Wishes ideas and proposals for the next version

Official forum of the Wake of Gods mod to Heroes of Might and Magic III.
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Unread postby PyroDrew » 04 Feb 2006, 22:34

I ran some tests & regardless of mana, creatures, terrain, battlefield and skills the AI never casts Beserk & Forgetfulness even if those are the only 2 spells. And yes they had spellbooks & other necessities.

There are other spells I cannot get the AI to cast (like Weakness, Disrupting Ray & others), but they are generally not as powerful/useful as Beserk & Forgetness nor are a speciality of a Hero (like Cuthbert). If the AI cannot use certain spells an option to disable spells like Beserk & Forgetfulness, without going into the editor, would be nice to keep things more fair when playing against the AI.

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Unread postby kuguykuguy » 19 Feb 2006, 14:01

I would like to change the screen resolution.
The only resolution is 800*600 and elements of the game are very very big on my 19" monitor :S

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Unread postby Fnord » 20 Feb 2006, 03:26

kuguykuguy wrote:I would like to change the screen resolution.
The only resolution is 800*600 and elements of the game are very very big on my 19" monitor :S
I'm guessing this would be completely impossible without the source code and all graphic files used in the game. Even then, I don't know how easy it would be.
- Fnord

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Unread postby Zamolxis » 21 Feb 2006, 19:50

* For the Neutral town: take the 300 HP Rust Dragon out of there (and in general - go back to the 750 HP one). It's very confusing when moving from one game version to another, to have in one a 300 HP one, and in another a 750 HP one. Gorynich is a nice choice there. Either create a 200 HP unupgraded version to it, or a 300 HP upgrade.

* Remove the Fire/Air Messengers from lvl.3 (in the same Neutral town). They are as annoying as the Golems at Tower (good to hear Bigjocker is planning to make Iron basic & Gold upgrade). And the Messengers (all 4) are anyway not at all interesting. You can use their slots for other creatures.

* Either create a new option "retrain" or use "upgrade" option also for retraining troops like (Arctic/Lava) Sharpshooters into one another. I mean, if you have in your army a lot of Sharpshooters, and you find the dwelling of Lava Sharpshooters (or neutral monsters want to join), for a small fee, you could retrain them so that they join the other stack. Of course, you can also have the bigger stack retrain/upgrade, but it would cost you way more. It would make perfect sense, because it would be based on the "teaching each other" principle.

* Based on the same "teaching each other" principle, I would like us to be able to upgrade troops also out of town (but for double price). Let's say I already have ArchMagi in my army, and some Magi join me on the map (or I visit the dwelling). Why go back two days with them to the castle, just to upgrade them? Why can't the other ArchMagi teach them?
(Heroes specialized in that creature, could upgrade them for normal price - but this is just a secondary idea)

* Most Commander abilities are pretty cool & impressive, but a few of them are not that interesting, or even become lame in combination with other scripts. Some could be replaced, and one has to be tweaked a bit. Here is the complete list:

- Reduce enemy defense by 50%: useful maybe (they all are) but not at all interesting IMO. No special animation associated, no spell, no nothing. Just higher damage. But it's just not as cool as 80% of the others. Can be replaced.

- Fearsome: really cool (one of the coolest spells for my taste - not so much because of the effect, but because of the animation). Shouldn't be replaced.

- Maximum damage always: pretty cool. No special animation or anything, but I like the fact that I know what I can count on for my next hit exactly. I wouldn't change this one.

- No enemy retaliation: cool enough. I wouldn't change it. (sorry for using "cool" too often) :)

- Can shoot: it seemed pretty interesting in the beginning, but now I rarely go for it. I don't care if it's changed or not, but maybe, same as in my case, it appeases the people in the beginning.

- Endless retaliation: good. Don't change it.

- Strike all enemies around: again good. Don't change it.

- Permanent Fire Shield: interesting, but not very. Can stay.

- Block physical damage: well, I just hate this ability since the H4 Minotaurs (I could easily win or easily loose the same battle with a stack of minotaurs, just depending on luck). But maybe it's just a personal trauma. ;| It's one of the first on my list to be changed, but maybe others really love it...

- Attack Twice: this has to be changed into "Extra Attack". It becomes a totally lame skill if you use the script that enables all creatures to attack twice, because the script doesn't apply to the commanders as well. So actually first thing to be done, is to make that script apply to them as well, and then this ability should either be replaced, or give an Extra Attack on top of that (otherwise it's not interesting). I'm really bugged by this because I play with double attack always (it shortens the battles).

