MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby Bimbasto » 21 Mar 2008, 21:10

So, things are not so bad. Playing this mod is necessary to be carefull. Better not to do things/quests before the task is received.
I still level 15, cleaning out Pit. Actually Pit is done (some monsters left, but few in numbers). Now have heawy battle inside Castle Gloaming. Lloid Beacon/Town Portal absolutely essential to have.

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 22 Mar 2008, 13:04

Clanker's lab is Coding Fortress now.
When you enter there for first time and kill all foes + activate... Wizard'd appear and let you get promoted to second profession.If you not-ready to change or you have reoaded inside Coding Fortress or re-entered it
then you will not be allowed to change profession .
Anywhere new patch dealing with many fixes is promised to be issued today or tommorow so I can get second run through this version

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Unread postby Qusari » 22 Mar 2008, 14:05

Finished the mod first time (version 2.0) at around level 107; that was necessary because I had no healer in party.

some feedback:

- Carnage bow at beginning of game are okay with me, you have to be careful not to hurt yourself too hard, that balances difficulty also.

- Never found any proof of the Coding Wizard, also a reason I could not class change in Coding Fortress.....Dont know if it is possible to mod (space) but overall more extensive quest desriptions in journal would be nice.

- Had a knight from beginning of game....used the sword from emerald island through about 85 % of game, changed later to dualwield artifacts (2xPuck) some other swords for midgame would also be good.

- I used modern weapons very often at the end of the game, the shoots look like arrows, would be cool if the arrows could be substituted with a spell animation or something...


Overall impression, good and nice mod :D

It gets quite difficult at the end of the game, has some nice twist in the plot and enhances game experience because one can easily reach vey high levels which are also needed.

Will surely replay the mod after the patch.

So many thanks to you BigDaddyJim for your efforts on this mod.

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 22 Mar 2008, 16:14

Nice run, good job. I am still trying to finish the mod on lov level. 15 for the moment, however seems to me , necessary to gain some 10-15 plus. Not enough skill points for Ancient weapons and some skills. Have some lamps, but anyway need more SP.
@ Edvardas 3,
I am waiting for the patch also, but will tray to finish this run without it.
Just about Katherine quest. Could not finish it, no book (journal) in the dungeon. So, how it will impact the game? If there will be not any serious consequences, I will left it like it is, otherwise may be necessary to use modificator. Tried to do but could find something in resources list (using "add item").

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 22 Mar 2008, 20:14

Rel 3 Released!!

The MM7Rev4mod Released 3 has been posted to BDJ's blog. It contains all changes and 'patches' to the R2 and some additions.

‘Bug’ Fixes

1. Repaired Alter teleporter from LOG (BDJ).

2. Fixed Hero Quest Loop (Pacscal)

3. Modified Character Class Matrix based upon inputs from Gandalf.

4. Corrected Priest of Light Promo (Pascal)

5. Corrected Sword Elfbane X-coordinates (Pascal)

6. Corrected cost of Axe (Vilx via Bimbasto)

7. Added Vampire Cape to Wine Cellar (Vilx via LG)

8. Removed “I Lost It” exploit (Vilx via Bimbasto)

9. Fixed Red Barrels for +5 (Vilx via LG)

10. Removed all Master Healers from game (Vilx, Pascal)

11. Maximus Quest and Blaster Skill bug repaired (Vilx via LG)

12. Fixed Brianna’s Brandy Barrel in Erathia. (BDJ)


1. Added one new 2-part ‘timed’ essential quest

2. Added 18 additional non-quest-related game ‘events’

3. Performed general ‘cleanup’ and minor game ‘tweaks’

4. Added ReadMe file (LG)

5. Added post game ‘surprize’

6. Added the ability to forego Character Class change for any or all party members (Zedd)

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 22 Mar 2008, 20:19

Bimbasto ignore that

and I don't think the new version is compatible
so better finish as it is - good luck!

