Mass Dispel and the Wizard's Moat in H3

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Mass Dispel and the Wizard's Moat in H3

Unread postby Bandobras Took » 14 Mar 2006, 23:37

I ran into this last night, but I'm not sure it holds true for all versions of the game.

I cast Mass Dispel while attacking a Wizard's Town (Land Mine moat) and all of the Mines were dispelled. Does that happen every time, or am I just playing with an antiquated version of H3?
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Unread postby Paulus1 » 14 Mar 2006, 23:43

Happens every time. Unlike the other moats, the Tower moat is protected by spells (landmines). Mass dispel removes all spells, including landmines.

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Unread postby Justice » 14 Mar 2006, 23:49

Didn't know that... :devious: my friends wil get a shock next time we play, one of them, he is always wizard, even is starting to get good at the game, we had a close match last time, but as usualy I won :proud:

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Unread postby Metathron » 15 Mar 2006, 01:23

Interesting! Adds a nice kick to the game.

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Unread postby Kristo » 15 Mar 2006, 01:39

It's pretty funny to watch the AI deal with the mined moat. While a human player knows the mines are there, the computer doesn't seem to. It will gladly send its troops to get blown up. I've also never seen the computer try to dispel the mines (again, probably because it doesn't know they're there).

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Unread postby dallasmavs41 » 15 Mar 2006, 23:49

Pretty interesting...I'll have to try this out...

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Unread postby Orfinn » 16 Mar 2006, 07:22

Hehe nice, their defences will be reduced greatly without their precious mines :devious:

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Unread postby DaemianLucifer » 07 Apr 2006, 07:52

Kristo wrote:It's pretty funny to watch the AI deal with the mined moat. While a human player knows the mines are there, the computer doesn't seem to. It will gladly send its troops to get blown up. I've also never seen the computer try to dispel the mines (again, probably because it doesn't know they're there).
Yes,its simply amazing to watch a stack go through all of the mines from top to bottom :devil:

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 07 Apr 2006, 13:28

DaemianLucifer wrote:
Kristo wrote:It's pretty funny to watch the AI deal with the mined moat. While a human player knows the mines are there, the computer doesn't seem to. It will gladly send its troops to get blown up. I've also never seen the computer try to dispel the mines (again, probably because it doesn't know they're there).
Yes,its simply amazing to watch a stack go through all of the mines from top to bottom :devil:
I've also cleared the moat a few times by sending a diamond golem up the line (with 95% magic resist, it only takes 8 damage per mine!). With a first aid tent to remove the damage after half of them are gone (speed 5 means it will take a few turns to get them all), not even one golem will die :D

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Unread postby LordScimitar » 08 Apr 2006, 00:01

Qurqirish Dragon wrote:
DaemianLucifer wrote:
Kristo wrote:It's pretty funny to watch the AI deal with the mined moat. While a human player knows the mines are there, the computer doesn't seem to. It will gladly send its troops to get blown up. I've also never seen the computer try to dispel the mines (again, probably because it doesn't know they're there).
Yes,its simply amazing to watch a stack go through all of the mines from top to bottom :devil:
I've also cleared the moat a few times by sending a diamond golem up the line (with 95% magic resist, it only takes 8 damage per mine!). With a first aid tent to remove the damage after half of them are gone (speed 5 means it will take a few turns to get them all), not even one golem will die :D
LOL! That's hilarious. If you did that to me I'd simply be infuriated. Simple, yet, ingenuis. Great idea. Along that line, if you take a creature simply immune to magic (Black Dragon, Psychic elemental), will they activate the mine and not take damage? Or, how about a creature/hero with magic resistance to just negate a spell (battle dwarf, secondary skill resistance), might it explode and do no damage?

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Unread postby Kristo » 08 Apr 2006, 02:18

LordScimitar wrote:Along that line, if you take a creature simply immune to magic (Black Dragon, Psychic elemental), will they activate the mine and not take damage? Or, how about a creature/hero with magic resistance to just negate a spell (battle dwarf, secondary skill resistance), might it explode and do no damage?
I think in the case of mines if you resist the magic you prevent it from going off altogether.

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Unread postby Qurqirish Dragon » 08 Apr 2006, 13:27

Kristo wrote:
LordScimitar wrote:Along that line, if you take a creature simply immune to magic (Black Dragon, Psychic elemental), will they activate the mine and not take damage? Or, how about a creature/hero with magic resistance to just negate a spell (battle dwarf, secondary skill resistance), might it explode and do no damage?
I think in the case of mines if you resist the magic you prevent it from going off altogether.
Which is what makes the golem strategy so great- they resist the damage, not the spell B-)

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Unread postby millionmilesaway » 08 Apr 2006, 19:14

Qurqirish Dragon wrote:
Kristo wrote:
LordScimitar wrote:Along that line, if you take a creature simply immune to magic (Black Dragon, Psychic elemental), will they activate the mine and not take damage? Or, how about a creature/hero with magic resistance to just negate a spell (battle dwarf, secondary skill resistance), might it explode and do no damage?
I think in the case of mines if you resist the magic you prevent it from going off altogether.
Which is what makes the golem strategy so great- they resist the damage, not the spell B-)
I've got to try this out! It seems fun! :-D

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