I'm going to Speed Run M&M 8.... Come help!

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I'm going to Speed Run M&M 8.... Come help!

Unread postby Snowbird » 21 Jun 2008, 07:09

Okay so I know somebody did a speed run on M&M6.. I didn't like it very much, especially since he seemed really slow with the mouse, didn't use space bar or even the keyboard at all, and I would usually do things way faster playing casually. The route was great and well thought out and nice, but it didn't do it for me because he wasn't very technical.

So I grew up playing these games before I could read(as in ridiculously young), so when I played them again when I was older I really didn't bother to read things as much, so anything where you weren't fighting was just boring so I got really fast at ... not reading things :)
The word impatience is a good one, I had(have) a lot of it.

So I started M&M8 again 3 days ago and within a few hours I had a dragon with master dragon ability. In fact I had enough horseshoes to turn ithilgore into a master dragon the same visit I got him. Now when you have flight a few hours into the game it kinda opens up some opportunities. I got the dark elf promotion quest right then and there and upped everyone like 8 levels. I took it slow after that so I didn't ruin the hole game, but now I have that speed flare again.

So I started doing some practice runs and I found that it takes about 8 minutes to finish every quest in dagger wound island including most the chests, torbusk fruits and brandy, and the pure speed potion for your dragon later.

Then I thought of this, why even do it at all? Dagger wound is only worth like 8k gold total if done quick, and about 8k experience too. Both are nothing, so I thought...
With a health potion or 2 you are free from a bunch of lizards.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHGP0uzbN1A (I had left MIC in so forget about that I'll fix sound for future vids)

Now here is my rough sketch of the game and how to beat it really fast. And by fast i mean much faster than you should.

Choose starting character...... what? i chose troll cause of health and... ya, who'd be the best?
Grab Torbusk Brandy and Fruit
Get frederick talimere quest and the delivery to ravenshore quest.
Get frederick talimere
Get 2 potions from advn inn.
Sell brandy --- 1200 gold now :)
Sail to ravenshore
Sell Torbusk fruits
Grab the 2 horse shoes and wait 3 days for garrote gorge
Grab 3 horeshoes at garrote gorge and run to get ithilgore the dragon
give him all the horseshoes, pump dragon ability to level 7, 1 skill point left :)
Get expert and mastery training in dragon ability
----------- ^ All that takes less than 8 minutes, I tried.
Somehow get ~15,000 gold
Go to shadowspire and get the level 15 Necromancer and level 15 Vampire.
!!!!!Buy Armageddon!!!!!
Fly to the temple down the street and Nuke the place 6 times. 3 times and then wait till 3 am and nuke it 3 more times.

Okay so that is as far as I thought of, there are many directions to take from here.. like getting master water, town portal, blazen stormlance(lvl 50 knight) and Cauri Blackthorn(lvl 50 darkelf)..?
Any ideas of a better starting route? Thats usually the most fun part but I think I hammered it down pretty hard already.

Tell me what you guys think of this hole thing and help me route plan.. if your interested.. I'm not gonna SDA yet cause only like 1 person will help probably..

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 21 Jun 2008, 07:38

Sounds interesting. But what the really goal is? If you are making speed run, that means in short time and goal could be run in some 26 +/- days. Or, if you go for the score, the approach will be a bit different. I did some runs for the score and it is some combination from speed and cleaning up dungeons/locations. Could share some expierence, if it is interesting for you.

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Unread postby arturchix » 21 Jun 2008, 07:38

Just a note - why didn't you jump on the water? This way it will inflict a lot less damage and makes things much easier. Good luck with the speedgame. :)

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Unread postby Snowbird » 21 Jun 2008, 07:52

The first thing I tried to do was jump in the water and was quite annoyed when I couldn't. So that doesn't work.. And by speed run I mean putting it on a video and the amount of actual real life time it takes to beat it.

