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Unread postby Pol » 26 Apr 2008, 15:03


If AI will send you something or not depends on your score. AI is happy when you send it back what was needed but it's not evaulated.

This is ok, it's signalizing that AI hero is tired of battles and went off swimming. Quickly grab your chance. :D

Seems so, although perhaps here is condition how to broke it.
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Unread postby Muszka » 28 Apr 2008, 23:11

I was presuming that it's so, since AI sent me some nice resources I even made some pics. Before that he asked for resources, but I either forgot, or I just couldn't sand him any. Despite the lack of my cooperation he just kept sending resources. But I don't understand what is the score you are talking about.
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 29 Apr 2008, 13:39

Muszka, I came up with a theory that the CPU staying on water bug is related to WoG-only special features. It may be that something went wrong with wogifying/using WoG scripts and as a result the CPU mistook water as land?? I do not know of any reported cases in regular H3 (and official expansion) with this type of bug.

My two cents only. I could be mistaken.

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Unread postby Pol » 29 Apr 2008, 15:57

Score - means your military potencial. If you have three pikes and you're sitting in the castle with first level hero in your freshly built capitol at the end of the month one. And you're ally is already in attack, then he switched priorites to himself over your support.

I don't know the exact formula.

The only fault of WoG, in this case, is that is opening your eyes. WoG is using game more extensively and thus prone to trigger homm3 bugs on greater scale. But they were here, even before WoG made his first appearance. ;)
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Unread postby Akul » 29 Apr 2008, 16:51

...which is a great minus for WoG unless the WoG team can take care of that problem.
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Unread postby Pol » 29 Apr 2008, 16:53

Ah, WoG fixed some bugs. However AI remained untouchable...
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Unread postby Akul » 29 Apr 2008, 19:04

Pol wrote:Ah, WoG fixed some bugs. However AI remained untouchable...
Fixed some I never knew about and enabled and created some I never had encountered before.
Be it as it may, I AM optimistic that the new release shall have less bugs.
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Unread postby Pol » 29 Apr 2008, 19:13

I would be more careful and used word "uncovered". That you never heard about them is not so much important, I did. :D

Hmm, I would be happier to knowing, not relying on optimism. But be as be let it's a true!

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Unread postby Bethel » 30 Apr 2008, 01:04

L0wn wrote:Well good thing I joined this forum.. I thought I knew pretty much about Heroes but I was wrong. I never choose Fire Magic and at very few times I choose Water Magic (although Mass Bless and Mass Prayer is pretty neat). I've never used Remove Obstacle, and I never use Curse or Berserk.
I rarely if ever use Curse unless I have the Armor of the Damned and it's an automatic cast. Berserk, however, makes Fire Magic worth anything to get. I learned that from Javai, back in the H3Trio days - the stronger the enemy, the more worthwhile the spell. You can cast Berserk and let the most powerful stacks battle amongst themselves for that turn while you let your long-distance stacks whittle down smaller enemy stacks. Then, once you've gotten control of things, Blind the last stack and do the Resurrection thing. (You did get Earth as well, right? :angel: )

Water - Mass Cure, for when your enemy has blinded most of your stacks. Now, he has to start all over again. ;)

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Re: Was cloning angels mentioned?

Unread postby Bethel » 30 Apr 2008, 01:07

schiz wrote:You can clone a stack of angels that will be able to cast a ressurection spell. This will work even if the original stack already casted. If the stack is killed it can be repeated as long as you have the required spell points.
And if you're attacking an enemy in a castle and you've taken out his towers you can throw your used-up cloned archangels into the moat to destroy them and then clone a new stack. Otherwise, you have to cast an area damage spell to take them out.

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Unread postby Muszka » 01 May 2008, 12:27

Thanks. Now I see clearly.

I saw that thing before WoG once. It was either Erathia or SoD, I can't remember. I just know that my friend and I was amazed by this. So Pol might be right.

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Unread postby Pol » 03 May 2008, 18:16

I have a question myself. I have an event defined to build up a town at defined time, for everyone (all colors ai and humans). And nonethless, even if very rarely. Sometime the town is not built.

How that come?
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Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 03 May 2008, 19:06


It may be related to number of towns used in the map, effects of other events in the same town or perhaps even "only player colour this and that" related thing. etc.

Just a hunch. I hope others here have better solutions to offer.

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Unread postby Pol » 03 May 2008, 19:23

To be exact it's happening on my version of Realm of Chaos map with TempleS+H and with Duke's Fortress too.

The time event trigger is (rarely but) calmly ignored. I thought that it was related to changing town owner by AI exactly in this day but if it's so, it's not only.

Fortunatelly it's happening very rarely, and from that reason it's unfortunatelly very hard to track down.
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Unread postby ByteBandit » 04 May 2008, 02:45

Akul wrote:...which is a great minus for WoG unless the WoG team can take care of that problem.
Better to have a WoG with minor flaws than a game like H4 that is pretty much flawed, don't you agree?

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Unread postby Muszka » 04 May 2008, 23:57

Never seen, never heard of such. Any other maps where you found that, or just those?
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Unread postby enk » 07 May 2008, 06:40

Didn't see this mentioned, so...

You can select undead as targets of berserk, just don't expect anything to happen. With all other spells the game says that there are no available targets, but berserk, it just lets you cast it on the undead and nothing happens. There's the casting animation for the hero and spell points are used up, but that's all.

I came upon this when I was testing which spells the undead are immune to (not much to test of course since they're pretty obvious). I just tried to select all the spells first, not trying to actually cast them (i.e. select and if allowed, then cancel) so I initially thought that for some reason undead are NOT immune to berserk. Then I finally tried to cast it...
Also: Isn't it kinda funny that they're immune to frenzy but bloodlust is fair game?

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Unread postby Muszka » 07 May 2008, 12:33

enk wrote:Didn't see this mentioned, so...

You can select undead as targets of berserk, just don't expect anything to happen. With all other spells the game says that there are no available targets, but berserk, it just lets you cast it on the undead and nothing happens. There's the casting animation for the hero and spell points are used up, but that's all.

I came upon this when I was testing which spells the undead are immune to (not much to test of course since they're pretty obvious). I just tried to select all the spells first, not trying to actually cast them (i.e. select and if allowed, then cancel) so I initially thought that for some reason undead are NOT immune to berserk. Then I finally tried to cast it...
Also: Isn't it kinda funny that they're immune to frenzy but bloodlust is fair game?
They are immune to the mind spells + bless, curse, death ripple, resurrection. Bloodlust isn't counted as a mind spell.
Berserk is allowed to cast since it's an area attack spell as soon as you have advanced Fire Magic. Area attack spells are allowed to be cast even there's no one on whom you could cast it.
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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 14 May 2008, 03:32

Quick question about Refugee Camps:

Can Azure, Crystal, Fairy, Rust dragons be recruited at a Refugee Camp?

It certainly never happened to me in any game.

(.. though I DID notice the computer player being notoriously lucky at getting Titans from them ;| )

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 14 May 2008, 05:04

I don't know about getting those Dragons but I have gotten Bone Dragons from the camps before.

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