- Melee attack may Paralyze: cool. Keep it.

- Regenerate 50 HP every turn: same. Keep it.

- DeathStare: same, impressing. Keep it.

- Champion distance bonus: ok. Can be kept, but not necessary.

- Ignore obstacles (fly): ok (especially for Succubus for example). Can be kept.

* Now, instead of any of those I said above that can be changed (reduce defense by 50% & block are first two on my list) I would like a tweaked "Summon creature stack" back. It was one of the coolest abilities Commanders ever had, and I still can't believe it's the one that was chosen to be removed & replaced by "block". We could have the perfect 3 + 7 + 4 formation to make the battlefields more interesting (more than any of the other abilities):
- 1st line: hanchman, commander & summoned stack
- 2nd line: the 7 troops
- 3rd line: the 4 war machines
The size of the summoned stack was a bit underbalanced for higher levels, but that can be easily tweaked, not removed. And I never experienced bugs with that script (and I was always going for it in 3.57, so I "tested" it a lot).

(I'm also one of those a bit annoyed of the number 13, so the 2 + 7 + 4 we have now bothers me also from this pov) :p

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Unread postby Nucleon » 24 Feb 2006, 17:28

Nucleon likes these Doom4d suggestions:
- Heroes earn experience after lost battles

- Heroes earn experience from own losses
Coming in late, here are a few of His own (Many may not be exclusive ideas)

- The capacity to demolish certain map buildings, like dwellings.
- Dwarven Treasuries on the adventure map.
- The capacity to upgrade creatures at an ugraded map dwelling of the said creature.
- The hability for creature specialists to upgrade their speciality creature on their own.
- A creature "de-grader" building
- A set of re-done conflux heroes, featuring, among other things, Air Planeswalker and some more personalisations.
- Alternate sets of Heroes for all faction for that matter, for the heck of it.
- Give "Eagle Eye" the capacity to learn map spells when done in the Hero's scouting viccinity. Also give EE the capacity to learn spells cast by spellcasting creatures, such as Master Genies, Fearie Drakes and Commanders.
- Fix Diplomacy with all creature joining for nothing less than a fee. Make this fee diminuish via expertise and items. Creature should cost more than their actual value at no or low Diplomacy. Also make partial Neutrals alliance, meaning not all of the stack wants to joins you. That would be specially appreciated in longer maps.

Nucleon's got to buzz. More later.
(Translated from Silent Speak)

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Unread postby MattII » 10 Mar 2006, 02:04

An option to allow/disallow WoG artifacts replacing normal artifacts on map.
An option to allow/disallow artifacts from turning up as Random Artifacts.
An option to allow/disallow artifacts from turning up in map locations/treasure chests/black markets/artifact merchants.

More options for commander abilities:
An option to allow/disallow commander gems from adding primary skills beyond chosen four.
A scroll-bar to see extra secondary skills (if there are more than six).
(?) An option to allow/disallow commander secondary skills.

Somewhere to recruit ghosts.

Resource pickups (like windmills/waterwhells, but only give specified resource).

Townless hero types (creature bonusses for neutral monsters), may turn up as support heroes for that creature type (if option is selected).

Option to select un-upgraded creatures from upgraded map dwellings.

Revisitable once-per-hero bonus location applied to town locations as well as map ones.

Creatures of your hero type have increased chance of wanting to join you.

Corrected map-editor help file (most of the WoG additions either have no help topic, or incorrect ones).

Some way to play SoD campaigns.

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Unread postby Beholder » 10 Mar 2006, 17:05

MattII wrote: An option to allow/disallow artifacts from turning up as Random Artifacts.
An option to allow/disallow artifacts from turning up in map locations/treasure chests/black markets/artifact merchants.
You can already set that in map properties in editor.

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Unread postby MattII » 10 Mar 2006, 21:45

Beholder wrote:You can already set that in map properties in editor.
Yeah, but only as an all-or-nothing package, and it doesn't include WoG artifacts. What I meant was, maybe I don't want an artifact to turn up randomly on the map, but I want it to be a possibilty for a Black Market/Artifact Merchant, there's no way to do that currently.

