MM7: Is this possible?

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MM7: Is this possible?

Unread postby Taurucis » 18 Mar 2008, 20:50

I've been wanting to play Might and Magic 7 with full graphics. One old computer that my brother and I played MM7 on could run MM7 with Hardware Accelerated 3D, and I must say that I was impressed with the graphics. While browsing this forum I saw a screenshot of someone who was playing MM7 with the graphics turned up... I want to play MM7 like that :S

The current computer we use for MM7 is a Macbook Pro that runs Windows XP with BootCamp. It can run pretty much every game we have decently... Oblivion, Morrowind, Guild Wars... except for MM7. I have to turn off 3D sound, set it at Software 3D before it will start up. It's ironic, cause this thing has an Nvidia 8600M GT, and MM7 said something like "This hardware device is supported" or something.

I've heard of a "Mok's Mod" that apparently lets MM7 run on Windows XP. Does that let me play with Hardware Accelerated 3D? Or is Software 3D required to run MM7?

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Unread postby UndeadHalfOrc » 18 Mar 2008, 21:33

I use MOK's patch on XP and can use hardware just fine.

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Unread postby Taurucis » 18 Mar 2008, 21:38

Well, the old computer that we played MM7 on used Windows XP as well... I think it's something about the video card. The old computer used integrated graphics that ran MM7 perfectly, but when we installed some SIS thingy video card, it broke.

What video card are you using, and what does MOK's patch do?

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 19 Mar 2008, 07:31

My system is Win XP, 2.service pack. Possible to play MM6,7,8, just necessary to put "compatibility" in 95/98 mod. An of course MOK patch. Without patch music/sounds are not available, actualy there are noise, not possible to play. Can use 3D hard or soft. If play the mod (R1,R2), my suggestion at first dovnload the game, after that MOK patch and finally mod. Had some problems with items (from mod). Instead or ring of Water just see square and description - artefactxxx, and not possible to put on character.

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Unread postby Taurucis » 20 Mar 2008, 23:01

I tried Compatibility Mode for windows 95/98. My computer can run MM7 just fine, but I wanted to play it with Hardware Accelerated 3D - I'm 100% certain it's something about the video card. The old computer that could run MM7 perfectly used XP as well.

Is there a full list of what Mok's Mod does?

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Unread postby Avonu » 21 Mar 2008, 08:32

Taurucis wrote:Is there a full list of what Mok's Mod does?
Here is:

Changes from v1.2:
- fixed Psychic Shock spell (damage 12 + 1-12 instead of 12 + 1).

Changes from official v1.1:
- patch v1.1 is included in this one
- better 3D hardware support (Win2k/XP)
- better sound & video support (more recent Bink, Smacker and Miles Sound System libraries)
- removed buggy hard drive free space check
- fixed Hour of Power spell (Haste part wasn’t working). Thanks to Mike Kienenberger for the fix.
- fixed a saving game message in the Arena.
- fixed a bug which caused inventory corruption if you used Recharge spell on a wand with no charges. Now it will simply fail on such wands.
- the game will no longer generate wands with max number of charges = 0. It will be minimum 1 charge. Existing wands won't be upgraded.
- fixed a bug in Paralyze spell. It will not work on dead opponents anymore.
- you can toggle running mode by pressing caps lock key.

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