Water and lava and swamp areas

Maps and the art of mapmaking.
Posts: 11
Joined: 08 Jun 2008

Water and lava and swamp areas

Unread postby Skullos » 08 Jul 2008, 21:46

I dont get it, once I put down lava or swamp or water, I cannot raise it to dirt again. How can I do that? I cant seem to get rid of it. And if I raise the terrain all I get is just water on a hill, lol....

Anyone can help?

War Dancer
War Dancer
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Joined: 07 Sep 2007
Location: Moscow, Russia

Unread postby Franzy » 08 Jul 2008, 23:08

RTFM. Use eraser tool on rivers tab. First choose type of terrain to erase (lava, water, swamp) then below press Erase. Now you can erase this type of terrain.

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