Cannot create ramps anymore

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Cannot create ramps anymore

Unread postby DeejMaster » 15 Nov 2008, 18:25

I could create ramps when I first loaded H5, however I have since loaded HOF and TOE and have decided to create maps again. Now I cannot create ramps, even using the H5 Map Editor (but not on the same map).

I don't mind doing a reinstall of the Map Editor, but I don't have any idea as to how, since I downloaded HOF and TOE and those programs are bundled .exe only.

Have they changed the way to create ramps? I know one used to have at least 3 linear tiles - 2 deep (6+ squares raised). Then you just run your curser along the edge where the ramp was to be created. Now...Nothing.


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Unread postby Asheera » 15 Nov 2008, 22:08

I works fine for me. Are you sure you're doing it right?

Create a 2x3 Raised Area, from above the raised tiles look like this:

Code: Select all

Now, see the X? Select Ramp instead of Raise, move your cursor to X, press Left Click on your mouse and HOLD it, then move your cursor to the tile right below X (while holding Left Click)

That's how it works.
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By Joe, I think I've got it!

Unread postby DeejMaster » 17 Nov 2008, 09:10

I couldn't quite figure out what you were describing. I reopened by Mapeditor and tried out what I thought you were trying to convey.

What I needed to do was move my cursor perpendicular to the line of 3 squares, kind of like I was using a brush stroke to smooth the land into the water.

What I was doing wrong was running my cursor parallel with the 3 tiles. I tried it in the water, on the land, stradling the little "cliffs", but nothing was happening.

I can be dense sometimes. Thank you very much for your help!

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