I Would Like to Make Some Character Mods for This Game....

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Hanzo Hattori
Posts: 2
Joined: 12 May 2008

I Would Like to Make Some Character Mods for This Game....

Unread postby Hanzo Hattori » 12 May 2008, 21:47

but I don't have the game yet...
so can the community answer a few questions for me I haven't been able to find on the forums?

What is the image files format?
mesh/character, building, hero, npc, object graphic format?
Has their been a set of modtools made for Heroes V yet or does one need to be made?
What is the scripting language?

Sorry if this information is already posted somewhere, I couldn't find what I was looking for.

Hanzo Hattori
Posts: 2
Joined: 12 May 2008

Unread postby Hanzo Hattori » 14 May 2008, 21:06

I dl'd the monk mod and figured this much out.

the files are all directories pointing to files located in the games files.

the image files are .tga
the mesh/graphic files are .mb, .ma, .ges which are Maya based
audio files are .wav
scripting language is XML

It looks like from the boards that there are some modtools available but I can't seem to find them. I still need help with that. Thanks in advance.

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