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Unread postby Beholder » 12 Mar 2006, 13:43

I see

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Unread postby V3N0M » 15 Mar 2006, 14:52

What I would really like is a good uninstall program, not that I would want to uninstall it but I don't like programs that don't uinstall, they leave junk in your hardrive, and are not verry profesional(It's like the DOS games before windows installer).
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Unread postby Shark » 25 Apr 2006, 18:59

well, the windows uninstaller cannot uninstall something if that something wrote a number of bytes to the other file... plus, the win installer aka the InstallSHIELD or the wizards, whatever you wanna call them all suck... its up to the programmer to ensure a good install-uninstall and not windows...

anywayz, WOG is good, the only thing i'd like to see are more towns (variety is the spice of life :P ) and my Summoning/Demonology ability (i posted it somewhere, i remember it got a nice feedback from the bigshots, so you might wanna script it) as for the commanders -- well, you might add more, or add more abilities, since the new towns idea is probably going to drop because of the max unit limit (don't you just hate it when someone caps you)

oh, and a way to play SoD campaigns, it would be so cool kicking ass with Sandro and his new trusty Souleater commander.... oh yeah :)

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Unread postby myzrael » 17 May 2006, 03:29

-Try to modify the Inferno commander's special ability, I mean the creature join ability, he's waaay to powerful.
-Should do something about the ghosts, I played a game with a friend of mine and he kicked my ass with about 140k ghosts raised in about 4 months game time, try to make the maximum stack size to 15.000 and and without the ability to join stacks. Also the necromancy to about 20.000 skeletal stack.
-Redo the creature abilities (e.g. Ghost Behemonts are extremly powerful creatures at lvl 10, get rid of all the beserk casting of units like Black Dragons, and the list could go on)
-Improve special abilities to commanders such as the ones from Tower, Necropolis and Fortress.
-Improve the Azure Dragons with skills like: chance to petrify(freeze), 15% reduced damage taken (stackable with armorer skill and cannot be ignored except by commander), immune to all spells including beneficial spells and ignore target's defense by 10% (stackable with banner).
-Get rid of skeletons air shield.
-Something has to be done with the werewolves.
-Ghost Behemonts should have their speed decreased to 5 and given the immunity to slow and haste, seeing as how there are alot of speed modifiers in the game (like tactics and speed artifacts) that should make them more decent.
-Minor increase in Blood Dragons's "drain life" ability.
-Rust Dragons increased max HP, to about 600 and increased cost.
-Dragons Flies should have unlimited retaliations and attack twice instead of strike all around.
-Redo Demons and Horned Demons, they're just halariuos ;| I mean come on death blow and chance to ignore 75% of damage :|.
-Make Orb of Vulnerability ignore all of the creatures magic resistances, except for fearless.
-Commanders should be immune to death stare and lycantropy.
-Can anyone show me the diference between warfare on a normal hero and warfare on a Rampart hero ?????
-About the forts script, try to reduce their number on the map, even with the few option there are still alot of them beeing placed.
-Death chambers quantities on map should be reduced and increased difficulty.

P.S. Love your ideea Doom4d

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Unread postby Nerissa » 02 Jun 2006, 20:04

A fix to how stack experience operates, or rather, how adding new units affects total stack experience.

Adding fresh units (0 XP) to an experienced stack should take away a percentage of experience based on how much of the combined stack will be comprised of fresh units.

Say you have 20 Dwarves with 5000 XP and 20 Dwarves with 0 XP, and you combine them. The resulting stack should have 2500 XP.

It gets more complicated if you're combining stacks that have experience (Necromancers primarily have this headache over skeletons), but if you had 10 Units with 1000 XP and 10 Units with 2000 XP and combined them, then the resulting stack would have 1500 XP due to the fact in that situation you simply took half of each stack's XP and added it, or, 50%.

This kind of percentage based XP loss would make re-inforcing your armies a bit less agonizing.

Of course, if it already works that way, feel free to ignore me. :lol:

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Unread postby Fnord » 03 Jun 2006, 21:47

Nerissa wrote:A fix to how stack experience operates, or rather, how adding new units affects total stack experience.

Adding fresh units (0 XP) to an experienced stack should take away a percentage of experience based on how much of the combined stack will be comprised of fresh units.

Say you have 20 Dwarves with 5000 XP and 20 Dwarves with 0 XP, and you combine them. The resulting stack should have 2500 XP.

It gets more complicated if you're combining stacks that have experience (Necromancers primarily have this headache over skeletons), but if you had 10 Units with 1000 XP and 10 Units with 2000 XP and combined them, then the resulting stack would have 1500 XP due to the fact in that situation you simply took half of each stack's XP and added it, or, 50%.

This kind of percentage based XP loss would make re-inforcing your armies a bit less agonizing.

