King's Bounty: The Legend, CAN'T WAIT!

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King's Bounty: The Legend, CAN'T WAIT!

Unread postby jonb86 » 24 Aug 2008, 06:43

I was at GenCon (massive gaming convention in Indianapolis held every August) and on the last day I saw a demo console set up to play the new King's Bounty The Legend.

The game looked awesome so I recently looked up more information about it; here are some of the features I learned about.

Same combat system of raising armies from various areas, weekly and monthly population growths, income, and events we are all used to in HoMM series and classic King's Bounty

Real Time Movement outside of combat, particularly noticeable in multi-player (which I believe is up to 8 player simultaneous).

Turn based movement in combat.

Slightly condensed battlefield from several of the previous HoMM combat battlefields for faster paced combat.

Marriage system where the "hero" can marry various maidens along his quest; a marriage gives various benefits based on the maiden and the race of the maiden (an elf maiden may give you better path-finding or better archery skills where as a dwarf maiden may give you better melee combat strength or defense). Even divorce a maiden to choose another (careful about alimony heehee).

Defiantly has a HoMM feel, but puts you much more in the action and much faster paced then HoMM does due to the absence of towns and resources you'd have to constantly micromanage; also there seems to be no "turns" outside of combat though I may have be mistaken since I couldn't play the game for very long at GenCon.

This game is developed by Russian publisher Katauri Interactive and was originaly going to be called Battle Lords, but one of the participating publishers of the game; 1C Company, was able to acquire the rights to the King's Bounty name since the game is very much based on the old King's Bounty game. The North American Publisher is Atari.

The game has already been released in several parts of Europe including Russia, Germany, and France and several retailers give a North American Release date for pre-orders as September 21st.

Can't wait to see this game, this is what many of us have been waiting for, for a VERY long time :).

to learn more about this game go to :)

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Unread postby darknessfood » 24 Aug 2008, 23:51

Well, i can't wait for you to follow this link and talk about it there, cause this topic is going to be closed ;) ...
You can either agree with me, or be wrong...

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