Heroes 3: Favorite Wizard

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Heroes 3: Favorite Wizard

Aine (starts with Curse)
Astral (starts with Hypnotize)
Cyra (starts with Haste)
Daremyth (starts with Fortune)
Halon (starts with Stone Skin)
Serena (starts with Dispel)
Solmyr (starts with Chain Lightning)
Theodorus (starts with Shield)
Total votes: 36

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Heroes 3: Favorite Wizard

Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 23 Jun 2008, 20:31

With such heavy competition (NOT) it sure is hard not to vote for Solmyr, isn't it?
Cyra is alright if there are enough joinable neutrals on the map, and Aine is always welcome as a secondary.


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Unread postby BigThingWithHolesInIt » 23 Jun 2008, 21:54

I don't like Wizards at all.

Aine - may or may not be a tribute to Annie Lennox. While the latter pursued a solo career, Aine should be a secondary hero as she's perfect for it.
Astral - has the spell that never works.
Cyra - is pretty good provided the army is substantial enough to overwhelm. Diplomacy is always welcome. Gets my vote but mainly as a tribute to Terek.
Daremyth - I'm still not convinced Fortune special has any good use at all, and she has Intelligence which for a Wizard is kinda superfluous.
Halon - Mysticism special is neat.
Serena - I'm not even gonna say it anymore. I loved her diary, though. :D
Solmyr - Yeah, not bad. Still, Chain Lightning isn't all that good. For one thing, AI loves War Machines. For another thing, the final two (three) bounces are not going to help you much. Meteor Shower is better almost all the time. And unless you purposely under-staff your army you'll rarely be able to cast it when fighting wandering stacks.
IMO Solmyr is a one-trick pony who is good for rushing but otherwise better off as a secondary.
Theodorus - Quite the might imposer with Ballistics and a creature special. A pretty interesting choice, Ballistics certainly helps keeping your expensive army alive. (Arch) Magi are already damn good units by themselves but any combat boost is a blessing for a Wiz.

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Unread postby col » 23 Jun 2008, 22:12

Voted Solmyr. Thought about it some more and now wishing I could change my vote to Theodorous.

Aine - Has secondary written all over her.
Astral - Hypno's not gonna work on big stacks.
Cyra - For some reason I don't like Diplomacy...
Daremyth - Intelligence is a waste when your knowledge is gonna be easily high enough anyway.
Halon - And Mysticism is even worse.
Serena - Ack! Eagle Eye! No thanks*
Solmyr - The best of a bad bunch, the special sounds better than it really is.
Theodorous - Solid hero, on reflection should have voed for him over Solmyr.

* However Serena has given me an idea for a map. I'll post another thread so I don't de-rail this one.

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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 24 Jun 2008, 10:08

Cyra is quite okay.

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Unread postby L0wn » 24 Jun 2008, 10:48

Cyra.. I just love Diplomacy :)

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 24 Jun 2008, 15:05

When I was younger so much younger than today, I used to play as Solmyr all the time. I didn't need anybody's help in any way because I just knew how he was the Top of the Tops. But now these days are gone and I'm not so selfassured. Now I know my taste in all kinds of tactics is much more fine tuned so I can easily afford to not choose the chainlightning specialist every time.

Voted Theodorus for his Mage boosting specialty and the two good secondary skills. While others might disagree with me, I still tend to go with ballistics skill whenever it is offered. In my opinion both spellcasters and might heroes need that skill in order to wage succesful siege warfare. Earthquake isn't always available in your spell inventory, not even in the wizard's mage guilds with library built. And would I choose that spell if I had better spells in my mind for which to use in my spellcasting turn?

Furthermore, as I see it, the mage is a good unit but still somewhat fragile. With boosts in speed, attack and defend stats the balance is tilted in favour of choosing Theodorus. And I also liked his portrait enough to use it for the
wizard Saruman in my H3 map "Tolkien's Middle-earth".

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Unread postby enk » 25 Jun 2008, 05:36

Like my countryman above, I too choose Theodorus. In my opinion, Tower is among the towns that need ballistics most because its flying creatures aren't very tough. Taking down those walls allows your shooters to reign free much better, although it's not helping the magi of course. However, Theodorus is helping the magi too with simple boosting, so in a way one might say he helps every creature in his army. Also, taking down those arrow towers faster should preserve some master gremlins in longer battles.

Also, ballistics allows the counter siege tactic in which the enemy is confined within his walls and Tower's superior shooters nail them there. Block the gate (remembering that even a corpse does the job), defend with your catapult on enjoy. Sure the arrow towers will make this somewhat costly, but making all those enemy walkers useless more than makes up for it.

Theodorus looks like a wizard too.

Other choices would have been Aine but she's more like secondary hero material, and Cyra who loses mostly because of rather useless specialty (speed is not important for Tower) and portrait.

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Unread postby Deni » 26 Jun 2008, 16:21

voted Astral

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Unread postby Mirez » 27 Jun 2008, 16:08

I think halon is pretty awsome, in early game it can be very frustrating to be without of mana, especially if you invested most of your secondary skills to be magic schools etc.
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Unread postby Bimbasto » 27 Jun 2008, 17:37

Voted Cyra. Serena could be second.

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 27 Jun 2008, 19:48

I like Astral. Mostly for old times sake back in the day of visiting his Web site looking for H2 maps. 3DO did justice to fans this one time, when they conjured up Astral the Wizard. Pointy Hats off to Phil McCrum.

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Unread postby Pol » 27 Jun 2008, 19:57

I like Serena. Guaranted Dispel is not bad.
Well, I said that in the previous pools too :D
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Unread postby Avonu » 29 Jun 2008, 17:54

Theodorus - I don't know exacly why. Maybe for his speciality, mayby for ballistics, maybe for his picture or maybe for all these things.

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Unread postby darknessfood » 29 Jun 2008, 21:58

Solmyr: starting of with a chain lightning is nice, and casting it at high power is even nicer!!!
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Unread postby Monte Cristo » 01 Jul 2008, 02:35

I voted for Solmyr, as it give you a great advantage in early game,as you can strike and run with your very fast Gargoyles. Aine for secondary hero, because I think that Scholar skill is under-estimated, its a superb skill, plus the much needed 350 gold. Am I a fool or what ?
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Unread postby Phobos » 01 Jul 2008, 14:59

I picked Cyra. Diplomacy is too strong to be ignored!

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 01 Jul 2008, 16:00

Diplomacy is strong mostly because most maps have Neutral stacks that are set to the default setting, "Aggressive"

Personally I modified most of my maps to have them to "Hostile". They join far less often this way, even with Diplomacy

Still, random stacks that pop up on "Month of the XXX" are clearly set to Aggressive and there's not much I can do about that (Did the WoG guys ever managed to change this? Now there's a good question for the WoG forum)

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Unread postby Lord Lakely » 03 Jul 2008, 15:50

Halon of course ! And Serena is great too. Boy what would I have done without them 8|

Nah, seriously, I picked [b]Theodorus[/b]; he's the only Hero who can transform Magi from weak into above average shooters.

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Unread postby Zubbus » 03 Aug 2008, 05:30

Yeah some of these bonuses are sooo bad I think Aine might be the one who can do the most for me :D

I guess The magi one can be quite good, and as can diplomacy with a bit of haste, but I'm not an expert at a naga + golem based army.

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