Of course, if it already works that way, feel free to ignore me. :lol:
Umm..yes, it already does work exactly this way. The experience of both stacks is always added together and averaged exactly as you describe. :)

If you're curious, the mathematical formula is expressed something like:

s1=number in stack 1 and s2=number in stack 2
e1=experience of stack 1 and e2=experience of stack 2

(s1 x e1) + (s2 x e2) / (s1 + s2)
- Fnord

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Unread postby tuomo_fin » 26 Jul 2006, 14:48

will be nice if you

-make option than commanders can gain every single skills
-new town (if even possible)
-commander level up items (just for commanders)
-can get more hp to commanders by capturing city's(1 hp fo´r main town 1 hp more for capturing another town etc)

there is all i think....

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Unread postby mr.hackcrag » 28 Jul 2006, 16:52

My biggest wish is that rampart faction be redone to look like this:

- Centaurs replaced by pixies/sprites
- elves/grand elves replaced by grand elves/sylvan centaurs
- Dragons replaced by firebirds/phoenix (growth rate of 2 instead of 4 of course)
- Change cost of these buildings to reflect new creatures. (For example, to build phoenix dwelling in rampart, it will now cost what it did when it was in conflux. Mercury will be their dominant resource now as opposed to crystal.)

EDIT: I just thought of something else that would be great: Desert terrain! Not the kind already in the game that is labeled "desert" but is really just a beach. A desert like in H2, with all the wonderful terrain objects that made the H2 desert my favorite terrain to explore. I remember there were so many fun things you could do in the desert, I wish it was in homm3. And you could even make conflux native to desert terrain, it's building already have an arabesque feel to them. And someone else mentioned adding a new faction, but if the conflux faction is redone to be as good as other factions, then you can kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

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Unread postby vhilhu » 15 Aug 2006, 00:13

is wog still alive? :S i mean last news on http://wakeofthegods.strategyplanet.gam ... news.shtml were posted on 2004.

btw i dont know how did it happen, but my skeletons are actually stronger than skeleton warriors.

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Unread postby Fnord » 15 Aug 2006, 01:37

vhilhu wrote:is wog still alive? :S i mean last news on http://wakeofthegods.strategyplanet.gam ... news.shtml were posted on 2004.

btw i dont know how did it happen, but my skeletons are actually stronger than skeleton warriors.
Yes, WoG's still alive but Slava's been busy and we're working on a new web site so there hasn't been much public activity for quite awhile. There are some beta script updates available through the wakeofgods yahoo group, however.
- Fnord

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Unread postby EDN » 10 Sep 2006, 14:26

what about some new evil creatures, I think there are to few of them. No "dark" town? I am emberrased of peoples who make WOG :disagree: :devil:

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Unread postby Crusader_2005 » 15 Sep 2006, 16:36

Some ideas:

1) Being able to customize EVERYTHING in the map editor(like the gold,exp from chests - they should be able to give whatever amount, set by the creator; etc) :creative:

2) Being able to cast some spells on heroes at the adventure map(like slow,haste etc). They should only be active for 3 turns and cost 10 times the spellpoints of casting it during combat and they should affect the hero or all of his troops.

3) Allowing neutral monsters to grow more than 4000 in numbers. :D

4) Making random maps a bit more customizable. You may notice that all neutrals around towns are mostly level 1 or 2(rarely 3). And if you are lucky the map has some regions with powerful artifacts,pandora boxes and strong guardians(I'm talking about random XL maps mostly). I also played a map when a AI player was completely isolated(by terrain); lucky for me I found the Spellbinder's Hat.

5) Removing the info messages from the Wogified artifacts(pendant of holiness, Surcoat of counterpoise etc) that are really annoying since they pop up every week and there is no way to prevent this!

6) Making the AI play much better since it never has counter-spy networks, nor does it steal resources, nor does it upgrade its towns except for the starting one(with mithril for extra gold, improved creature dwellings etc).

7) Making mithril a new resource in the marketplace

8) Making the warlord's banner cost some real amounts of resources not 1 from any type(when it is sold at the Artifacts merchant)

9) Making spellbooks able to be retrieved using the Living Skull.(this could be a bug)

10) Being able to see ALL spells affecting a creature stack during combat!! Same for morale/luck modifiers

11) Creatures with negative luck should have a chance of doing half damage.

12) The maximum morale/luck modifier should be +-10. I mean that the chances for the corresponding bonus should be increased by 5% per point(to a max of 50%) instead of the actual values(max chances at +3 bonus).

13) Commanders should cast any of their spells at Expert level(where applicable, Advanced if not).

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