Unread postby asandir » 25 Mar 2008, 23:02
Cart of Ore and Pendant at second calls, the others not far behind ....
Sword of Judgement, Right Hand, Relic - Muszka 30500
Rib Cage, Torso, Minor - Gravy 1080
Spellbinder's Hat, Head, Relic - Gravy 8700
Dragonbone Greaves, Feet, Treasure - Gravy 1080
Pendant of Dispassion, Neck, Treaure - Gravy 520
Vampire's Cowl, Shoulders, Minor - OD 12,000
Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur, , Major - Zamolxis 1550
Inexhaustible Cart of Ore, , Minor - Gravy 1440
Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane, Miscellaneous: Hero Boost, Minor - HP 2277
Badge of Courage, Miscellaneous: Luck & Morale, Treasure - Gravy 600
Bids begin and go in minimum increments of 10 (Treasure), 20 (Minor), 50 (Major), and 100 (Relic).
Bold items have changed since auctioneers last post
Italic items are in final bids (the going once, twice, etc)
Bold Underlined items have sold since auctioneers last post
Underlined items are recently sold items
Human madness is the howl of a child with a shattered heart.