Haven renegade creatures...

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Haven renegade creatures...

Unread postby rubiconiii » 26 Jun 2008, 02:18

Having played as just about every faction in TotE it puzzles me, where are the vampiric angels? I think I once encountered them in the Demo...

The earlier renegade creatures of Haven are they all different from the alternate creature upgrades? - or is it only the angels? I would understand that as those vampiric angels was alot better option than those with resurrection or spells... :devil:

Btw. I can't remember if their name also was Seraph...

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 26 Jun 2008, 03:51

http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/he ... ures.shtml

Fallen Angel. The renegade units in HoF expansion are different than the Haven alternates in ToE expansion (mostly).

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Unread postby Metathron » 26 Jun 2008, 09:24

PhoenixReborn wrote:The renegade units in HoF expansion are different than the Haven alternates in ToE expansion (mostly).
Whaddya mean mostly different? They're almost completely the same!
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Unread postby Tress » 26 Jun 2008, 09:39

Most of them are different. For example brutes of toe have assault instead of bash. Renegade grifins dont have rush dive of toe alternative and so on. Also description texts are diferent for some. For example renegade zealot has quite different description.

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Unread postby rubiconiii » 26 Jun 2008, 18:18

Thanx for the link.
Half of the creatures seem identical except the descriptions.

But is it still possible to encounter Fallen Angels, Enforcers and the other earlier renegade units while playing TotE or were they all removed? :(

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Unread postby PhoenixReborn » 26 Jun 2008, 19:41


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