Buying (+shipping to Russia) M&M series

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Buying (+shipping to Russia) M&M series

Unread postby Skraelos » 28 Sep 2008, 12:15

Hello everyone! :)

I'm not sure that this is the right place for this question, but if it is I would really like to ask for your help.

I want to have MM 1-9 with complete user guides, cluebooks and all "box" stuff that was usually included with the games. Right now I have a Limited MM6 edition which has a good MM6 guide and a CD with MM1-5 but without MM1-5 cluebooks (even their digital versions)

I didn't find printed versions of these cluebooks alone, but I've founf a single jewel CD with scans of these 5 cluebooks.
As far as I know there is a special edition "Ultimate MM Archives" which includes these scans too... But I really want to have real maps (that I can hold in my hands and stick on the wall in my room) and real guides/cluebooks that I can read far from PC. I know this all sounds a little nerdish but hey, this is what could be called "good" fanaticism. :)
Also I know this sub-forum is about M&M but the same question stands for HoMM series. Right now I've found a $200 edition of HoMM 1-5 with a large single cluebook (If I understood the description correctly it is a single worked book... And it is also made by Ubisoft so I don't really like it -.-)... There's also an edition of MM6-MM9 but it doesn't have a separate guide too...

So the question is maybe you people know which editions will fit my needs best and a very important part is shipping to Russia.
Price is not very important but I really don't want to overpay for some extra-mega-rare editions that some people are selling for 1k$+ After all I'm a student who spends all his free time on a bad job of minor tech support -.-

Thanks for your attention anyway :)

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Unread postby Talin_Trollbane » 07 Oct 2008, 18:36

hmm....well the Ultima Might & Magic Archives would serve your needs nicely since it got maps for all the games, but since you want the games separatly and with the cluebooks the only chance is ebay and alot of patience /luck.
Ultima, Elder Scrolls and Might and Magic Veteran.

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