Miscellaneous discusion about H4 maps

The old Heroes games developed by New World Computing. Please specify which game you are referring to in your post.
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Miscellaneous discusion about H4 maps

Unread postby Akul » 23 Apr 2008, 14:35

As the title says, discuss your favourite H4 maps in this tread.

For discussion about newly released H4 maps, check this tread
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Unread postby Roj » 04 May 2008, 04:56

The beautiful, difficult, and multivariant map for H4 is Corona. I played in it for a month of my play time. This map has many variants for movement. It is the real RPG map. I like it and recommend to play for all HOMM4 fans.

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Unread postby Akul » 04 May 2008, 09:10

Where can one download that map?
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Probably the best H4 map ever released on CH

Unread postby Yurian Stonebow » 16 Nov 2008, 23:39

I just finished playing a splendid Heroes IV map "The American Way Huhuhu" by a team of map makers called Wildrynus & Veldbear. In short: the ultimate battle between the forces of Good and Evil where you, the player, will have the honour of leading the triumphant forces of Good to the final victory.

The map features good use of scripts and some well-timed text events. The scenery is quite nice looking with theme fitting dwellings and mines spotted around the map. If the map has any faults at all that would be the grammary used. As the map makers, I believe, are not native English speakers, this minor flaw in what is overall a good map can be forgiven.

As a bottom line, this short but magnificent map deserves well to be tried out by all HoMM IV players out there. I rated it a perfect 10 despite the minor grammatical errors.

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Unread postby bot » 17 Nov 2008, 12:22

Corona is in Russian, you can find it on heroes.ag.ru. Can be finished without knowing Russian(I don't know Russian, as I don't know very well English :-)). I want to mention, speaking about maps in other languages but English the map named Fragile World- XL map with more than 800 scripts. Was made by 2 authors, one from Russia, one from Ukraine. One of them told me it took more than 1 year to finish the map. Unfortunately they won't translate that map and I can't say how sad I am. I finished it, but I lost the entire storyline...

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Unread postby ByteBandit » 20 Nov 2008, 23:56

The map that has inspired me to make the maps I have made is the H4 map "Big Wars." Just a simple, fun map to play. No scripts, just take stuff and build up and go after the others. Those are my personal favorite kind of H4 maps.

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