MM7Rev4modR1 a mod for might and magic 7 has been released!

The role-playing games (I-X) that started it all and the various spin-offs (including Dark Messiah).
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Unread postby asterix15 » 16 Mar 2008, 09:30

Master Healer useless!

1. Hire a Master Healer
2. Click on heal Party
3. Check your armor skills
4. All of the armor skills are gone!
5. Conclusion: the Master Healer healed your entire party but removed all of your armor skills!!!

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Unread postby Justice » 16 Mar 2008, 10:17

Edwardas 3 wrote:Deja vu a la Dejya
Especially considdering that death in Faroese is "Deyði" which sounds pretty much as "Deyji" and one of the bendings of the word results in "Deyja" (when talking about a female who is dead) 8|

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 16 Mar 2008, 10:41

Who knows they might knew that word while making the game.
Landscape is Nevadian .

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Unread postby Justice » 16 Mar 2008, 11:15

I doubt it, being as we only are 60.000 people who speak Faroese and I would have known it if some Faroese was wroking with NWC. But might be they've had some Icelandic connection. They are some 350.000 and use "Deyja" too, without the ð.

If I remember correclty that is what stands on their tombstones "Deyja 1948...", so that one is quite likely :)

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Unread postby Galerian » 16 Mar 2008, 12:39

I try all for back on Emerald Island. Where is teleport? Teleport platform on north of Crystal Caravan transfer (sorry for my bad English) me on the main square.

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Unread postby Justice » 16 Mar 2008, 12:46

You have to have the Emerald Island teleport key in your first character and only it :)

Once you have put the teleport key into your first character's inventory and put all the other keys into your seccond's, then head for the teleporter North of the Crystal Caravan and it should take you to Emerald Island instead of the Main Square.

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 16 Mar 2008, 16:49

The same applies to ring of unwarding - the character who has it in inventory mast click on caves entry

P.S. Master healer causes problems it is an original game bug so better don't hire him-he'd out in next patch

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 16 Mar 2008, 17:43

@ Asterix 15,
@ Edvardas 3,
Hired Master Healer (Harmondale). Made party weak and jumped from the hill. After that let Master Healer to heal the party. Everything was perfect. Did it two times.
Game original, Platinum Edition +Rev 2 and patch 1. System Windows XP 2.SP. ;|

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 16 Mar 2008, 20:28

***Master Healers - Hiring & using a Master Healer NPC can result in loss of all armor skills. What triggers this is not clear, but reports so far seem to point to using a Master Healer to heal the party in the Land of the Giants. Still awaiting more info but to date what I know is that once a Master Healer heals the party in LOG the bug will result in the loss of all characters' armor skills, category + all points assigned, & then each time the Master Healer heals the party there after if you purchase the skill again.***
Old citate from original game bugs issues

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 17 Mar 2008, 07:41

If so, Master Healers could be used everywhere, except Land of Giants. May be there are some other areas with that bug also. While running will take a look more closely on the issue and report back of course.

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Unread postby arturchix » 17 Mar 2008, 07:54

This mod is really interesting but it’s breaking the game balance. In the beginning I found a +12 attack sword with a +12 body damage, two bows of carnage and some decent armor. The early fights on the island were unexpectedly tough, I was a bit caught off-guard but at least there was a challenge. Why did you replace goblins with thieves in Castle Harmondale? This conflicts with the game narrator in the cutscene when leaving Emerald island that goblins have taken the castle.

I’m not sure I like that certain quests reward the party with a skill at a certain mastery – now I’m hesitating to spend skill points on Fire Magic, knowing that the reward is instant Expert level 8, but I have no idea when I will complete it.

I really liked the torch teleport idea in Castle Harmondale though the upper part of the castle shouldn’t be even accessible or at least in disrepair. Originally the castle has just one floor which can be easily seen also from the outside.

Have you any plans for the floating ships in Emerald island and Tatalia?

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 17 Mar 2008, 08:04

Would like to say, that in certain points agree with Arturchix about balance. On the other hand there are bit different number of monsters (much more to compare with "basic" game) and they abilities also.
These "bows of carnage" (actually there are 3 in early stage of game) makes "life bit easyier", so to speak and let play the game without running to temple after short "combat operation".

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Unread postby arturchix » 17 Mar 2008, 08:15

For a starting party the bows of carnage are just too strong because of their area impact.

