Might & Magic 10; been in development for years + teaser

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby darknessfood » 13 Nov 2008, 22:35

Pirvix the pervert perhaps ;)... @ Macros, nice joke :rofl:...
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Unread postby DarthVadre » 13 Nov 2008, 22:54

darknessfood wrote:Pirvix the pervert perhaps ;)... @ Macros, nice joke :rofl:...
'Pirvix the creepy dude who hangs around the elementary school'? No I took it too far. No offense meant.
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To Vector

Unread postby MadMax » 14 Nov 2008, 12:35

WHen will you send that damn email with gamestuff?

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Unread postby pirvix » 14 Nov 2008, 13:51

elementary school? :| better said the halls of extreme inteligence :devious:
wait, that wouldn't be an elementry school then, more like an university.......
Pirvix the pervert perhaps wink... @ Macros, nice joke rofl...

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Re: To Vector

Unread postby DarthVadre » 14 Nov 2008, 19:49

HeroOfPunk wrote:WHen will you send that damn email with gamestuff?
Are you talking in general to the team or to someone specific?

Edit: btw, Pirvix, in the United States Primary Schools are known as Elementary schools.
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Unread postby pirvix » 14 Nov 2008, 21:56

DarthVadre wrote:
Edit: btw, Pirvix, in the United States Primary Schools are known as Elementary schools.
exactly my point ;| ok enough about that.

One question now, (sorry if this was mentioned before but I haven't seen it anywhere) what about the spells that will be in the game, new ones old ones? wich ones for that matter? :creative:

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Unread postby DarthVadre » 14 Nov 2008, 22:17

pirvix wrote:One question now, (sorry if this was mentioned before but I haven't seen it anywhere) what about the spells that will be in the game, new ones old ones? wich ones for that matter? :creative:
I'm sure traditional spells like Wizard's Eye, Town Portal, Enchant Item, Fly, Heal, etc, will be included, but I doubt anything is finalized as far as spells go.
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Unread postby Macros the Black » 14 Nov 2008, 22:41

Yeah.. I still hope Enchant Item and Lloyd's Beacon get swapped around though, where Enchant becomes a GM spell and Lloyd's Beacon becomes a Master level spell which is only usuable outdoors until you become GM.
This so that you can have an efficient party without needing a Sorcerer, yet if you do choose to have a Sorcerer you can exploit the two spells.

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Unread postby MadMax » 16 Nov 2008, 10:27

Btw I will be writing dialouges for the game :D It's a big honour to be developing a new Might and Magic :D

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Unread postby darknessfood » 16 Nov 2008, 14:30

So what kind of dialogue will you be writing?
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Kool ....

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 16 Nov 2008, 14:38

What is the current (projected) release date for this game?

Just out of curiosity, what is the size and composition of your team; Graphic Artists, Programmers, Scriptors, Authors, Editors?

Will the game be self-contained, including .exe and all database files or will we be required to already 'own' one of the MM games for the engine?

Quite an ambitious project! Looking forward to the release!

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.


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Unread postby MadMax » 16 Nov 2008, 16:50

darknessfood wrote:So what kind of dialogue will you be writing?

Probably the ones between players and NPC's and stuff :D

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Unread postby DarthVadre » 16 Nov 2008, 20:03

Vector's also told me I'll be writing dialog. So I guess HeroOfPunk and I are partners in crime :D

Hey, BDJ's around! Just wanted you to know that your mod's really fun, sorry I wasn't around when you released it
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Unread postby darknessfood » 16 Nov 2008, 22:52

Hey BDJ,

Well the first releasedate was planned on March, but that isn't really reliable, so just keep it on "it's done when it's done". TBH, I don't know what the setup is of our team, but we got somebody to do a task, one is making armour, others are writing stuff (HeroOfPunk some random dialogue, just as DarthVadre, Corlagon will be making the main story I believe, somebody who I don't know is writing the stuff for items, and I am writing the Promotion and side quests), I'm sure I leave a lot of people out, but the team is well build.
As for the game, you probably just get a standalone version, for this is a standard new game using just the engine...
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Thanks for the info

Unread postby Big Daddy Jim » 17 Nov 2008, 14:11


Thanks for the info. The team is certainly coming together and I am sure that you (all) will be up to the daunting challenges that lie ahead. As stated before, this is a very ambitious undertaking that requires a steep learning curve and some very 'creative' solutions to accomplish the 'technical' tasks.

Best of luck to you all. I'm looking forward to monitoring the progress of this massive project, and await the day when the game is released.

Thank you all for your dedication ....

"BDJ the Coding Wizard has moved out of the Coding Fortress, has retired from Might & Magic game modification, and now lives a peaceful life in Alto Lino, Republic de Panama.


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Unread postby darknessfood » 17 Nov 2008, 15:07

No problem BDJ. Right now, we are kinda stuck, but at the end of the month we will be producing at full force again. Can't wait for the end result myself, playing troughout the beta, and see if this game will be played by many eole. As long as we go ahead and get 10000 downloads, I'm happy :). Thanks for the kind words. And when updates are available, you will find them here !
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Unread postby Stryfer » 17 Nov 2008, 15:16

Ok, first off...YAAAAAAY! New M&M!!! WOOT!!

And now the question: have you decided on the races yet? The other two I mean. If not may I suggest the Vampire and Minotaur? So far every M&M game had the Human, Elf, a pure powerhouse fighting race (Half-orc, Troll, Goblin) and an extra race to cover stats missed by the others specific ones (its the Dwarf mostly, not the Human - they average out). Humans would be the all around avrage class, Elves the spellcasters, Minotaurs the fighting class and Vampires would take the roles the dwarves had which if fast and durable.
Dragons would be awesome, but as you said it's difficult. Why Minotaur and Vampire and not say, Dwarf or Troll? Simple, these are more original and, I THINK, more fun to play as :D

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 17 Nov 2008, 17:53

They use the same items from MM7 (i guess so from screens).
That why it could be difficult to create correct sprite of the paper doll of the minotaurus and correct position of the armors on the doll.

That why I think that only human-kind races could be done.

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Unread postby Stryfer » 18 Nov 2008, 12:16

I could be wrong, but I think their problem was putting in a character that would be a different size (like a Dwarf or Dragon), because they would have to alter the coordinates. I dont think a Minotaur would have to have different positioning of items on the paper doll, just the paper doll would have to be done accordingly.

Yea I assume you guys are drawing new dolls and not importing ones from other games right? If you are drawing new ones it would be nice to see a preview when you have it! :D

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Unread postby vladimir-maestro » 18 Nov 2008, 13:06

I've got mine preview of MM8 paper doll renewed version but the picture might be "not safe for the work" :-D

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