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Unread postby arturchix » 21 Jun 2008, 09:07

What do you mean it doesn't work? Just press the jump button (x by default) and life will drain at a slower rate so you won't need to heal so much. ;) Besides, you can always try to loot the magic shop for a water walk scroll though it's random.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 21 Jun 2008, 17:03

No, jumping in water most definitely doesn't work in mm8. And thx for the waterwalk tip, i'll probably do that in the actual speed run. Or I might just start with a cleric, water damage goes by percents, so healing a level 1 cleric does A LOT more than a lvl 5 cleric. That way my ending party can be Cleric, Dragon, Necromancer, Dark Elf, and Knight.

The darkelf has master fire, air, water, earth and grandmaster chain, bow, merchant. So she can speed up the game i'd say.

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 21 Jun 2008, 18:47

This running to the ship actually is very easy, if done in turn based mode. One potion (I think) will be enogh. While running solo, usually did that way.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 21 Jun 2008, 20:23

lol you dont even need a potion or heal in turnbased mode, and you actually move faster in turnbased mode too, wierd...

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Unread postby Snowbird » 21 Jun 2008, 20:56

Okay so this is my current plan for the start.

Choose cleric, pump endurance/personality
Get torbusk stuff
Get mainline quest
Sell brandy and turnbased mode waterwalk to ravenshore boat
Return mainline quest and get threat letter to smugglers
Sell Torbusk Fruit
Get horse shoes and wait 2 days
Travel to garrote gorge
Grab 3 horse shoes
Get ithilgore, feed horse shoes, get master dragon
wait 2 days and travel to alvar
Buy town portal book, maybe invisibility and maybe inferno, I could really use all 3
Go to murmur woods and get disease scrolls
Fly to cauri blackthorn and save her
go pick up cauri black thorn and give her townportal book.
Then......? I could get necro and vamp? I could go get blazen stormlance? Get prophecies of the sun book? Could go do smugglers cave...?

Now there is one problem through all of this. I won't have enough money to buy town portal book, and I'm not sure where to get this money. Anybody have any ideas? its probably around 12,000 and I have about 1,000 left after the dragon.

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 21 Jun 2008, 21:19

About money. Trade is good option. Just buy Town Portal book and let Kauri to learn it. Then TP to Daggerwound, buy Toberisk, TP to Rawenshore, sell Toberisk, buy Pulp. TP to Alvar, sell Pulp, buy Brandy and TP to Daggerwounds to close this cycle. In one day you will make enough gold to buy all necessary things.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 22 Jun 2008, 04:47

Yes I thought about doing that but I also tested getting all of the money/items from the smugglers cove and it equates to over 60,000 if you sell everything with cauri.. With that and just random acquiring gold I should be fine for the rest of the game. And on the test account I also got telekinesis and invisibility.

If I nuke(Armageddon) shadowspire 5 times everything is dead, I am able to fly to the zanthoras place, cast invisibility(Everything has to be dead to cast invisibility, plus exp is nice), drop down the well thing and run to the chest and get ebonest/ lich jar/ puzzel cube, run upstairs and talk to blazen. TP to dagger wound island, get expert body magic, prophecies of the sun, and book of khel. TP to ravenshore for blazens cure. TP to shadowspire to turn roberts into a lich, turn in puzzle cube, rescue blazen. TP to ravenshore to pick up blazen, go to garrote gorge. Turn in Ebonest, kill jeric whistlebone, give his sword to the great wyrm, become a great wyrm. Go to murmur woods, turn in prophecies. Go train. :) Level 1 cleric goes to lvl 27 :)

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 22 Jun 2008, 07:51

Of course. Kauri - this is really option. However if you will train the character, it is not speed run, because it will take some 7-8 months game time. Or speed run means real time, lets say some hours real playing time?

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Unread postby Snowbird » 22 Jun 2008, 16:55

I told you its real time in like the 3rd post of the thread.

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 22 Jun 2008, 17:25

Found it. My fault. If so, it changes the strategy. Just gain maksimum experience, train and clean up everything. May I suggest in that case to hire four necros/liches and main character to be lich too. Nobody can stop that party.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 22 Jun 2008, 22:37

Ya i was thinking of ditching the cleric and going for a necro. The problem is you can only get 2 necros until your fame is like 4000, which i will never be able to get it that high unless i clear things out and go do side quests, all promotion quests, and most the main quests. Dragon is more than capable though, after I do that run through that I said then I can pump pure dragon ability and he does like 120 fast range dmg, and has like 400 health.

