Knight
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Unread postby Asheera » 05 Jan 2009, 21:47

Yes that was what I was talking about. And if you need to share it between multiple maps you can just place it in one of them and write that doFile line I said above at the start of the map scripts.
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