I forgot to add that barrels really shouldn’t give +5 for each stat – I walked out of the Harmondale castle with almost all stats at 50 and might at even 150 – I found a black potion of might. Or they could give +5 to one stat but these barrels could be exclusive and available in hard to reach (or spot) places.

P.S. Is it OK that I can kill the questgiver angel in Harmondale castle?

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Unread postby Bimbasto » 17 Mar 2008, 10:51

Better to kepp Angel (questgiver) alive until completing this quest I think. He will give actually two quests, so...
Bit more about bows...yeah, areal impact is great, but should be used with care. Couple times in dungeons completely killed full party myself.
And line in the game do not allow Grand Mater Alchemy at early stage (black potions), may be +5 not so bad...

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Unread postby Malthus » 17 Mar 2008, 17:50

Just wanted to say, this mod is great! Although MM7 has never left my hard drive, it's renewed my game playing experience.

One issue I did have was when travelling to Tularea at the same time as the trumpet messager was instructing me to fetch the trumpet from by the caves. When I clicked on any character head in Tularea to enter inventory the game froze and I received a message that MM7 was suffering from an "internal error". I was able to get round this by levelling up at a trainer so that by the time I went to Tularea, the messenger did not appear. It's the only glitch I've suffered from in what has been an excellent mod: thank you

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 17 Mar 2008, 20:12

arturchix wrote:For a starting party the bows of carnage are just too strong because of their area impact.

I forgot to add that barrels really shouldn’t give +5 for each stat – I walked out of the Harmondale castle with almost all stats at 50 and might at even 150 – I found a black potion of might. Or they could give +5 to one stat but these barrels could be exclusive and available in hard to reach (or spot) places.

P.S. Is it OK that I can kill the questgiver angel in Harmondale castle?
The +5 is given due the real hardships later in the game-like fighting against 30-50 Dragons at once etc.Mght+5 would be fixed soon.Angel would give you two quests -there's a bug with completion of last 'Hero' quest 'reward-loop' .Since Clanker's lab has another thing going you might want bonuses from barrels since three black portions from Clanker's are not that easy to get now.You must be able to cast Town Portal to leave Clanker's-Coding Fortress and it's not quite good to appear there before you are ready to change profession for reloading in Coding fortress and re-appearing there leaves Coding Wizard hostile and then you won't get profession change.

Anywhere after solid feedback new patch would be released on 23 Mars

Here’s the Current Matrix.Available class changes.
70 Archer
75 Paladin
57 Priest

75 Druid
56 Sorcerer
70 Archer

86 Paladin
81 Monk
75 Druid

70 Archer
86 Paladin
56 Sorcerer

70 Archer
76 Ranger
75 Druid

82 Thief
86 Paladin
70 Archer

75 Druid
76 Ranger
70 Archer

70 Archer
86 Paladin
82 Thief

70 Archer
69 Fighter
81 Monk

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2 Arturchix

Unread postby Vilx » 17 Mar 2008, 21:34

2 Arturchix:

Believe me, you will be happy to have all 4 ranged weapons "of Carnage". This mod isn't for soloing, peasants and wimp party speedgames.
A little advice - to get things normally function (promotions), visit as soon as possible ol' good Quixotes home an do what they want. Even doing so, sometimes you will say "my weapons are old rusty kitchen knives" and "my armour is too weak". You will be happy to have your sorcerer knowing bodybuilding at 7E level. :)

IMHO, "normal" game was disbalanced to the magic side with most devastating being CSSS. With mod you can start to respect the knights. I agree, there is a disbalance to the might side now.
To get back to EI for 8 E Fire skill you need to free the stoned dwarwes and deliver them back to Dwarf King and find the scroll of Vonka in one of the barrows.

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Unread postby Edwardas 3 » 18 Mar 2008, 00:04

As you enter that Barrow just next to tavern you'd locate Wonka scroll.Next barrow door
to left is the one with meditation spot.

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Unread postby Fraser » 18 Mar 2008, 05:55

Oh, this is such a shame. I've just rediscovered M&M &, saw that there was a mod (WOW! I thought) and then this. I do hope he realizes that feedback would come over time and not overnight. I was planning on finihsing my current game and then trying the mod. It sounds fabulous.

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Unread postby Ins » 18 Mar 2008, 06:04


i was thinking the exact same thing when starting, but my thoughts changed after about 4 hours of play.. you'll definitely need em soon :)

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