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 22 Mar 2008, 20:50

@ Edvardas 3.
You are right , i think.
Again have some problems. In Tresury could not find the key. On Settag body was not, both boxes contains garbage only, torches are as usually, nothing special. Vault can not be opened. :|
In addition to that while visiting Tularean Forest after clik on "Spellbook" or any item in inventory game stuck and not possible to continue. :mad: :tired: :(

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 22 Mar 2008, 22:48

Bimbasto wrote:@ Edvardas 3.
You are right , i think.
Again have some problems. In Tresury could not find the key. On Settag body was not, both boxes contains garbage only, torches are as usually, nothing special. Vault can not be opened. :|
In addition to that while visiting Tularean Forest after clik on "Spellbook" or any item in inventory game stuck and not possible to continue. :mad: :tired: :(
Strange I guess you kind of made wrong install
Read to new version you might installed something wrong.
You could have patched it after you've been in Coding fortress,if nothing work try to install new according to instruction
BTw Barrel in Erathia Courier guild now gives identify item exp 6

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 22 Mar 2008, 23:23

Yeah, I made some differen installations while the game and reinstalled after that completely. May be did something wrong. Anyway, uninstalled everything and put the game from "0", after that MOK patch and mod Rev3. So started again, will se how it will work.
This time did accordingly with "" file, replaced 3 lods and deleted new.lod file. Hopefully will be o'kay.
I assume, you already started Rev 3 also?
Good luck, if so.

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Unread postby Vilx » 23 Mar 2008, 05:32

An abbreviature, I do not understand.
I'm not English and it is only my third language; please, can anyone explain what means Judges new answer to the topic "I lost it"?

"That's too bad, children. You really ought to take better care of your toys! It looks like you are S.O.L."

What is S.O.L. ?

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 23 Mar 2008, 11:41

Started Rev 3 and again...After cleaning out the Castle, received message about angel as usually. Run to Castle and no one angel really confused. Bug again?
Game is installed from "0" , Platinum edition, MOK patch and Rev 3 as instructed.
Does anybody have the same problem?
Edit: I found out the problem. There is fixed file on the BDJ blog. If anybody has the same problem, could dovnload the file from the blog (Angelfix. zip)
I decided not to deletet this post for information purposes. May be somebody will need it.

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Unread postby arturchix » 23 Mar 2008, 12:37

So, can I continue with my started game or I have to restart it? I'm still in the beginning, just visited Erathia and looking forward to complete the 7 dwarves quest.

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 23 Mar 2008, 12:45

arturchix wrote:So, can I continue with my started game or I have to restart it? I'm still in the beginning, just visited Erathia and looking forward to complete the 7 dwarves quest.
Maybe it is possible
He says to one user
*You really don't have to start a new game. You can continue you Rel2 game with these new files. But it's up to you.*

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 23 Mar 2008, 15:02

I am not 100% sure, but may be better to start again. While paying R2 I installed R2 patch and as a matter in fact could not to finish the game. There are problems I found on posts above.
But up to you of course.

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Unread postby Vilx » 23 Mar 2008, 22:36

I would adwise to start from scratch. And, doing so second time, I'm advising NOT invest a single point in Merch, BB, IdItem, Learn, Repair and Perception. OK, 1 point in perc for thief to pick up rings from fireplaces. Do first the Courier 4 missions and right after them 7 gnomes, and you will understand why.

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Unread postby bungleau » 24 Mar 2008, 04:39

Vilx wrote:An abbreviature, I do not understand.
I'm not English and it is only my third language; please, can anyone explain what means Judges new answer to the topic "I lost it"?

"That's too bad, children. You really ought to take better care of your toys! It looks like you are S.O.L."

What is S.O.L. ?
SOL is an abbreviation for sh!t out of luck... it means you're truly, totally, completely out of luck.

I laughed when I first got that message... :D

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 24 Mar 2008, 10:55

Doing the run, like Vilx advised. At first visiting locations - Currier quest(s) and Angel quest. Not reallu sure, that Repair will sufficiently work without investment, so to speak, but it will be necessary at the later stage of the game.
And, of course, in this new version seems to me, will be not possible to get any item from Judge. BDJ closed this way, I assume because of Book of UnMakings (bug). So , key items shoud be stored in proper manner.
Last edited by Bimbasto on 24 Mar 2008, 17:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 24 Mar 2008, 16:23

There's minor mess with
Angel.fix for release3 version

if you applied it before you cleaned castle Harmondale
from bandits and bats,
butler might think there's some ruffians left
even you killed them all
'Castle Harmondale' dialogue option,
while reporting to butler that you cleaned up castle
The reason behind is that : angel appear in castle after you leave it .

So click twice in this case.
He changed name for panoply and get some problems
but all would be fixed in final version.

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Unread postby Angelspit » 25 Mar 2008, 19:43

Some exposure, in case you didn't notice.

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Unread postby LordInsane » 25 Mar 2008, 19:48

I haven't been able to access filefront for a few days, at least not those any of BigDaddyJim's pages on it (I am, I just found out, capable of accessing the news bit just linked to).

Has anybody else had this problem? It just says 'the server can not be found'.

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