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Unread postby protecyon » 17 Sep 2005, 21:22

If you would like to take a look at the original page visit this link:

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Unread postby Campaigner » 17 Sep 2005, 21:22

Somebody at CH must be restless :p

I'm a little surprised that only 1% of people said they have played all HoMM games....I thought most people would lie and say they've played them all in hopes of joining the beta. In that case, those of us who haven't played them all would have a little higher chance of getting in (me).

I would have excepted a few more percent that had played Equilibris. But I guess that "tiondelar" isn't included in the percents.

I bet that this was posted partly because he can brag of his site being the most wellknown :p

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Unread postby Prayer-Loynis » 17 Sep 2005, 21:32

I wonder about the on which criteria Ubisoft makes the choice to take one into the beta test. Maybe someone could ask "Pikatchu" :-)

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Unread postby MuadDib » 17 Sep 2005, 22:10

I have to detail one point Angelspit, a misunderstanding that probably came from my initial wording ;)

CH gathers one out of six of the people who claim to be linked with a community, and these people are one out of five of the total applicants.

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Unread postby socketboy » 18 Sep 2005, 00:03

yeah 1% is not a lot. Did they count the mods as part of that too or no?

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Unread postby Wildbear » 18 Sep 2005, 00:06

It would be easier with numbers you know ^^

If I understood correctly, that's 500 people from CH out of the 15.000 applicants.

I wonder what will be the statistics for people selected.
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Unread postby Fallen Angel » 18 Sep 2005, 05:06

Yeah, 500's correct. It seems to be a rather large number considering the number of people who are actually involved with the H5 part of the forum. I would think that if they're really interested in being legitimate beta testers (rather than people who just want to try the game out), they'd have been involved in several of the discussions at some point. Perhaps that could explain why only 27 bothered to write a 100-word essay to apply for the CH beta seats...

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Unread postby Dragon Angel » 18 Sep 2005, 07:57

There's 3,000, applications from CH, at least, that is what I underestand with 1 out of 5 from 15,000. I don't know if that 1% of people that played all the games is a part of the full beta applications or the Celestial Heavens applications (that would make the numbe range between 30 - without counting the members of other communities, or 150 - counting all applications)

What I see is there is not a high percentage of Spanish people... guess we have gone all to support our "national" site (yep, I did, I'm sorry, but it was not possible to be member of two communities in the application and I had to choose only one)
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Unread postby Wildbear » 18 Sep 2005, 12:41

Nope, 1/5th are coming from a community, that's 3000, and among those 3000, 1/6th come from CH, that's 500. Otherwise it would mean there are more applicants from a community than the total number of applicants ^^
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Unread postby Angelspit » 18 Sep 2005, 13:04

Sorry, I realize my wording was a bit confusing. I posted an edit!

Five out of six testers not mentioning any community, that's a disappointing number. Fan sites will have a lot of work to do during the next year.
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Unread postby hahakocka » 18 Sep 2005, 17:47

I am really sorry that Ubi soft didnt choose any hungarian tester, because they said they will do the game in the translation in Polish and Hungarian and I thougth that at least 3% hungarian can be accept to this beta test.

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Unread postby hahakocka » 18 Sep 2005, 17:50

And where is the screenshots page link?

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Unread postby Vitirr » 18 Sep 2005, 19:31

Dragon Angel:

"What I see is there is not a high percentage of Spanish people... guess we have gone all to support our "national" site..."

There are around 400 spanish applicants, (a 2'6% from the total, not much really). Anyway those numbers that Angelspit gave regarding the countries percentage are from the total applicants, not specificaly from CH applicants.

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Unread postby MuadDib » 18 Sep 2005, 19:49

hahakocka where did you read that no hungarian applicant was selected O_O ? The statistics you have here are on the people who *registered*, not the people selected.

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Unread postby Lord_Haart » 19 Sep 2005, 05:09

It's 4/5 testers not mentioning a community, not 5/6. Still not great though.

Anyone know what percentage was from Australia (where I am now)?

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Unread postby Dragon Angel » 19 Sep 2005, 06:09

Wildbear "Nope, 1/5th are coming from a community, that's 3000, and among those 3000, 1/6th come from CH"

Yep, my bad, I misread it... Tought CH had 1/6 of the applicants of all the communities, that where 1/5 of the total applicants. Now I write this I recognize it makes not sense at all.

I might have mixed up the numbers on my head (making by mistake CH having 1/6 of the total applicants, 1/5 of these that pointed out to be members of a community) - and then switching it up another time to give CH the 1/5 of the total.

Anyway, you were right, that's 500 applications from CH, 1/30 of 15,000, that is. I'm sorry for the confusion.

Vitirr "There are around 400 spanish applicants, (a 2'6% from the total, not much really). "

Yep, that's not good, really... guess we can blame dial-up is still quite widely used, then :)
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Unread postby lord_crusader » 19 Sep 2005, 16:09

they must say 0.001% of mexicans :P
yay :)

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Unread postby Furay » 20 Sep 2005, 03:29

Yeah Fabrice, any chance of letting us know what percentage of Aussie's in there. (and all the other countries that make up the 100%).

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Unread postby Morgana » 20 Sep 2005, 07:46

Is there a chance, that we can see the whole statistic? That would be very interesting.

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Unread postby GhostDracolich » 20 Sep 2005, 07:55

Where exactly is this data from?

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