Conflux on Impossible (H3)

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Conflux on Impossible (H3)

Unread postby MagusofStars » 24 Jun 2008, 23:49

I was wondering what kind of strategies are used for Conflux on Hard/Impossible difficulty. I've been having trouble figuring out the most efficient and best overall way to play Conflux, simply because unlike other towns (which I play pretty decently with, winning about a quarter of games against Impossible AI, varying by town), there's no single best creature available early, as pretty much all their creatures except Earth Elementals can be useful in their own right.

In the very long run, I sometimes end up winning based on the ridiculousness of the Grail building+Magic University+Phoenix growth, but I really think I'm not using the early weeks to their full effect. And I know I'm definitely not flagging mines/winning artifacts at the same kind of speed I do with other towns. Advice/suggestions on how to begin or tactical uses of Conflux troops?

Thanks in advance.

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Unread postby BigThingWithHolesInIt » 25 Jun 2008, 02:10

Hm, it's been a while since I last played with Conflux. But I do remember you can get very far even with the initial armies of two heroes alone. Upgrade the Pixies to Sprites, get some 1st level spells. Bless would be great for the Air/Storm Elementals.
Sprites are superb of course, faster than most creatures you'll fight which gets them two strikes in a row most of the time, unretaliated. Fighting shooters (especially Marksmen and Grand Elves) is tricky because of low Def and HP

Go for the City Hall first week, upgrade the Air Elementals on day 8 or 9. By now you can probably supply both your heroes with enough Sprites and Storm Elementals to loot your home terrain. Try going for Psychic Elementals and Castle in week 2, then build a Capitol, followed by Pyre.

You can completely ignore Fire and Earth Elementals until much later.
Leave a few Firebirds for a secondary hero to get richer with. You can now probably take a town or two with Sprites, Storms, Ice, Psychic/Magics and Firebirds.

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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 25 Jun 2008, 05:03

On impossible you have to play the Conflux in a very radical style. Due to high numbers, high speed and no retaliation the Sprites are your only general fighter first. This will make your hero fast, so you can cover a lot of ground. An Elementalist with Magic Arrow will wreak havoc in combination with Sprites. Conversely one of the Tactics starters Planeswalkers is great as well: another level in Tactics will allow you to attack shooters directly and initially solving all lower level shooter problems.
Otherwise, if there IS a crucial location to flag early on guarded by shooters like Marksmen simple Air Elementals will do (you have to switch troops to avoid Sprite losses). So, DON'T BOTHER WITH OTHER UPGRADES, except you meet the AI very early and you have to fight for sheer survival. I know that the Storm Elemental upgrade looks tempting, but you don't need it.
In building you have to go for Capitol and Pyre. You should aim to get the Pyre on the last turn of week 2, very much possible on all but the poorest maps, due to the lots of ground your heroes will cover with their fast units. After you have the Pyre your problems are pretty much over: 6 Firebirds

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Unread postby Zubbus » 03 Aug 2008, 08:55

Well normally I am a strong believer of "money first" building plans because you'll need that to pay for everything else, but I am totally different from the poster above me that I don't think I can live without storm elementals.

But I totally agree that troop switching is extremely important. Use it to achieve troop preservation which is also extremely important. Will need to save every last Sprite and Storms for your biggest battles.

Ice elementals are maybe good for garrison. Fire/Energy/Earth/Magma aren't really much good. Fire/Energy good if you got an Armageddon team set up. Earth/Magma your back up garrison.

So what I really try to do after got Storms and Sprites is try to leap to Psychic Elementals. ( I you know can't skip generators, by "leap" I mean get to Psychic asap) Notice 2 Magic Elementals cost the same as 1 Naga Queen. Both have no-retal. 2 Magic Elementals own 1 Queen on Health, Damage, Speed and an extra (and potentially devastating) special. That suggests that Psychic/Magic is my ass-saver.

And they can't be rezzed anyway, so no regrets if you don't have the spell or not sure whether to spend the mana.

I don't think I actually have your win rate on impossible, but Conflux is strong and this works out very well for me.

Has anyone tried going for minor artifact for starting bonus and know if there's a decent chance for a +1 health thing? cos that'd pwn in late game.

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