TOE - combat scripts

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TOE - combat scripts

Unread postby mweil86 » 10 Jun 2008, 10:58

How do you use combat scripts for a combat between 2 heroes? I want to have a script to summon creatures into the battle. I have done this for a neutral stack by putting the SUMMON command in the script for the creature. However, I don't see where to put this script for a hero/hero combat. Any advice?

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Unread postby Franzy » 10 Jun 2008, 11:15

Use function SetHeroCombatScript, its description IS in manual.

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Unread postby Franzy » 11 Jun 2008, 14:24

Also, if human player's hero is custom (not chosen in game setup screen), you can attach the script to him the same way you attach a script to a monster.

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Unread postby Warmonger » 02 Nov 2008, 17:58

I have opposite problem, actually I don't know how to script neutral stack to spawn additional creatures gradualy.

When facing hero I can use DefenderHeroMove function, but have no idea how to apply it to pack of Treants.

Is there any source where combat scripts are described, or just listed?
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Unread postby Asheera » 02 Nov 2008, 18:03

Warmonger wrote:Is there any source where combat scripts are described, or just listed?
You mean the functions? They are in the Script Functions Manual ("HOMM5_A2_Script_Functions.pdf" in "Editor Documentation" folder)
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Unread postby Warmonger » 02 Nov 2008, 18:16

There is NO description of things like CastSpell or DefenderHeroMove which appears in H5 final battle and gives pretty nice possibilities.

These functions need to refer to some objects and trigger at right moment, as such their use is close to zero.
For example GetDefenderCreatures () returns nil array => :wall.
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Unread postby Asheera » 02 Nov 2008, 18:26

You can create 'events' with the sleep command.


Code: Select all

local loop = 1

while loop == 1 do

  if the_ending_condition then
    loop = 0

  -- events follow here (if blabla, else blabla, etc)

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Unread postby Warmonger » 02 Nov 2008, 18:33

The problem is that there is actually no condition I could base on, no turn counter or whatever.

I tried to use AttackerHeroMove as a clock, but for human-controlled hero it gives 100+ iterations before I get control.
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It worked when I put

Code: Select all

return not nil;
in the function, however this way hero skips his turn with no act at all.
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Unread postby Asheera » 02 Nov 2008, 18:36

I don't know how to make a 'turn counter', but you can use functions like "GetCreatureNumber", etc.
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