Heroes 3: Favorite Heretic

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.

Favorite Heretic in Heroes 3

Ash (starts with Bloodlust)
Axsis (starts with Protection from Air)
Ayden (starts with View Earth)
Calid (starts with Haste)
Olema (starts with Weakness)
Xarfax (starts with Fireball)
Xyron (starts with Inferno)
Zydar (starts with Stone Skin)
Total votes: 29

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Heroes 3: Favorite Heretic

Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 29 May 2008, 01:47


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Unread postby L0wn » 29 May 2008, 08:23

Ayden, easily. I love the Intelligence specialty.

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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 29 May 2008, 08:49

Voted Xarfax. The fireball spell sure needs some boosting, so why not vote for a guy whose specialty it is. Speaking of boosting the spell's effectiviness, does magog's fireball attack also gain additional bonus when Xarfax leads them on the battlefield? Or is the fireball attack based on some other factors such as being tied to a certain spell power? (like the Fairy Dragon, that casts spells at power 8)

Any experts out there who can clarify the issue?

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Unread postby enk » 29 May 2008, 11:42

To Yurian: I think the magog's fireball uses their attack and damage values just like the attack itself. Like liches. Might be wrong of course, but nevertheless I don't think Xarfax's specialty gives them anything.

Ayden or Xarfax. What an interesting question. Xarfax looks cooler maybe but I still gotta go for Ayden. He has better skills and the intelligence specialty is fun. Starting with view earth is actually quite nice too for early scouting.

I must say, Inferno has about the worst bunch of heroes around there.

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Unread postby Muszka » 29 May 2008, 12:39

And the worst shooter, just as the worst of nearly anything, except speed.
At least Heretics can be corrected. I played with Zydar many times, before WoG, but rarely Xarfax. Also Ayden has a good choice, at least if we take the circumstances it's pretty good. The only problem with these, that Inferno has a tendency to get some very useless bunch of spells. It has reduced chance on resurrection and town portal.

No, Xarfax' speciality has nothing to do with the Magogs. Their attack is considered area effect, but not magical or fire. It has the animation of the fireball, but as you could see, Effereties got full damage of it. As far as I know nothing can make a good unit of magogs, not even Archery or Orrin :)
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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 29 May 2008, 12:44

Yurian Stonebow wrote:Voted Xarfax. The fireball spell sure needs some boosting,
Yup, that's the very first thing I did when I started modding spells in H3, and the very first thing I will do once I'll be able to boost spell multipliers in H2: change Fireball's power from 10 to 13 ! (And Inferno/Fireblast from 10 to 15)
It's in my opinion that Fireball and Frost Ring (both level 3 spells) should match the damage of Lightning Bolt (a level 2 spell) when it hits on at least two separate stacks (13 * 2 = 26, Lightning is 25)

And I don't think Magog's fireballs get a boost... it's not even fire elemental (they can hurt Efreet, unfortunately)... it just uses the same animation as Fireball.

Anyway as for this poll... I voted Xyron because I absolutely love the Inferno spell (with my patch of course), it can about match the damage of Meteor Shower hitting 2 stacks if you hit 3 stacks, and equal Meteor hitting 3 stacks if you hit 5 stacks.

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 29 May 2008, 12:51

Muszka wrote:Inferno has a tendency to get some very useless bunch of spells. It has reduced chance on resurrection and town portal.
I agree, Inferno had the worst selection, and an undocumented change in my H3 mod is that Inferno got the best "reorganizing" of the spells in its guild. Can't give you much details, but you can see for yourself in sptraits.txt :)
They still can't get Bless or Cure, but they had a big chance of getting Misfortune (now removed), and I lowered the probability of crap spells (land mine, force field, quicksand, etc)
They can definitely get Town Portal as often as the other towns (except Tower with Library of course), and Heretics getting Fire Magic means making good use of it since it's now a Earth & Fire spell :)

I even renamed Castle Gate to a more fitting name: Fire Gate (this name change isn't in my patch)

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Unread postby Banedon » 29 May 2008, 22:52

Vote nobody.

