first of all sorry for bumping a semi-old threat, but it's the one that caught my attention and brought me here
I am currently fiddling around with the stats and one of my main concern is to get Conflux on an even level with the other towns, which means that Lv 2 needs a good nerf, Lv 3-4 some minor fixes and Lv 5 some drastic buffs. And by tuning those elementals, the Summon Spells need a revamp too.
These are the current stats for my unupgraded elementals.
Air: 8 Atk, 8 Def, 20 HP, 2-6 Dmg, 7 Spd, 175 Gold
Water: 9 Atk, 9 Def, 25 HP, 3-7 Dmg, 5 Spd, 225 Gold
Fire: 10 Atk, 9 Def, 35 HP, 6-8 Dmg, 6 Spd, 300 Gold
Earth: 11 Atk, 11 Def, 50 HP, 8-12 Dmg, 4 Spd, 400 Gold
Obviously, if you have the choice, summoning Earth would always be the best option, regardless of unit speed. In order to balance this, I modified the amount of elementals summoned per Power.
Untrained / Basic: 4 Air, 3 Water, 2 Fire, 1 Earth
Advanced: 5 Air, 4 Water, 3 Fire, 2 Earth
Expert: 6 Air, 5 Water, 4 Fire, 3 Earth
Now, by multiplying the amount of HP and Damage at a given Level reveals that at Untrained / Basic, Air will be the best option. On Advanced it's almost even and on Expert, Earth will still be the best choice, though Fire is never a bad cast at any Level, especially regarding the unit's speed of 6.
Here's a "net gain" overview.
Untrained / Basic
4 Air: 80 HP, 16 Dmg, 700 Gold (winner)
3 Water: 75 HP, 15 Dmg, 675 Gold
2 Fire: 70 HP, 14 Dmg, 600 Gold
1 Earth: 50 HP, 10 Dmg, 400 Gold
5 Air: 100 HP, 20 Dmg, 875 Gold
4 Water: 100 HP, 20 Dmg, 900 Gold
3 Fire: 105 HP, 21 Dmg, 900 Gold (winner)
2 Earth: 100 HP, 20 Dmg, 800 Gold
6 Air: 120 HP, 24 Dmg, 1050 Gold
5 Water: 125 HP, 25 Dmg, 1125 Gold
4 Fire: 140 HP, 28 Dmg, 1200 Gold
3 Earth: 150 HP, 30 Dmg, 1200 Gold (winner)
Now since that is a good bit more powerful than the original Summon at Expert, I am currently pondering over the MP cost. Currently 40/32.
The upgrades have been adjusted accordingly to the fixes, which finally turns Magma Elementals into a formidable tank/guard unit, albeit a bit slower than before (5 Speed).
Of course, the remaining Conflux units and heroes required some overhaul too. Elementalists for example now start as 0 0 3 2 (same as Warlock).