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Unread postby protecyon » 24 Sep 2005, 00:34

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby CloudRiderX » 24 Sep 2005, 00:34

Whew.....Corribus is at it again! You are quite the debater. I admire that.
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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 24 Sep 2005, 03:38

I reckon it's a good move by Nival. There really isn't much in terms of Fantasy FPS's out there, and I'm pretty sure there's a market. I for one will buy the game, the movies impressed me alot (I loved the slow-motion kllings, and physics).

I just wish they ALSO would bring out a MM10. hopefully that's next onthe agenda. Otherwise they should give the rights to the MMT team imo.

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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 24 Sep 2005, 03:46

Oh, and excellent article :) I think I agree with all of it, especially about the fact the Ubi are using the title "Dark Messiah" to attract gamers to "Might and Magic", and not using the MM brand to attract MM'ers to Dark Messiah (at least not to a comparable degree).

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Unread postby Corribus » 24 Sep 2005, 04:11

Unless HoMM5 tanks, it seems very likely to me that Might and Magic X will be made, if it isn't in the works already. My feeling, if I didn't already make it clear, is that Ubisoft is hoping that they can lure some new potential buyers for a Might and Magic RPG (MMX) by first releasing this FPS-RPG hybrid.

In short, the way that Ubisoft has proceeded thus far with H5 and now Dark Messiah leads me to believe that they have a lot of long-term plans for their acquisition. If they had just wanted to go in a milk it quickly for whatever life it had left, and then ditch it, I don't think they would have bothered.

This is good news for all of us, regardless of how you feel about the final design of H5. Look to the future, people - Might and Magic as a brand of games appears like it will still be with us for a while.
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Unread postby Gaidal Cain » 24 Sep 2005, 05:59

@Lord Haart:

Just clearing up some confusion: Nival has nothing to do with DMoMM, just like NWC had nothing to do with Army Men (OK, maybe a little more). Nival are making Heroes V, and some french company is making DMoMM.
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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 24 Sep 2005, 06:14

Yeh, sorry, my bad. I actually had to correct myself in my second post, (I put Ubi instead) but I forgot to fix the firs one.

Arkane Studios is repsonsible for DMoMM. They are pretty well-respected game devs, so my hopes are high.

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Unread postby Vitirr » 24 Sep 2005, 09:02

Just a hint, in the new M&M portal there are three links at the header: HOMM5, DMOMM and M&M Titles. I'm pretty sure a new RPG M&M title is in the work or it's planned. However, how will it be?. Will it be a party based RPG allowing turn based combat?. Will it have anything to do with the old M&M story?. Not likely.

So I just hope they can make a good modern RPG like Gothic 2 for example.

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Unread postby Labyrinth » 24 Sep 2005, 10:52

Brilliant article!

I don't think I will buy DMoMM, but I'll have a look at the demo when it comes out ;)

I had thought that DMoMM was to be a substitution for the never-to-come-MMX. But your argumentation (and Vitirr's here) is good enough to make me believe :)
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Unread postby Zombie_Inc » 24 Sep 2005, 16:22

The M&M Titles isn't a link, it's a title, and the M&M Titles are HoMM5 and DMoMM.
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Unread postby Vitirr » 25 Sep 2005, 09:08

It's true, I didn't see the ":" before. I though it was a still unfunctional link.

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Unread postby gatekeeper6838 » 02 Oct 2005, 22:13

I sure hope a new M&M RPG is made. I sure would hate the series to be transformed into anything else!

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Unread postby Utaking » 27 May 2006, 06:15

My only concern, long time fans, is M-ratedness. The M-rating will decrease sales due to parents not wanting their kids, who just got hooked thanks to HoMM5, playing a violent title. Hmmmm........ whatever, I'm excited (though I didn't like Arx Fatalis much)

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Unread postby breaker581 » 10 Jan 2007, 06:43

Excellent article! It makes a lot of sense to me now and I think this is a brilliant idea by Ubisoft. I've been waiting a long time for a might and magic 10. A FPS is just not the same as a party-based role-playing adventure. Does anyone know what Fabrice has got to say about this? I'm sure he is hush hush, but may have hinted at a MMX being developed at some point.

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Unread postby Queen Hera » 14 Jun 2008, 10:27

I would love a M&M10. I would even love the developers to redesign M&M 3 (does anyone remember that one? arrow key, arrow key lol) using todays technology for game play.

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