By the end I will
Lich using souldrinker/shrapmel or Cleric using power heal
Dragon just attacking normal(20-300 dmg)
Darkelf.. I don't know what to amke her do. Might or magic o.O
Lich with souldrinker/sharpmel
Champion using spear with sword. might ftw

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Unread postby Snowbird » 22 Jun 2008, 23:22

Well whats a good spell that does decent damage that is either fire water air or earth and has relatively low mana cost... like 15/20 or less. Is sparks good enough end game if she has like lvl 20 master(not grandmaster) air?

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 23 Jun 2008, 06:33

It could be some combinations however. First part of tha game (until Regna fleet) just hire Roberts (nekro) and Kauri. Yea, and Ichtilgore (dragon) of course.After that (alliance quest) will be possible to hire Liches and arter pirate fleet others. I could stay on 5 liches. It means 20 Armaggedons, some 1000+ damage. With combination Souldrinker/Schrapmetall Planes will be clean in minutes. Could be usefull to hire Chevron (cleric 50) just for spells. Cast the spells and replace him again.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 23 Jun 2008, 15:14

so no matter what your fame, after you destroy regan fleet you can hire anyone? I think I might go Cleric Dragon Lich Lich Lich.. And i'm thinking of buying becon then going to ravage roaming asap for GM Water... Problem is I think I might have trouble walking through ogre fortress at that time in the game, but maybe not(I'd only want to have to go there once). I don't really want to get blazen stormlance until I have GM water for 2 reasons. It takes forever to get the lich jars and ebonest, and even though he's like 10 feet away it still takes forever to get in and out and back there. And you can't TP when there are enemies around..

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 24 Jun 2008, 06:33

I do not think the fame is issue, just finish the fleet and 50 lvl characters are yours. GM Water is very usefull, however to create your (or hired early) character for this is not so easy. Necromant should be Lich and this means you have to have Book of Khel (Uplifted Library, Daggerwounds) and Lich Jars (Shadowspire). It is possible to get these things under Invisibility. If Kauri available, not big problem. Only thing is heavy traps (crates with Jars and Ebonest). But if not 1. level , possibly will be not deadly. I did all these things with Necro 1. level solo.

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Unread postby Snowbird » 25 Jun 2008, 00:07

Ya I already ran through the hole game up to regnan fleet and It's possible to get lich jars, ebonest, book of khel all with invisibilty. And if what you say is true I don't even think I half to do half the stuff I said. All I have to do is get regnan fleet I guess and I'm set for strength.. And I found you can get quest from sandro, grab dyson leland, go to murmur woods and get the 'thing' and TP out before they even hostile you lol. I need to be strong enough to plow my way through ogre fortress though so i'm pretty sure I will still get blazen and get lich promotion stuff. Liches are just so weak though.. lvl 15 dragon has 3x the hp and armour of a lvl 40 lich..

Now that I actually think about it, this will be the plan for now...

Turn-based Water-run to ravenshore
get roberts(getting him early so he can level up far from all these quests)
get dragon
fly to murmur woods(directly north, 6 seconds of flying)
get cauri, suicide to ravenshore
clear out smugglers cove, turn in quest
go buy TP, invisibilty, telekinesis(entering and talking to doors from far away)
get quest for ironsand
Go 'rest the remains' and bring back the troll to alvar
Get dyson and go to murmer woods, finish that off at shadowspire
Go level up(need dragon and necro strength for ogre fortress and balthazres lair)
Go to ravage roaming
Telekineses the 6 chests for gold(if I even need it :) )
Get egg from ogre fortress/ drain minotaur city (I don't know the order i'm going to do them, probably which ever one is closer to where I turn up in ravage roaming)
Go to garrote gorge and give egg to the knights (i'm sad about this, i like dragons)
Turn in at ravenshore then go to regna
Get cannon balls and go kill fleet
Pick up 2(3?) Liches
Go do planes and Crystal

I probably won't use lyods becon at all until after regnan fleet, I don't want to have to get blazen stormlance or book of khel..


Maybe take under 2 hours to beat entire game lol..

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