Might & Magic 10; been in development for years + teaser

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Macros the Black » 05 Nov 2008, 22:56

Variol wrote:Have the boats and wagons go everywhere, every day. Even if there has to be a quest for this to happen.
Hey yeah, that's a good idea. I second this.
I would also appreciate it if Lloyd's Beacon wouldn't be GM-level only.
I would like to see it changed to Master level:

Master level: Lloyd's Beacon cannot be used in dungeons, regardless of wether or not there are monsters nearby. Just as many beacons as GM level has.
Grandmaster level: Lloyd's Beacon can be used anytime, anywhere. Doesn't have more beacons than it does at master level.

Why? Because I want to use Beacons for fast-travel, but I don't want to have to have a Sorcerer for that. Because I usually don't want a Sorcerer, as it makes the game too easy for me. I also don't want to use the Set Beacon/Town Portal/Visit Temple/Recall Beacon exploit. The "cannot be used in dungeons" restriction prevents this.

In short, this gives Lloyd's Beacon as a utility tool for non-Sorcerer parties, while keeping it an exploit-tool for parties that do have a Sorcerer.

Assuming only the Sorcerer can GM Water, of course..

And, if this wish is granted, I have the perfect skill for you to move to GM level: enchant item.

Expert: if you want to use Ice Bolt effectively.
Master: if you want to use Lloyd's Beacon and town portal for traveling around.
Grandmaster: if you want to use Lloyd's Beacon for infinite life, and enchant item for infinite money.

Edit: oh, and is it possible to have the merchant/repair/identify skills effect the whole party? Saves alot of swapping out items..

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Unread postby Variol » 05 Nov 2008, 23:28

Edit: oh, and is it possible to have the merchant/repair/identify skills effect the whole party? Saves alot of swapping out items..
I think that's been mentioned, but AMEN!

Also, would be nice if loads of money were no just lying around, which nobody bothers to pick up.

The MM7 mod has way too much money in it. It's too easy. And it eliminates the need for thieves.

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Unread postby Corlagon » 05 Nov 2008, 23:40

The thing with 9 was that there were too few quests, monsters etc
If your question was actually about the gameplay, no, the MMX project will not be using its ideas (they won't work with the MM6-8 engine, for one thing).

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Unread postby Macros the Black » 06 Nov 2008, 00:46

Corlagon wrote:(they won't work with the MM6-8 engine, for one thing).

You meant to say "they won't work with the MM6-8 engine for nothing"? Cuz now it means the exact opposite..
Being that we want the game to fully resemble the environment of MM6-MM8, we will be using that particular engine.
Edit: ahahaha, lol, never mind. I get it now. I thought the "they" meant the team working on it :D
I was so utterly confused..

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Unread postby darknessfood » 06 Nov 2008, 09:52

Stupid dutchman :D!
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Unread postby Variol » 07 Nov 2008, 11:21

Also df,
Will we see the ability to take 2 NPC's again? I missed that in MM8. It would have been nice to play solo and have 2 NPC's to augment some skills.

And while I'm at it, it would be nice to have the ability to take "up to" 4 or 5 characters, but no necessarily the max.

Oh, I couldn't be more excited I must say!!
(Ed Grimly)

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Unread postby darknessfood » 07 Nov 2008, 14:17

Thank you, same here :D!

As for the question, can't tell yet. Later on you will get the answer once producing full force again :)!

Will post a promotion quest tomorrow. I'll take out the name parts, and will letting you discuss what kind of promotion it is...
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Unread postby Macros the Black » 08 Nov 2008, 21:20

darknessfood wrote:Will post a promotion quest tomorrow.
*looks around*
Hmm. You have less than 2 hours left, y'know that right? :P

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Unread postby darknessfood » 08 Nov 2008, 22:35

Macros the Black wrote:
darknessfood wrote:Will post a promotion quest tomorrow.
*looks around*
Hmm. You have less than 2 hours left, y'know that right? :P
Yeah, and in dutch time even more ;), because it's 23:30 over here now.

So as promised, here's a promotion quest for you all. I hope you all like it, even with the names blurred out. Maybe you can discuss about what promotion it could be.

Well hello. Don’t mind interrupting our family meeting. Oh, it was about our missing son, *whoopsie*. He was a good *dahm, I keep blurring things*, just like me. But one day, he just kept away. I always thought he was coming back, but to this day we didn’t had any sign of him. I tried to search for him for months, but as you can tell, no luck. While talking to people who have seen him. Some even said he was looking for a way to *I don't know where*, probably fighting “Angelspit perhaps*”, a fierce *well AS is a ORC*, as we are suppose to believe the rumors. I wonder if he ever got there, but if he did, I fear that *Angelspit* killed him. There are no ships going there because it’s too dangerous, only way there is to go through the *PWEP*. Problem is that nobody ever located this *something*. I know it’s a long shot brave adventurers, but if you will, can you go and try and find these *something*, and go to *somewhere*? Please, find any proof that my son was there. I only fear you can find it on *Angelspit's* corpse.

