Final Scores
Lord Lakely - 152 + 30 - 1 = 181
Koni - 129 + 20 = 149
Borsuc - 115 + 20 = 135
Asheera - 134
Muszka - 68 + 5 = 73
HodgePodge - 63 - 1 = 62
Avonu - 53
a55a55in - 31 - 2 = 29
Kalah - 16
darknessfood - 13
SWST - 12
Corlagon - 11
Panda Tar - 8
Corribus - 7
okrane - 7
Vlad - 3
Milla - 2
![ashamed :ashamed:](/forums/images/smilies/ashamed_worm.gif)
Lord Lakely
![embarrassed_whistling :x](/forums/images/smilies/embarrassed_whistling.gif)
+1 penalty that doesn't reduce anyone's points
Lord Lakely
![proud i rule :proudirule:](/forums/images/smilies/proud_irule.gif)
![proud i rule :proudirule:](/forums/images/smilies/proud_irule.gif)
![proud i rule :proudirule:](/forums/images/smilies/proud_irule.gif)
Words used
joke, okenite, niter, nitery, erythrocyanosis, nosism, sismometer, meter, eternity, tyrant, ranter, anterior, ioras, orasone, sones, oneself, selfish, elfishly, lycanthropy, opye, yellow, lowkey, keyhole, holey, eye, eyet, eyetooth, toothfairy, fairytale, talent, entwine, twined, inedia, ediacaran, carangid, giddy, giddyap, yapping, pinguecula, ulan, language, agency, encyclopaedia, paediatric, iatrical, calcium, umbellifer, lifers, erst, stob, tobacco, accolade, laded, dedicate, catechumen, menfolk, folklore, lorel, orellanine, ninebark, barkeeper, keepership, shipwreck, reckless, lessee, seepage, pager, german, germany, manyfold, folderol, roller, lerot, erotic, ticked, edit, ditchdigger, diggers, gersdorffite, iteration, rational, naloxone, oneway, waylaid, laidly, lyceum, umpire, irenical, calendar, endarch, archbishopric, prick, prickwood, woodchuck, chuckle, huckleberry, berrylike, likelihood, hoodlum, lumber, umbered, redneck, necklace, lacey, eyelid, elide, ideal, idealess, lesser, serenade, adequate, equated, tedious, ousted, edge, edgebone, bonehead, headful, fulham, hamster, steradian, radiant, dianthus, husk, huskal, skald, aldosterone, oneirology, gybe, beak, beaker, akeratosis, sister, sistering, ringbolt, bolts, boltsprit, sprite, iterate, rates, testicles, lest, establisher, sherlock, lockup, uppercut, percutaneous, ousel, useless, essay, sayable, ablegates, legateship, shipshape, penis, penisterophily, lyase, asexual, sexualize, zealot, lotion, onanism, anismus, muscadel, cadelle, elleck, lecker, kerchief, chieftain, tainted, tedding, dinghy, ghyll, yllanraton, atonal, nalorphine, inebriant, antenna, antennary, arythmia, miaou, aoudad, daddy, dybbuk, buke, ukes, estimate, material, rialto, altoist, istle, leaches, chessboard, boardwalk, walker, alkeran, randan, dandelion, lionfish, fisher, sheriff, riffle , riffler, fleroxacin, cinnamon, among, mongrel, relation, elations, onstage, staged, agedness, nesslerise, sent, sentry, entryways, wayside, sidearm, armpit , pitcher, cherish, rishis, shisha, shaded, dedicate
Lord Lakely was simply unstoppable in this one
![thumbs up :tsup:](/forums/images/smilies/thumbsup.gif)
No matter how powerful one becomes, there is always someone stronger. That's why I'm in a constant pursuit of power, so I can be prepared when an enemy tries to take advantage of me.