Ubisoft to publish Fallout 3 in Europe?

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Grumpy Old Wizard
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Ubisoft to publish Fallout 3 in Europe?

Unread postby Grumpy Old Wizard » 08 May 2008, 02:30


From the No Mutants Allowed Fallout fan site:
According to 4players.de, Ubisoft sent out a press release announcing they are publishing Fallout 3 in several European countries. This is a bit odd in light of ZeniMax opening a London office, so hopefully we'll hear more about this later. A translation of the 4players newspost:

Ubisoft has gone into agreement with Bethesda Softworks and has become the seller of the post-apocalyptic role-playing game in large parts of Europe, including Germany, Switzerland and Austria. This comes from a press release of the publisher. In this it stays with the indicated release date of Autumn this year. Alain Corre, Executive Directorf with Ubisoft knows that expectations are enormous for the popularly anticipated sequel and is sure, "that Fallout 3 will have the success of the earlier blockbuster, like for example TES IV: Oblivion".
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