Well, that's the promotion I gave you all. As said before, feel free to discuss it, give feedback, or something else...

Thanks for reading!

PS: sorry for the weird stuff in the middle, you gotta do something while beeing sober ;)!
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Unread postby Herry Hardfoot » 08 Nov 2008, 23:43

Hmmm. Well, it's probably not a thief promotion, else the father wouldn't be bragging about how his son was a good one, just like dear old dad. The way dad talked about fighting the whatever it is, sounded like physical combat rather than magic, so I'm guessing it's not a sorceror or druid, and probably not a cleric either. I think it's one of the fighter classes like a knight, paladin, or archer.

What does everyone else think?

Besides, of course, thinking "I can't wait for this game"!

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Unread postby darknessfood » 08 Nov 2008, 23:53

I don't have any clue :rolleyes: ...
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Unread postby Macros the Black » 09 Nov 2008, 04:37

I would say it's the Paladin quest, but there's not gonna be a Paladin :/
So whatever class is getting Self Magic + Plate Armor, that's the one who this promotion quest is about..

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Unread postby Variol » 09 Nov 2008, 18:04

I would lean toward Paladin or Fighter>Knight

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Unread postby DarthVadre » 09 Nov 2008, 21:33

What if it's simply a money and exp quest? Did you think of that?

Maybe it's best to write a few quests when drunk, read over and edit them when sober, and put them away for two weeks. After the two weeks pull them out again, choose the best, and try to improve them more. Then, put them away for another week. And then, touch them up, and have other people read over them, ending with only the best. The reason for waiting so long is at the time something might seem like a good idea, but it really isn't, and hopefully, when reading over it after forgetting about it, you'll see if it's dumb idea or not.

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Unread postby Variol » 09 Nov 2008, 22:26

Of curse, just a plain old quest is possible as well. We saw that in MM6 where we got some food for our trouble. ;)

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Unread postby darknessfood » 09 Nov 2008, 22:32

I told you that it's a Promotion quest, so it's not a random thing...
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Unread postby Variol » 09 Nov 2008, 22:37

uhh, I was just being nice to DV, ;)

I guess we should also ask if we are in for all the same classes and promotions. Or, could this be something new, or even a mixed class?

Also, will it be all humans, or, are we gonna get some gnomes, halfling, elves, orcs, wemiks etc in there?

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Unread postby Corlagon » 09 Nov 2008, 22:51

It's been very good of all of you to put up with the lack of updates. Again, big apologies for that from the team, so as a special bonus I'm going to reveal a bit of the descriptive work on one of the regions we'll be using in MMX.

It's only text, which isn't exactly awe-inspiring, but I hope it'll maintain your interest until we get back on track next month. Everything is subject (but unlikely) to change. Don't worry, there are no storyline spoilers here.



A marshland technically upon the Glorennes mainland, ruled by the Chronomancers of Neroli. The River of Deception (aptly named not only as it is a channel rather than a river but also because it indicates the dispositions of the land's ruling folk) slices through the region, separating the western region-isle of Hark from the eastern Ralgaze Gulf. It is bordered by Old Alanon on the northeast, and by Felisfoth on the southeast. The island housing the Important Explorable Dungeon On Said Island {can't tell you its name :D} also lies due southwest of Hark. Trade ships from isles in the far north periodically travel to the miniscule port town of Augustratz at Hark, from whence travellers can sojourn into the wildlands of the Gulf (at their own peril).

The entire Glorennes climate is frosty, and as such Ralgaze is no psuedo-tropical swampland like Dagger Wound, the Mire of the Damned or Tatalia. Unique in this world for its distinctive flora and fauna, the region has lamentably never been properly observed by foreign scholars (due to the Regnan blockade at the Tempest Archipelago and beyond). The Neroli Chronomancers are incredibly reckless with their wild sorcery, and as such the beasts both great and small in Ralgaze hail from different time periods throughout Enroth's history. In all this chaos, it is a wonder that the region has managed to remain intact, let alone thrive. Apparently, the Chronomancers are selective about their temporal summonlings, ensuring that they are capable of adapting to an outlandish place such as Ralgaze.


Two of the regional names I've selected for the first paragraph in this small excerpt have been very briefly mentioned in the Heroes series before. See if you can recognise which ones :P
Last edited by Corlagon on 09 Nov 2008, 22:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 09 Nov 2008, 22:52

You might get that.Maybe no as playable characters, but I could make some quests involving them...
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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 09 Nov 2008, 23:36


exactly where is is MMX located? West Enroth or a completely new continent? the names (Ralgaze, Chronomancers, Old Alanon etc) tell me nothing so it cant be part of the original lore of MM?
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