They're all terrible. :S
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Unread postby Avonu » 30 May 2008, 06:50


For his Sorcery specialization. Xyron was second (for his picture and starting spell).

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 30 May 2008, 09:18

Voted Xarfax for Fireball. Ayden could be second.

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Unread postby Tress » 30 May 2008, 10:52

Ayden or ZYdar. both have great specs and skills. I voted zydar since he have better portrait and for agresive castle as inferno sorcery is good

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Unread postby Jolly Joker » 30 May 2008, 16:04

Xarfax with a slight lead on Ayden.

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Unread postby BigThingWithHolesInIt » 30 May 2008, 17:13

When I play Inferno - which is not often - I usually pick my heroes on a whim, and let the secondary skill picks I get on the first few level-ups determine my general strategy

I picked Zydar because his special (while not all that great) is the most flexible. Can get you heavily guarded artifacts somewhat earlier than usual.

Is there even a substantial difference between his casting of Inferno and Xyron's at say level 10, assuming the latter has no Sorcery and the former has it on Expert?

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Unread postby jeff4815 » 30 May 2008, 19:19

Axsis, since he's the coolest looking.
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 30 May 2008, 19:34


What you guys say makes perfect sense. I'd like to point out that the small tests I've made so far suggest the same think: magogs seem to be nothing but a "regular" shooter unit with that area effect. Curiously enough, not only does the magog's fireball attack animation closely resemble that of the spell Fireball, but also the area attack seems to cover excatly the same amount of hexes. Magog's fireball attack differs from the lich's specialty by effecting all enemy units within its target area instead of just the living ones.

The magog is a unit that does not shine with its particular usefulness. It lacks the power and skills to be one. But imagine if it was possible to mod the game files and turn the magog's fireball attack to work similar to the spell Fireball. I think that magog's popularity would see phenomenal rise.
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Unread postby Pol » 30 May 2008, 20:16

Ash. For being unrightly underestimated.
So far, she's the only hero who can blast down entire dwarven fort. How others can even dream to compare?
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Unread postby BigThingWithHolesInIt » 30 May 2008, 21:53

Yurian Stonebow wrote:@enk&Muszka

What you guys say makes perfect sense. I'd like to point out that the small tests I've made so far suggest the same think: magogs seem to be nothing but a "regular" shooter unit with that area effect. Curiously enough, not only does the magog's fireball attack animation closely resemble that of the spell Fireball, but also the area attack seems to cover excatly the same amount of hexes. Magog's fireball attack differs from the lich's specialty by effecting all enemy units within its target area instead of just the living ones.

The magog is a unit that does not shine with its particular usefulness. It lacks the power and skills to be one. But imagine if it was possible to mod the game files and turn the magog's fireball attack to work similar to the spell Fireball. I think that magog's popularity would see phenomenal rise.
Double damage against water elementals... why not? :)

It would also be nice to have your Efreet immune to it!

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Unread postby Muszka » 31 May 2008, 12:54

I doubt that I'll like magogs even if their fireball would be stronger. I mean additional damage and stuff. Right now it's just an area effect attack with fireball animation, but the only usefulness of this spell so far is that they can kill your own familiars, to make demons of them.
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Unread postby Zubbus » 03 Aug 2008, 09:13

And Heretics grow Att/Def faster than Pow/Know so all the damage spell/Intelligence/Sorcery heroes are even mroe gimped. At least Xyron is a unique spell so you can pretend it's quite cool.

But Olema is great. Pimped up Weakness will give your defense a much needed effective-boost. If you're playing inferno, your only choice is to get stuck in.
And it's not as gimped by your stunted power and it doesn't cost too much mana for your stunted knowledge. Ballistics is useful for main heroes.

I'm the ONLY one who voted for him?

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